ash818 · 5 years
Today I'm thinking about how Terry has a point. Tish was remarkably unfazed about sweet Abigail Queen's annoying handsome brother a) being the arrow b) having a family of professional badasses and c) with a non zero number of kills between them. She is actually the perfect Queen daughter in law. She got on board like super quick and just rolled with it in a "sure this is normal" way and I feel bad for Terry who's so lonely. ASH!
Poor kid. When Tish met us - I mean, actually met our family for the weirdos we are - she had just run the gauntlet. Traumatic near death experience after traumatic revelation after traumatic near death experience. By the time Jon’s hood came off, I think she was tapped out of surprise.
After that, she didn’t jump on board right away. Her brain probably needed time to catch up, you know?
Shared trauma can bind you to someone pretty tightly, and she kept close but not too close to us. Especially to Jonny. There was just an arm’s length of distance while she figured out how she felt about everything. At least, that’s my best explanation for all those dates she and Jonny went on without actually dating.
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ash818 · 5 years
Hi Ash, no pressure! Just curious about the next darkness instalment..
I have a lot written, but putting it all together in coherent form has got me a bit stuck at present.
It’s on its way!
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ash818 · 5 years
I wonder if the normal reaction to reading your fic is wedding planning in my head. Like. Imagine how lovely Tish would look as maid of honor. How wide Jonny will smile when Tish floats down the aisle. If the trim from jonny's green leather jacket is woven into Tish's dress. Oh my heart Ash.
You mean Tish as maybe my maid of honor someday? That could work, if she wears a high neckline and a shade of pink that clashes with her hair. (I kid, I kid!)
But if you mean Tish at her own wedding, presumably to Jonny, first you’ll have to convince them to actually do the thing. They don’t seem to be in any hurry.
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ash818 · 5 years
That passage you recently reblogged? About Jon thinking how he will never live up to the man his father is, and how he is standing there larger than life? That's one of my top 5 fave passages from Legacy. Yes I have a top 5. The others are Abby telling Jon "she must have loved him a lot. Sounds like someone I know" in book of love. And also "maybe I'm in your lap because you're a remarkably good person" from this is your sword. I can send you the whole list because I LOVE LEGACY ASH!
An embarrassing amount of time and thought went into that passage and others like it, so I love love love hearing which lines resonated.
Thank you so much!
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ash818 · 5 years
What's Jon's preferred knife brand? If he has one that is.
A custom Pena for himself, and a selection of Kershaw Leeks for the Arrow.
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ash818 · 5 years
“[Oliver] was a killer and a criminal and a hero, sometimes all three at once,” she murmurs. “You’re not so different.” “I am not my father.” As a teenage fuck-up, I’d like to think I did not even approach the depths of scumbaggery that he did at that age. As a vigilante, I have definitely not racked up a body count in the dozens, nor have I alienated half the people I love. Extra points for having never, ever, not even once slept with a psychotic domestic terrorist who used to be my father’s mistress. But I also haven’t spent five years in hell and somehow managed to claw my way out with a soul. I haven’t spent years doggedly proving my trustworthiness to people who’d given up on me. I haven’t died saving the city (literally, Mom says his heart stopped for fifty-three seconds) or died saving someone I love (that time it was seventeen seconds). I haven’t built a family out of torn-up scraps. Dad has never so much as implied that I don’t measure up to him, but he doesn’t have to. There he is, larger than life. And I am a competitive bastard. Through the whiskey haze, I mutter, “I’ll never be the man he is.”
Jonathon Queen, Blood on My Name, Ch.4 by @ash818​ 
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(via emeraldoliverqueen)
allllll the feelings
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ash818 · 5 years
Two things: 1.How does Jon's gear compare to Oliver's in terms of looks/ grr factor? 2. What's Jon's out of office/ lair style?
Ooooh, interesting questions!
I kept the coloring of the original, and I thought it was important to match the drape of the hood exactly. People should recognize him by silhouette in the dark. There were some other details I threw in just because I liked them, like the braid across the shoulder.
Functionally, I worked panels of armor into most of the jacket and large parts of the pants. He’s more protected than Ollie was, back in the day, and he looks it.
Max Gibson:
Basic bitch, if we’re being honest.
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ash818 · 5 years
I’m not sure if it went through because of link sending rules but here: gnimmish ( dot ) tumblr ( dot ) com/ post/ 119609999950/ legacyverse-fic
If you sent it before, no, it didn’t. Thank you!
Y’all, if you haven’t read gnimmish’s The Idiot Bat and His Lady, you are missing out.
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ash818 · 5 years
how do jon and tish navigate the money element of their relationship?
The imbalance used to bother me. Not only could I never buy him anything as extravagant as his gifts to me, I couldn’t even afford to keep up with his lifestyle. I couldn’t routinely buy a plane ticket to Gotham at a moment’s notice, and my wardrobe didn’t cover all the nice places his parents wanted to take us.
A lot of his invitations also came with, “And here’s a card to use if you need something to wear.”
I started to feel very unpleasantly... kept.
He maintained that it wasn’t a big deal, and he never made me feel indebted to him. But I got a few passive aggressive comments from acquaintances and even good friends about how very generous he was, wow, you played that one right, didn’t you?
I got more and more tense about it, until finally Jon got impatient. “I’m not seeing how this is even a problem. I like being able to give you things, and honestly it’s annoying when you don’t let me, because then we can’t do whatever it is we were planning to do before the money thing stopped us. Are we going to not do things because some snotty girl from your theory class makes snotty comments?”
With time, I got used to him sharing so casually and generously. Or perhaps I just got spoiled. Regardless, I use the card without any guilt now.
It was only ever weird because she made it weird. It’s just money.
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ash818 · 5 years
sorry if you've answered this already but what are Jon and Tish's living arrangements in darkness on the edge of town? I can't get enough of it!
For all intents and purposes, she lives with me. All her shit is here - including her most annoying shit, like single-purpose kitchen gadgets that make the drawer stick. She sleeps at my place, she does the dishes at my place, and it is my shower drain getting clogged up with her hair.
She just won’t admit it for some weird reason. She won’t give up her lease, and if anyone mentions Cake Cafe, she says, “Oh, I live just around the corner,” as if she actually spends more than 5% of her time there.
I don’t get it, but it’s not really worth fighting over. Like I said, she sleeps here.
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ash818 · 5 years
Jonny’s been thinking it over for a while. He wouldn’t have mentioned it to Oliver unless he three-quarters knew his own mind already.
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ash818 · 5 years
Fear not the idiot bat and his lady fic still exists the link just broke after the username switch (gnimaerd -> gnimmish). I know you aren’t joining us in the hand basket but can you at least refrain from crushing our tiny little hearts into pieces? Pretty please
Oh my god, thank you for telling me! Would you have an updated link I could post here? My Google-fu isn’t strong enough.
I can’t make an honest promise not to crush any hearts, but I swear I will do my level best to give you a satisfying conclusion. This is probably not reassuring. I hope it will do!
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ash818 · 5 years
The solid trust of max and terry would make a good relationship.
I’ve thought so for years.
But then, I’m kind of biased in favor of the IT girl getting the guy.
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ash818 · 5 years
What was Bruce’s reaction when he connected the dots that Terry’s best friend Jon wasn’t just some random kid from Starling but Oliver Queen’s son Jon? Every time I think about it I laugh.
hahaha I don’t think the universe could surprise Bruce anymore. At that point it was probably, “Of course my protege went to school with the Queen boy. And they’re best friends, naturally.”
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ash818 · 5 years
Hiiiiii!! I am rereading Legacy et al and I am drowning in my Olicity, JonTish and TerryXAbby feels!!! ahhhh when are you going to make Terry and Abby canon?!
Thank you so much!
I’m afraid I can make no promises on this score. I certainly never expected USS McQueen to get as big as it has...
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ash818 · 5 years
OMG!! Can you please help me Ash?! I can't find that TerryxAbby fic that was written by gnimaerd a few years ago. aaahhhhh it's not on AO3. I am dying here of thirst. I NEED TERRYXABBY FIC. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT ASH!!!
I found the link to it, but I believe the fic has been taken down. I’m really sorry to see it go! Gnimaerd did amazing things with those characters.
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ash818 · 5 years
LOVED the latest Darkness update! Loved it! So is the next chapter the proposal chapter??? pretty please? *makes hopeful eyes*
Ahahahaha I’ll see what I can do...
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