cloudgazer60 · 4 years
On Wild, Courageous Gratitude
On Wild, Courageous Gratitude
Psalm 83
I heard your voice as I sat inside my loneliness. You reminded me I was not alone. From being divided from my courage, I found my own powerful voice. You are not a green leaf blown by the slightest breeze. You are the untamed wind itself. In finding my original wildness, I reunited with the One.(Dwight Wilson, Modern Psalms: In Search of Peace and Justice, p 130, 2017, Friends United…
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cloudgazer60 · 5 years
One Body on the Border
One Body on the Border
“…may there be no dissension within the body, but the members may have the same care for one another. 26 If one member suffers, all suffer together with it; if one member is honored, all rejoice together with it.”
1 Corinthians 12:26-27
A Friend has been working with her community on the very challenging question of how they are dealing with diversity and differences. This community has been…
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cloudgazer60 · 5 years
This message brought to you by the Light
This message brought to you by the Light
Moving into this season of preparation, for the beautiful winter season, for the coming of our Christ child, we have been exploring a series on fostering an intimate relationship with the Light. Advent is the season of preparing for the Light. But last night as I made the final turn toward preparing to speak at my Quaker Meeting, I experienced a rising message.  The Light asked me to bring…
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
Of Bayonets & Grace
Of Bayonets & Grace
Photo by Craig Dennis on Pexels.com
  Of Bayonets and Grace
Isaiah 1:17 learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow.
As we come to another autumn and approach the U.S holiday of Veterans day, I find myself reflecting on how we in the U.S. advocate for peace when more than half, 54%, of our federal budget, is allocated for war.
Veteran’s Day was…
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
Love Across Differences Makes a Difference
Love Across Differences Makes a Difference
R. Thomas Browning was a fighter pilot, prisoner of war for more than six years in Vietnam, a brigadier general in the Airforce and a civic leader. He had a reserved smile, a steady, measuring gaze and usually wore crisp blue suits. I am a Quaker, entrepreneur and a passionate justice worker with an eye for fashion art and, who knows, might show up with an auburn streak through my hair.
Our diffe…
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
Portrait in Courage: A Celtic Warrior of a Gentle Sort
Portrait in Courage: A Celtic Warrior of a Gentle Sort
Handmade Aran sweaters in Ireland led us to her. My husband Dan and I combed charity shops to find a well-loved, handmade sweater. Our search uncovered many interesting items, but not a single shop that held the treasure we were looking for!  It took the Wi-Fi connection in our cottage in a small County Donegal village to finally lead us to the most innovative knitter in Ireland- Rosaleen…
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
Beyond the Box
At a recent Quaker Meeting where I was speaking, I offered images of liminal spaces that are forever present in our lives if we pay attention. These liminal encounters can be communion with the Divine in spacious silence, a tender moment with another person, special pet or favorite tree where time stands still, and light and love illuminate, just for an instant, what feels like a freeze-framed…
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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A reminder to pause, and rest, in the midst of our busy day. #day #rest #refreshing #spirituality #quakermystic
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
It's an Inside Job
It’s an Inside Job
My first blog generated interesting questions foremost of which:  What is watershed change and what do I mean when I say watershed change of consciousness is possible?
The term has been used to describe dynamic change, turning-point moments. For instance, a major revolution in medicine was the development of modern antibiotics. This watershed moment made it possible for people to survive…
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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Our beautiful earth, home that we share needs no enhancement or edit. A rare spring trillium is a blessing and blessed are those who have eyes to see and a voice to sing celebrations of our earth each and every day. #earth care #spring #blossom #everyday is #earthday #quakermystic
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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Happening Now! Spring and Gratitude so sweet that tears start in my eyes! #beautiful #spring #blossom #promise #newday #quakermystic
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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Updated business photo! Thank you Dan Huff for this gift and for discussing the mysteries of faith! #photography #business #businesswoman #heartcentralmoments #seasons #quakermystic #entrepreneur #ministry
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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Thoughts on aging - Yes we can know Winter and Spring simultaneously! #beautiful #aging #winter #spring #seasons #life #beyondbinary #quakermystic
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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Fairfield Friends Fish Fry happening now! Saturday too! This is an Indiana state wide famous event!! #spring #fish #fry #fundraiser!! #quakermystic
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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So enriched through listening and visiting with John Dear. He is truly one of the bright Lights in our time. He brings joy, makes space for grief and inspires all who hear him to join the Campaign for nonviolence. #plus #johndear is the most#hilarious #justice #worker #ever #nonviolence #is our only #hope #quakermystic
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
Recovering Resonance: A Watershed Way
When you want to live and work in flow consciousness you want to recover resonance. My new Blog brings stories to inspire and support your personal journey. Leave a comment on how this supports you!
The intersection of meaningful work, personal integrity, livable income and healthy community has been fascinating me all through my working life. In my first job, selling popcorn in a movie theater, my manager called me into the office to tell me that my aura was grey. To him that meant I wasn’t working out at the job. He did not fire me, but I was never comfortable at the job after that. I did…
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cloudgazer60 · 6 years
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Crystal clear morning. Returning to the daily round mindful that my strength rests in each moment, God in each moment. #reflection #peace #pause #winter into #spring #crystals
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