asbestos-chan · 6 hours
if it weren't for elon musk buying twitter, i wouldn't have made my first tumblr account during 2020, & i wouldn't have met the people i did this year either,, thank you to everyone who made me feel welcome (even though most of the peeps this is written for aren't able to read this)
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asbestos-chan · 6 hours
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asbestos-chan · 6 hours
some of u bitches r trying your hardest to stay positive and hopeful despite all the bullshit you’ve been going thru and it really shows and i’m proud of u
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asbestos-chan · 6 hours
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When I see tags like these I get whiplash until I remember that because of DMC3's brutal difficulty and its gothic art style, DMC accidentally gained a misleading reputation as an edgy dark fantasy and not as a series where the most serious guy in the family fights demons with robot arms made from bananas, a pasta twirler, and his fiance's custom-made vibrator.
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asbestos-chan · 6 hours
if the TOS is transphobic and the site moderation is openly transmisogynistic and the CEO personally cyberstalked and sexually harassed a trans woman after wrongfully banning her and the site culture is strongly transmisogynistic between TERFs and rightwing chaser dudes and terminally online transmascs reviving "mens rights" discourse like just what the fuck is any transfem supposed to do here? i mean you can say it's just a blog but not only is it more than that in most cases -- a social connection point, a source of income or donations, an art gallery, a community news source -- it's just a mirror of what happens in irl spaces and I'm not going to be quiet about it. i don't want a community without trans women in it, if they go i go
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asbestos-chan · 6 hours
and it goes without saying that if they find this blog and it gets deleted i guess i might not be coming back ever. so this is my preemptive goodbye to you all. ive really enjoyed having my little growing Community for the past couple years. i was less than 100 followers away from 30k 😭but its not about the numbers, its about the company. and ive loved having everyone around <3 my favorite part of Everything was getting music recs and fun little anons and such. most of all i think ill miss the joy-boy, hope you see this. love you. love you all. love every trans woman you meet before its too late.
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asbestos-chan · 18 hours
this pride, i learnt about the Palestinian trans woman Oscar Al-Halabiye, dancer and resistance fighter against the israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon. she named herself Oscar after Lady Oscar from the "The Rose of Versailles", a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Riyoko Ikeda.
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her story is documented in Cinema Fouad(1993). zionists use pink washing to reinforce their genocidal terrorist narrative when queer Palestinians have been fighting against the occupation since the very beginning. you can watch it here with english subtitles. long live the intifada!
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asbestos-chan · 18 hours
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The situation is getting more serious, please help. My children wish for a happy life, nothing more. They want to play like the .children of the world
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asbestos-chan · 18 hours
التبرعات توقفت الرجاء مساعدتي🙏🙏
Of course Eman, sorry I haven't been online for a while.
Everyone, the donations have stopped completely for emans campaign!! Please donate if you can spare a few dollars!!
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asbestos-chan · 18 hours
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It's Womb Tattoo Wednesday again!
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asbestos-chan · 18 hours
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asbestos-chan · 18 hours
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I feel called out!
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asbestos-chan · 19 hours
really dislike how usamerican-centric morals & ideals have took over the internet, & adopted puritan administration practices
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asbestos-chan · 19 hours
I was thinking recently about how "alt" subcultures are so aestheticized now but they used to be much more about your societal views than the clothes you wore or even the bands you listened to, and my brain connected some dots. Idk if this is anything
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asbestos-chan · 19 hours
I think I have two more things to say about this.
This isn't just a case of tumblr staff transphobia this is more than likely (not confirmed yet but I'm fairly confident this is accurate, my point remains regardless) a result of targeted mass reporting by folks who saw a single innocuous joke about incest which was deleted later and decided Charlotte was a horrible person who deserved punishment. The end lesson shouldn't only be "Lets kill Matt Mullenweg with hammers" but also "Trans women are forced to live in a constant state of fear of being labelled as One Of The Bad Trannies by societal forces which perceive trans women as aggressive sexual perverts and institutional forces which give easy access for bad actors to punish them. I need to analyze my behavior in this pattern and be aware if I am working with or against this problem."
Charlotte was a super kind soul but this would still be unwarranted and awful if it happened to any trans asshole. I support trans women who suck, I support trans women who are annoying, I support trans women who are scary, I support trans women who I can't stand, I support trans women who are lame and bitchy and pieces of shit, I support trans women who are aggressive or off-putting or mean. Trans women who are assholes deserve the same rights and privileges of any other asshole on the planet.
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asbestos-chan · 19 hours
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Please sign the petition!!!
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asbestos-chan · 19 hours
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