asecrettheoryblogfl · 6 months
Castillo de San Marcos Idea
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Some times stones green with time, more recently the wash them better than before, but the stone fence/wall could be the green fence referenced
The tree in the red box has bent branches, while the blue circle tree is a)Tall and b) Matches the paintings palm tree
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The rock's angularness and tone/hue reminds me of the Castillo, which is why I think the circled purple might be a good place for someone with a probing rod to try out (Don't dig unless you have permission!)
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asecrettheoryblogfl · 6 months
First contact and Seloy
As said before, I don't think it's in FOY park, but I see why many do. I've been reading up on the first contact, and often times what pops up is the Timucua people, lead by Cacique Seloy.
Found out that the first fort was build over his main hut- totady that is Castillo de San Marcos, a couple of blocks south of FOY park, in the Spanish quarter.
Apparently, the verbiage of "first contact" concerning Seloy is something found in academia and museums. Since Byron (the author) was known to go to local museums and clearly had an interest in museums, I think this is where it came from.
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asecrettheoryblogfl · 6 months
My interpretation of the verse
"The first chapter, Written in water"
Reference to Ponce De Leon, arriving by water. He was the first European to "discover" America (I'm just using 80s white guy logic here).
He actually landed south of St. Augustine, on Melbourne Beach. He thought he had found another island, because he landed on one of the outer island.
I think it means a place that is significant to Ponce de Leon's journey (AKA St. Augustine)
"Near men, With wind rose"
He traveled with 3 ships, I think this references ships and navigation. It could also indicate the nearby tribes.
"Behind bending branches, And a green picket fence"
This is a physical marker.
"At the base of a tall tree, You can still hear the honking"
Again a physical marker, somewhere near a well-used road/traffic.
"Shell, limestone, silver, salt"
Most of St. Augustine's building are made of this material.
"Stars move by day"
Either something that lights up or a reference to the cosmos. Or a reference to the Sun itself, raising and setting.
"Sails pass by night"
Has to be near the ocean, where ships may be seen passing.
"Even in darkness, Like moonlight in teardrops"
Honestly, I think this is a reference to the St. Augustine Light house.
"Over the tall grass"
A tall vantage point, or physical marker of being in the correct place.
"Years pass, rain falls."
Something that has withstood time. It's been there very, very long.
My overall interpretation:
Overall, I think people have been looking in the wrong place. I think it's near the Lighthouse in Anastasia State Park.
I think so because it guides Sails through the darkness, it's been there for an incredibly long time (Originally a lookout made of the shell-limestone mix, that was converted into a lighthouse and is considered the nation's oldest port). There is a lot of green-painted doors, trims, etc at the lighthouse keep this color to match the original colors, I wouldn't be surprised if their fences were green in the 80's when the author visited.
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asecrettheoryblogfl · 6 months
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The first chapter
Written in water
Near men
With wind rose
Behind bending branches
And a green picket fence
At the base of a tall tree
You can still hear the honking
Shell, limestone, silver, salt
Stars move by day
Sails pass by night
Even in darkness
Like moonlight in teardrops
Over the tall grass
Years pass, rain falls.
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asecrettheoryblogfl · 6 months
This is just a theory blog for The Secret, for the Florida box
I do not think it's in the Ponce de Leon park, because it's not a state park and it is privately owned. It's a theory that's been beaten to death, and yet it's unfound and the owner is kinda pissed it hasn't been found yet and people still actively trespass to dig in the SAME PLACES everyone else has. He even let the show Expedition Unknown come in and show you all, it's not there.
I do think it's in the St. Augustine area though.
This is just a blog to play with the thoery.
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