arwallace · 3 years
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arwallace · 3 years
heroes vs villains + writing reminder
You know, your characters don’t have to be black and white, and they shouldn’t be. 
Your villains doesn’t have to be pure evil. You don’t have to show them as being ruthless all the time. Give them agency, give your audience a reason to care about them, or at the very least, give them a reason to feel sympathy for them. 
You’ll drive your audience down such a spiral they won’t know who to root for. 
It’s possible to make your villains human, without redeeming them, or normalizing/excusing their behavior. A villain with no agency, can quickly turn one-dimensional, and this is something you want to avoid for your most important antagonist, since they’re a huge point in driving your story forward. 
Your heroes shouldn’t be coded to be perfect, either. A perfect hero, who never does anything wrong, quickly turns into a character people can’t relate to.
Your characters shouldn’t be perfect. Allow them to make mistakes, and allow them to learn something from it. Make them human, not some sort of factored robot that doesn’t seem to ever do anything wrong. Mistakes, and the consequences that occurs from those mistakes, is what drives your story forward. 
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arwallace · 3 years
lovers to enemies prompts
disclaimer: most of these probably works for enemies to lovers too
wanting to kill and rip each other’s clothes off simultaneously
i hate you but god those lips maybe i could kiss you for days
shut up!!!!! YOU shut up!!!! mAkE mE
remember, i know everything about you :) so don’t even try
unsuccessful attempt to seduce information out of your former lover when you ‘accidentally’ end up kissing aND CAN’T PULL AWAY
can’t stop thinking about how good we used to be together, yeah, you know, we were a pretty good team and it’s unfortunate but now i have to kill you so i’m going to pretend to the very end that i’m actually able to go through with it
passionately exclaiming I HATE YOU!!!!!!! I HATE YOU TOO!!!!!!! and two seconds later, they’re kissing?!??!???!??!
if somebody doesn’t have a knife against their throat then they’re either pinned like a poster against the wall or drooling over their enemy
why are you drowning in each other’s eyes???? why are you looking at each other’s lips????? you hate each other???
what is it that you don’t understand??? i *don’t* love you anymore!!!! and i definitely, do not, want you here!!!!!! *wink wink*
just a lover having a knife to their former lover’s throat, and their lover tells them just kill me and their lover’s like *drops the weapon* *because they can’t*
when you try to one-up your enemy but they hit you with the old ‘’i’m the one who taught you how to [x]. r e m e m b e r ? :)
screw you! yeah? bet ;) been there, done that!
when y’all get into an argument, and suddenly you’re arguing over who’s fault it was that the relationship blew into pieces,,, like,,, all right,,, you’re still enemies,,, you’re at war with each other,,, but all right,,, let’s discuss the reasons why you’re upset your relationship ended
so your former lover is changing, and you’re walking into their room without knocking, and hit them with the old ‘’it’s nothing i haven’t seen before’’ winky face which obviously didn’t go over well because suddenly there’s a plant flying across the air with your face as target
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arwallace · 3 years
“But this I know; the writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master–something that at times strangely wills and works for itself.”
— Charlotte Brontë
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arwallace · 3 years
P.S. You don’t have to write every day to be a writer. Lots of us take breaks. We squeeze in a month or two of daily writing and then take a few months off. Some of us only write in the summer. Or on weekends. It’s all okay. Do you. 
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arwallace · 3 years
It’s okay to write filler. It’s okay to write fluff.
Not every line needs to be some sweeping revelation. Not every story needs to be a profound reflection of the human experience. Sometimes you’ll write chapters that are indulgent and reckless and silly. Sometimes you’ll write a page about something that you could say in just one line. That’s okay! That’s great! Write whatever you want!
Your writing is valuable. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
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arwallace · 3 years
oh to buy a screechy loud af typewriter, ink bottles and papers which smells like petrichor to scribble vents with my thick black fountain pen etched with shiny stones.
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arwallace · 3 years
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genre | fantasy, adventure
pov | dual pov, 3rd person
major themes | political intrigue, angst, love & fear, sacrifice, duty
status | rewriting/editing (about to seek alpha readers)
summary |
A millennia ago, almost all magick was sealed away in the Void, beyond a Val that can't be reached by any mortal. There it resides with the Old Gods who once wielded it, fiercely protected by the enigmatic figure known as the Overseer. But when a cult derived from an ancient organization seeks to free them all, the Overseer himself intervenes to prevent it.
Valanna is a young prodigy, rumored to be named Disciple to the Headmistress of the Academy of the Arcane, one of the few places in the world that can still claim to teach magick. However, she holds the burden of her heritage, which she has kept as a strict secret all of her life—where her people were almost eradicated because of a magickal illness that turned them into monsters. The world wants her dead, even if they don't know it yet.
Ryder is the youngest son of a prestigious family in the underwater kingdom of Runda. His brothers have set high expectations for him in the game of politics, but he intends to forge a name for himself, no matter the cost.
When the two meet at the Academy's first Tournament in centuries, neither could predict the path they're pushed to take. With friends and eventual foes, they battle the undead, ancient guardians, and overzealous oracles as they seek out a long-lost artifact to keep the Val intact and the Void secured. Along the way, they discover an intricate conspiracy that spreads between the most powerful countries that hint the cult may not be as it seems.
If they fail and magick returns, the world may never be the same again. But even if they succeed, the powers behind the curtain may have other plans in store.
Current Tags: #daughter of the void or #dotv
This is a bit scarce because I am revising the draft in place, but so far these are the elements that are remaining the same. But this was my NaNoWriMo project I finished in 2020 and after a bit of a break I figured it was time to share it as I start the editing process! I'm looking forward to returning and sharing more about this as I move on. There are devoted tags I'll be using, maybe an eventual masterlist.
I am hoping to look out for alpha readers once my second draft is finished (which I'm aiming for late-April but it could be sooner), but that's up in the air for now.
If you're interested in hearing more about it, feel free to reblog/comment/message me if you would like to be added to the tag list.
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arwallace · 3 years
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Poetry Inspiration Moodboards | petrichor
how beautiful it would be if you’d ruin me with your hands
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arwallace · 3 years
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found washi tape at michael’s with cameras on it! perfect for more screenwriting notes. the book is ‘save the cat’ by blake snyder and i can’t recommend it enough.
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arwallace · 3 years
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☁️ ✨ Healing times and Results! ✨ 🍃
Oboro needs heavy hair ties or his hair starts to floatso eri lent him one of his own that aizawa gave her as a gift. 
Older Oboro with braided hair >>>>>>>>>>>
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arwallace · 3 years
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An elf who has not spoken to Frodo in all three books. The troll of you don’t live that much level. And generally the best boy is legovas. If you were waiting for a sign to re watch the lord of the Rings - this is it. However, if you didn’t wait, it’s it anyway. Re-watch it
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arwallace · 3 years
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nie huaisang: a moodboard
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arwallace · 3 years
“You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once.”
– Czech proverb
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arwallace · 3 years
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genre | fantasy, adventure
pov | dual pov, 3rd person
major themes | political intrigue, angst, love & fear, sacrifice, duty
status | rewriting/editing (about to seek alpha readers)
summary |
A millennia ago, almost all magick was sealed away in the Void, beyond a Val that can't be reached by any mortal. There it resides with the Old Gods who once wielded it, fiercely protected by the enigmatic figure known as the Overseer. But when a cult derived from an ancient organization seeks to free them all, the Overseer himself intervenes to prevent it.
Valanna is a young prodigy, rumored to be named Disciple to the Headmistress of the Academy of the Arcane, one of the few places in the world that can still claim to teach magick. However, she holds the burden of her heritage, which she has kept as a strict secret all of her life—where her people were almost eradicated because of a magickal illness that turned them into monsters. The world wants her dead, even if they don't know it yet.
Ryder is the youngest son of a prestigious family in the underwater kingdom of Runda. His brothers have set high expectations for him in the game of politics, but he intends to forge a name for himself, no matter the cost.
When the two meet at the Academy's first Tournament in centuries, neither could predict the path they're pushed to take. With friends and eventual foes, they battle the undead, ancient guardians, and overzealous oracles as they seek out a long-lost artifact to keep the Val intact and the Void secured. Along the way, they discover an intricate conspiracy that spreads between the most powerful countries that hint the cult may not be as it seems.
If they fail and magick returns, the world may never be the same again. But even if they succeed, the powers behind the curtain may have other plans in store.
Current Tags: #daughter of the void or #dotv
This is a bit scarce because I am revising the draft in place, but so far these are the elements that are remaining the same. But this was my NaNoWriMo project I finished in 2020 and after a bit of a break I figured it was time to share it as I start the editing process! I'm looking forward to returning and sharing more about this as I move on. There are devoted tags I'll be using, maybe an eventual masterlist.
I am hoping to look out for alpha readers once my second draft is finished (which I'm aiming for late-April but it could be sooner), but that's up in the air for now.
If you're interested in hearing more about it, feel free to reblog/comment/message me if you would like to be added to the tag list.
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arwallace · 3 years
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arwallace · 3 years
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BUZZFEED UNSOLVED - but it’s just memes
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