ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
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The Best Part About Video Games.
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
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((Sorry I haven’t been on despite having just gotten back on this account. Life decided to go down the crapper right after coming back and now I have to cancel a trip to see family because my sister ruined everything for the both of us where we work and our district manager is pissed.. I even have to go to a mandatory meeting tomorrow (on what was supposed to be my day off) to be yelled at by her and of this gets any worse I’ll be needing a new job. I’m putting in applications and everything but.. Yeah... Life’s rough at the moment.
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
“Here. I don’t know what this is but the silent judgement is annoying so here is a gift.”
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“And now I’m leaving. Goodbye I was never here.”
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
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Gather round kids while I explain this manipulation tactic that men perpetually try to use and why it’s bullshit.
If someone is openly showing interest in you by making disparaging or disappointed comments about your age, they’re trying to put you on the defensive. This guy wants me to try to quell his discomfort, to bring up that I’m only a month shy of 20, etc. - he wants me to try to prove myself to him, that I’m mature and adult enough for a man like him.
His goal is to establish a power imbalance right off the bat. If we were to date, I would constantly be on the defensive, constantly striving to be an equal, constantly trying to prove my “adult” credentials. Anything he says or does or wants from this point on that I object to would just be seen as a strike against my age, proof that he was right and that I’m not mature enough for him. This is how SO MANY men pressure younger individuals (primarily women and girls) into situations and relationships they aren’t comfortable with. If he truly thought I was too young for him, he wouldn’t have messaged me. This is a very calculated move, and it’s fucking gross.
Adult relationships with age gaps are completely fine, but only if all parties view each other as equals. If someone is trying to set you up in a way that ensures that’s never a possibility, run far away.
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
                        You have the gall to call me w e a k?
      After       everything I have            survived              through?
                       Everything you have D O N E to me?
                         I am stronger than you ever were
                                  And I will break you
                                                                              Like you { broke } me.
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
invaluablescout replied to your post:Finds out it’s a carrier celebration day…… Stays...
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
Finds out it’s a carrier celebration day...... Stays inside and avoids life all day until it’s safe to peek his head out into the world. 
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
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[A very boring Cybertronian calendar based on the months named in the Zodiac and the time units in the AllSpark Almanac. Each image is one half of the year, so Chokoneon is the month before Zetca.]
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
E6 for blitzwing? O:
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I dont know if Icy would ever do this expression! He should - it fits him!
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
🎁What’s the absolute worst present you can give my muse?🎁
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
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You guys really are the sweetest! I never expected people to be so happy about my return. I’ve never seen such a swell of excitement over myself of all things! You guys are the best! Thank you so so SO much!
I'd like to give a shout out to ascrazyastheysay and all her other TFA blogs! She's just come back to the fandom after a long break and I'd like her to know how glad we are to have her back!
Hey, @ascrazyastheysay, welcome back to the TF fandom! I know a lot of people are actively excited about your return, and we can’t wait to see what you and your muses get up to next. ♥ Have a wonderful day!
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
Reblog if your NOTP is a popular ship and it annoys you no end. 
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
True/False game. Make an assumption about me in my ask and I’ll tell you if its true or false. Go.
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
Send me a ★+ ask my muse questions about their relationships with other muse’s in rp or characters in their canon
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
Blitzwing's chest plate puffs at the praise, clearly pleased with himself. It is not everyday a mech is praised so graciously by Megatron himself.
And then his expression and chest fall again when he is asked what the Autobots did- or tried to do- to him.
"It was... Nothing. Typical Autobot slag. Trying to reform me... Forcefully when their foolish therapy didn't work." He can still hear the unending loop of schmaltzy Autobot laws and oaths that played endlessly in his cell... He can still feel their poking around in his processor as they tried to "fix" his unstable "condition". The shocks.. It's several seconds before he realizes he's hollowly staring into space. Recovering quickly, his faces spin. "But I'm good as new now! Better even! Can't break what's already broken! AHAHA-!"
“I assure you, sir, you won’t.” No, this time Blitzwing is here to stay. Clearly there has been a lack of fun in the world with him locked up. “The autobots captured me. I had planned to break out right away but I was in drastic need of repairs. So i waited it out and allowed them to think they could change me while I recieved maintenance.” VHHZZZZ- “You just can’t beat asylum hospitality! HEHEHAAHA-”
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ascrazyastheysay · 8 years
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