ash1102 · 6 hours
The key shortcut of “windows key” and “.” held together has changed my life
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emoji access? supremely powerful 🙂💖
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Kaomoji ?
The year is 2013 and I am unstoppable ヾ(•ω•`)o o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブo(*°▽°*)o
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ash1102 · 6 hours
very funny (irritating) to me that everyone whined and yelled about stupid rainbow capitalism and how performative wokeness/allyship is a net bad we should all refuse to support and now like.
tumblr is doing nothing for pride and target isn't selling much (if any) of their pride collection offline except at certain stores (in democratic areas, basically) and build a bear has a much tinier collection than normal and all the actual pride stuff is on their "adult" website (not sure if it's in stores, but pride = adult is a hell of a message)
there are genuinely good criticisms for performative allyship in all its applications. it shouldn't be the only thing we expect from people and companies. but if all the shit I see being called performative stopped tomorrow then in terms of the LGBTQ+ community especially we just. wouldn't talk about queerness or queer issues or celebrate pride or do anything.
open your fucking eyes. we are very close politically to having gay marriage rolled back. now companies are basically being let off the hook to even make a miniscule effort (which matters to the people who don't have access to any other kind of support in their communities! which normalizes the community in public spaces!) because the only reaction they have gotten over the last few years are negative ones from BOTH sides.
we are so entrenched in discourse at all times for the sake of our OWN performance of who is the wokest and who is REALLY an ally or a good community member that we have basically handed over all the work of activists of the last several decades to the other side because we'd rather scream at each other over fucking chicken restaurants and shit than the real life backsliding that's happening.
and this goes for other shit too. feminism, poc rights, all of it.
also. trans rights aren't discourse and aren't just culture war arguments. in case any terfs think they can spin this to be antitrans.
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ash1102 · 23 hours
im sure theres a word denoting the divide btwn what you believe as a citizen of civic society and what you believe as an animal with anger synapses. as a civic citizen i do not believe in the death penalty nor do i think anyone deserves to die for being stupid on twitter. as an ape,
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ash1102 · 1 day
I feel like there's two levels of chronically online. There's like, the variety where you recognize obscure memes and stupid drama and post constantly but have some sort of tether to reality and have friends in the real world and read the news from time to time, and then there's the kind where you genuinely don't realize that your political position or feelings about popular media are not just non-mainstream but actively fringe and that it's not emotional labor to pick people up from the airport.
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ash1102 · 1 day
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ash1102 · 1 day
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We are heading towards an absolute knowledge black hole, aren't we?
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ash1102 · 1 day
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shoutout to the "foolproof" bread recipe I fucked up entirely for inspiring this
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ash1102 · 1 day
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For a FFXIV cheesy romance novel cover event over on twit, pose is a riff on Moonlight Rebel.
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ash1102 · 1 day
An Incomplete List of the Animals my Grandpa brought home over the course of his 67-year marriage to Gandma:
Annabell, a solid white and completely deaf pit bull that used to let mom draw on her belly
The World’s Ugliest Tom Cat, who turned out to be the cuddiest teddy bear of an animal
Cocker spaniel named “Captain”
Stupid, the Cat
Litter of baby raccoons
Three more cats
A completely bald and extremely anxious canary that sang beautifully, but only at 4 AM
Baby Squirrel that grew up in the house and then refused to move out
A Genuine Thoroughbred Racehorse who was a spectacular athelete but had a habit of running races in the wrong direction.  Benny turned out to be a terrific trail horse instead.
Snapping Turtle
A bucket full of 43 goldfish left over from the fair.  Mom counted once they were all in the bathtub in the backyard with the snapping turtle.
Another cocker spaniel named “Major”, who had the tremendous talent of eating green beans silently
Red-tailed hawk he found on the highway, and sucessfully nursed back to health and released.
Dummy, Son of Stupid
Strange, the dog that lived under the porch and only came into the house at night.
An “abandoned” baby deer.
Spooky, an alleged dog.  
Joey the parakeet whose tricks were  1. drinking tea out of a tiny cup 2. threatening to peck out people’s eyes 3. wearing hats
A Really Big Toad he found behind the factory, because the other auto workers were discussing using it for target practice.  Mr. Grumpity was guardian of the rosebed for several years and granny’s (his mother) favorite animal he ever brought home.
Gretchen, a St. Bernard that had to be shaved from her prior owner’s neglect, and spent a week hiding from sight with such success in the house that they thought she’d run away.
Arson, Burglary and Murder, three frankly adorable little kittens.  They did not change the names, much to the regret of the cop who lived three doors down.
Yet another Cocker Spaniel, named “Colonel”
Cardinal (bird)
Canada Goose (Demon)
Once in the nursing home, he had a “pet” 12-point whitetail buck that would come to his window to be fed corn and get headskritches, inexplicably named “Florence”
The marriage only ended because thier time on earth did. He never kept an animal Grandma wouldn’t allow and if anything she was worse about it. She was the one who brought home a tarantula.
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ash1102 · 1 day
I made Hungarian mushroom soup and it's a little too delicious to be real
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ash1102 · 1 day
ending a story in other languages
kurdish: “my story went to other homes, god bless the mothers and fathers of its listeners” (Çîroka min çû diyaran, rehmet li dê û bavê guhdaran.)
greek: “and they lived well, and we lived better” (και ζήσανε αυτοί καλά και εμείς καλύτερα)
afrikaans: “whistle whistle, the story is done” (fluit fluit, die storie is uit)
goemai: “my tale has finished, (it) has returned to go (and) come home.” (tamtis noe lat / dok ba muaan yi wa)
amharic: “return my story and feed me bread” (ተረቴን መልሱ አፌን በዳቦ አብሱ::)
bengali: “my story ends and the spinach is eaten by the goat” (aamaar kothati furolo; Notey gaachhti murolo) *means something is irreversibly ended because goats eats herbs from the root
norwegian: “snip snap snout, the tale is finished” (snipp snapp snute, så er eventyret ute”
polish: “and i was there [at the wedding] too, and drank mead and wine.” (a ja tam byłem, miód i wino piłem.)
georgian: “disaster there, feast here… bran there, flour here…” (ჭირი – იქა, ლხინი – აქა, ქატო – იქა, ფქვილი – აქა)
hungarian: “this is the end, run away with it” (itt a vége, fuss el véle)
turkish: “lastly, three apples fell from the sky; one for our story’s heroes, one for the person who told their tale, and one for those who listened and promise to share. And with that, they all achieved their hearts’ desires. Let us now step up and settle into their thrones.” (Gökten üç elma düşmüş; biri onların, biri anlatanın, diğeri de dinleyenlerin başına. Onlar ermiş muradına, biz çıkalım kerevetine.)
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ash1102 · 2 days
truly what is r the main differences like ACTUAL differences not things in common with adhd and autism
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ash1102 · 2 days
I hate how very specifically British colonialism overshadows all other imperialism.
Nobody talks about the Ottoman empire, the various shenanigans the Indian and Chinese rulers were up to, the Russian Empire (Russia is still a colonial Empire, btw) hell, even the shit Spain or Portugal did are swept under the rug. Nobody remembers French colonies in Africa or how much of a menace the Dutch used to be.
No, it's all Britain, all the time, baby. The only colonial Empire to ever exist, I guess.
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ash1102 · 2 days
it’s so funny when authors try to write rural settings but they didn’t even like google it. saga and i are reading through a book rn set in the extremely rural south & the main character is a poor farmer and all the popular kids hate her and also it’s emphasized that the popular kids are all afraid of dirt and animals. one of the Cheerleaders TM screams in terror mud gets on her “nice abercrombie jeans.” which is wild to me bc speaking as someone who went to a rural high school (i was in the Future Farmers of America no less), the popular kids ARE the farmers. the “popular girls” would be going to bonfires in the woods on their 4wheelers.
also the main character specifically wishes she had a pair of jeans but she doesn’t have any jeans, because her family is farmers. Listen
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ash1102 · 2 days
big day today
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ash1102 · 2 days
of course that character lives in my brain rent free do i look like a fucking landlord to you?
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ash1102 · 2 days
Hey, now that I’m talking about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, can I just talk about the fact that when people say without irony that the only thing visibly upsetting about The Creature is that he had weird eyes literally drives me insane? There’s a whole paragraph describing him, and ‘watery, sunken eyes’ is the least poignant part of it.
The Creature was BAD to look at. It is a being that lands so deeply in the uncanny valley, and is also a being made entirely of rotting corpse parts, that Victor’s reaction to The Creature? Running and cowering? That was MILD. Stupid? Sure, but god damn was it mild. Because the second person to see The Creature tried to shoot him to death, and the third group of people wanted to beat him to death.
He literally looked so bad that he activated the inherent human ‘Fight or Flight response’ in any person that looked at him, and also made it so that they felt that ‘Fight’ was the only remaining option. And the thing was that after Victor’s initial shock, he was fine with looking at The Creature once he confronted him the second time, then the problem was that The Creature strangled his little brother to death- and then he ended up sympathizing and agreeing with The Creature’s request for a companion anyways- with a bit of debate, sure, but he agreed. It wasn’t until he was halfway through making a Mrs. Creature that he looked up, saw his creation in the most ominous position fucking imaginable, remembered that his little brother was fucking murdered, and had his paranoia and the rationale he should have had the first time around kick in that he fully dove headfirst into opposing his creation and therefore sealing his fate.
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