ascmisato · 6 years
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korra had just finished going for an early morning jog and stopped to catch her breath, hands resting on the top of her thighs and she took in deep breaths. running in the cold was always one of the worst things but she always viewed running on the indoor track as a cheat. her mind was anywhere but here, her adrenaline kicking in but not waking her up enough to process everything going around yet. that was until she heard a voice address her, a look of confusion appearing on her face. asami? her gaze flickered over toward the other, wondering why she was suddenly being so formal with her. weren’t they friends? she tilted her head to the side slightly at the question, “uh… are you okay asami? did ya hit your head or something?” she was trying to hide just how concerned she was about the fact she didn’t know where her own workplace was, almost more so than she was disheartened about asami not recognizing her.
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the confusion asami had felt throughout the day only increased when the woman said her name as if she knew who she was. “have we met before? i’m sorry, i go to a lot of meetings, so i sometimes forget faces.” now she just felt rude, convinced she must have met her in passing and somehow forgot. it was a little crazy, even to asami. after all, the girl in front of her at the very least was ridiculously pretty. but sitting there staring at her asami couldn’t find any recollection of her. “nothing’s happened to me, not that i’m aware of. sorry, if this is um weird for some reason i can go ask someone else.” she didn’t know why she was so uncomfortable. after all, there was nothing wrong with asking a stranger for directions, but asami had an odd feeling she had upset the other in some way and now couldn’t help but try to look for a way out of the conversation.
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ascmisato · 6 years
Kaiden had been sitting at his desk doing paperwork, when he heard footsteps. Looking up, he spotted a young woman that he’d seen around the town, but never really spoke to. Although he was about to ask what it was that she was there for, he quickly stopped himself as his question was soon answered. “Sparkwood, Virginia.” He stated in response to her first question. However, at her second one, a look of confusion came onto Kaiden’s face. “I’ve never heard of that happening before, but I’ll look into it.” Even though the notion sounded slightly ridiculous. “Are you certain you don’t currently live here? I’ve seen you around before.”
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“You’ve seen me around before?” She repeated, staring at the man. It only confused her more. Sure, Asami met a lot of people through business meetings and such, but it was rare for her to forget a face. Yet, she was certain she had never seen the police officer in her life. “That can’t be right. The town name doesn’t mean anything to me.” And she would know the name of a town she was currently living in, right? She reached a hand up, rubbing at her temple in hopes of catching the upcoming stress headache before it got too bad. “I mean, I woke up in a place that appeared to be mine, but I don’t remember ever living here. I think I would have a pretty clear memory of moving my life to a completely new place.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
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when korra said ‘let’s go on a vacation, anywhere!’ – this wasn’t exactly what she had meant. one moment asami was at her side; holding her hand, kissing her, and prepared to see the spirit world – and the next she was here. after being apart from the other, korra never wanted to experience that feeling again yet here she was again. this world was strange and normally would have excited her considering the bounty of potential it held for her, but she couldn’t find that spark of excitement ( not without asami ). she was in a despondent daze as she walked down the pavement, hands in her pockets, not bothering to take in the sights around her. that was until she heard a familiar voice, freezing in her tracks. was she imaging this? she didn’t have much time to question it before asami’s arms were around her and she found herself clinging onto the other, afraid she was going to disappear. “asami! for a second there, i thought i had lost you.” she explained, squeezing the other tighter. “i’m so happy i found you… now i can stop having my mini-meltdown.” she chuckled.
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korra was clinging on a little tight, but asami found that she didn’t care at all. if anything she was relieved, relieved to know that wherever she was it really was her korra that she had wrapped herself around. “oh no, definitely not. you don’t get away from me that easily.” asami said lightheartedly. still, there was some truth in that. she had spent three years without korra, and now, right when things were supposed to be calm and working out. she wasn’t going to let whatever was going on here pull her life apart. she’d need korra to want her to be gone before she disappeared. “well i’m glad your meltdown is over.” asami said. without thinking she leaned down, pressing a quick kiss to korra’s cheek, only hesitating afterwards. should she have done that? sure, it wasn’t a big gesture, but they were in public, and she didn’t want to make korra uncomfortable. before she could overthink it or her face could get too red asami pushed on with conversation. “although, unless you happen to know where we are there might be reason to still be a little nervous.” 
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ascmisato · 6 years
m!a like/reply for a starter: asami has memory loss
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asami couldn’t help but feel completely out of place in this town. not that it wasn’t nice, but she had been used to the city, and to suddenly be displaced here was unsettling. she almost wished she could enjoy it more like a vacation instead of wandering around confused. instead she found herself doing everything she could to find answers. without much of an idea for what to do she wound up going into a nearby police station. “excuse me.” she said, walking about to the first person she spotted who appeared to be an employee. “i’m sorry, if you’re busy or anything, i just have a few questions that i thought you could help me with. like, um, what the name of this town is, and if people have a tenancy to wake up here despite being fairly certain this isn’t where they were currently living.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
m!a like/reply for a starter: asami has memory loss
@ofbrightstars ( korra )
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asami huffed, staring at the stack of papers in her hand. she had found them in the house she had woken up. they all seemed to relate to future industries and her, but she couldn’t figure out how. finally, she had decided she would just find the building these were coming from, get to the source of the issue. mayb( e then she could figure out what she was doing in a small town like this. the only problem was, despite having mapped out where she was going before she left she seemed to be lost. without many other ideas she decided to approach a pretty stranger she spotted nearby. “excuse me, miss?” she put on the most charming smile she could manage at the moment. “could you help me, just for a moment? i’m trying to find the future industries building. i think it should be around here somewhere.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
M!A: Asami suffers memory loss.
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“excuse me, could you help me? something isn’t right. i think i’m supposed to be in the city.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
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bae fucking joohyun
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ascmisato · 6 years
Do you see you and Korra lasting forever?
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“It’s hard to say. We still just recently got out of a war. Don’t get me wrong, I think she’s amazing, I just also think it’s important to take things one step at a time. With the way things are going there’s definitely potential there.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
@ofbrightstars ( korra )
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asami was...intrigued, to the say the least, by her surroundings. it wasn’t frighteningly new, but it wasn’t quite like any town she had seen either. she did find it slightly distressing that she had just showed up here with no recollection of what had happened but asami was doing her best to remain level headed. the first thing to do was explore, see if there was anything dangerous looking or see if there was any way to get home. she had been walking for about half the day, finally giving in and heading to more busy areas despite wanting to avoid people. she had been just about to give up, to find somewhere for tea and a bed for the night, when the spot of a passing familiar face had her head snapping to the side. “korra?” she wasn’t loud enough, not with this many people around. she immediately took off, pushing through the other people in an attempt to catch up. “korra! oh thank god i’m so glad you’re here.” she said, quickly wrapping her arms around the other as soon as she caught up. 
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ascmisato · 6 years
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“yeah, this is basically the perfect time to catch up isn’t it? i doubt much else is getting done now. i’ll really be on top of things.” asami responded, not even sparing a glance away from her papers towards the other. it was the next comment that got asami to turn and raise an eyebrow, a hint of a smile on her face. there was something about the morbid thought that got her to take a break and move away from the paperwork for a moment . “my employees are not going to eat me. i sign their pay checks. plus i’m pretty sure i can fight off at least half of them.” she couldn’t help but hesitate, even with her hand in wednesday’s, but finally she gave a defeated huff, shaking her had as she stood up. “i was kind of upset i didn’t get to oversee it when they built this place. it wouldn’t hurt to explore a little.”
( @ascmisato )
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“–are you seriously attempting to get some work done right now?” wednesday wasn’t sure if she felt sorry for the girl was was impressed by the clear ambition that the other seemed to possess. “sorry, no, i’m not letting you work when we could literally die in our own personal ice age right now. since you’re the boss, if your employees start to go hungry you’d be the first to be eaten in a life or death situation.” probably not the most comforting thing to say, but she was exactly a comforting person. with ease she reached out to take ahold of asami’s hand before tugging on it gently, “let’s go explore! this building is seriously huge and i’ve doubt you’ve seen anything past your office.” she teased.
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ascmisato · 6 years
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asami let out a sigh, dropping her head slightly when she felt the hands on her shoulders. she knew she was tense but she was hoping it wasn’t that obvious. “god, i must be a horrible client today huh?” she said with a quiet laugh. it wasn’t like it should matter. korra was getting paid no matter what. still, asami liked korra, and she was pretty sure they got along. sure, she couldn’t completely tell if her trainer was just being friendly because it was her job, but considering asami definitely liked korra’s company beyond that she liked to assume that wasn’t the case. “no no, come on you don’t need to shut up. i just have a big meeting coming up, an important chance for a partnership. guess i’m letting it get the best of me.”
( @ascmisato liked for a starter. )
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one of the difficult things about being a personal trainer was trying to decide where your professional relationship stopped and a possible more genuine relationship began. that was one of the biggest problems when it came to asami. did the woman enjoy spending time with her or was their relationship one more of convince? she could tell that the other was a bit tense during their workout sessions, hands slowly daring to rest upon asami’s shoulders. “hey, is everything alright? maybe we should take a break or something. or if you want me to just shut up, i can do that too.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
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He’s just enjoying himself on the ice rink. It wasn’t all that surprising he would be here skating. But, right now he’s taking a break from skating. He doesn’t want to overdo it now, of course. That would be bad. As much as he loves to ice skate, he can’t allow himself to over work himself on things. He’s done that all too many times now without realizing it until it was too late. He gets surprised when someone walked up to him and asking about his name and identity. Well, he knows that he’s a popular figure when it comes to figure skating. It was no surprise. But, listening to the female’s request he just didn’t know what to think of it. Wouldn’t it been better to actually look for a teacher? He wasn’t sure if he’ll do great on teaching the female. Even if he has been figure skating for some time now, teaching someone was really different. “Um, are you just talking about the basics of how to skate? If that’s what you’re asking it’s possible I can help you out and you don’t need to pay me. But, if you’re looking for more of what I do in those figure skating competitions, you’re going have to find an actual teacher that could teach you.”
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She wasn’t surprised that he was hesitant. After all, as far as Asami knew being able to do something and being able to teach something were two completely different things. Not to mention she had just sort of sprung the idea on him out of the blue. Still, she had already made up her mind about how she wanted to do things, and she did have a habit of being rather stubborn. “I don’t need to learn anything fancy.” She reassured him. As impressive as it would be that would take time and effort, and she considered herself impressive enough without being able to do some spins on the ice. Not to mention that was when it became a real injury risk. “I just want to be able to know I can make some laps around the rink without falling flat on my face, which embarrassingly enough, I can’t really do.” She said, letting out an weak laugh. She didn’t really like admitting she was bad at things, but she had and end goal here. “Well I’ve got to give you something in return.” As nice as Yuri seemed she didn’t want to risk owing him anything. “Like a coffee or a tea. Or if my company ever decides to start sponsoring athletes you could be our first pick.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
@lancelotoftherevolutionarysett liked for a starter
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Asami sat in a cafe, paperwork everywhere in front of her. She usually prided herself for being more organized, but she had just been so tired lately that she couldn’t seem to keep track of things. At least her work for the day was almost done. She just had to get through this report and then she could go home and take a long nap. Despite downing half of her coffee the second she got it she was still nodding off. She was jolted awake however when her arm drifted slightly to the side. “Oh my god!” Asami quickly jolted up, doing her best to grab all of her papers into her arms. Of course this would happen to her while she was doing her work. She rushed over to the nearest table, paper still scooped up and pressed tightly to her chest where it was dry. “I’m sorry, but I think I need to borrow like all of your napkins.”
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ascmisato · 6 years
@kcuri liked for a starter
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asami knew this was weird, sitting at the ice rink waiting for a guy she didn’t really know, but she couldn’t quite help herself. she had wanted to skate, had gone out and bought ice skates and everything, only to find out she was awful at it. she knew she needed lessons, but she was used to learning from the best. she couldn’t just figure it out from some teen with a part time job at the rink. she was snapped out of her thoughts when she spotted him and asami quickly walked up. “hey, you’re yuuri katsuki right? the figure skater? i’m asami.” she couldn’t help but hold out her hand, doing a weird formal introduction that didn’t quite make sense in the location. “i need you to help me figure out how to skate. just like one lesson, so i’m not falling on my face in front of people. please? i will pay you.” or give him a car from her company, or any material good really, just as long as she could stand up straight on skates for longer than a few minutes.
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ascmisato · 6 years
if you would like a starter from asami give this a like/comment !! if you want it for a specific character please let me know otherwise i will probably just pick one of yours !!
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ascmisato · 6 years
A card was slipped underneath the other’s door including a spa gift certificate for a facial, mani-pedi, and massage. Inside the card is a note that says: “I wanted to get you a sweater but my friend Samuel said a woman of stature like yourself deserves better and I agree! Treat yourself! - Spencer”
Asami couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the enthusiasm in the card. It was almost if she could feel the high energy from the words alone. “Well I don’t know if I deserve better than a sweater.” She commented to herself, tone light. Still, she couldn’t help but be thrilled by the gift. She had been working rather hard with the company lately and it gave her the perfect reason to take a nice break. Not to mention it had been ages since she had gone to the spa even though she loved going. Now she’d just have to wait until she had a free weekend to enjoy herself.
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ascmisato · 6 years
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asami’s first thought after hearing about secret santa was to go the easy route and give her person a car from her company. after all who wouldn’t want a car? and a brand new model? still, she held herself back, figuring that may come off as showing off. despite that decision she kept a set of key in her back pocket as she went to find prue, just as a backup in case the real present she picked out wasn’t appreciated. she had kept it fairly simple, including several different sweaters and a new pair of mittens. in addition there were a few assorted history books. she had been able to figure out that prue was a curator, and though she wasn’t sure what sort of history she would have liked asami was sure at least one of the books she got would be good. and well, if it wasn’t she could always go with the car. “prue! sorry for just coming at you from out of the blue but here. happy holidays.” asami said, handing over the present.
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