asherfr · 9 years
i’ve had such an great time rping with y’all and forging amazing bonds, but i’m afraid my time at hawks is coming to an end. as of late, my activity has been pretty inconsistent, mainly due to my faltering muse. and with finals and a busy summer coming up, i simply don’t think i’ll be able to stay dedicated to the rp.
after a lot of consideration, i’ve made the decision to leave hawks for good. it’s a hard one; i was with aila at the very start of it, during the first stages of even planning out the plot of the rp. i came to love it, and it saddens me that this is the best choice. our former admin team (aila, ever, and kristine) was wonderful, and i know that the new admins will handle hawks excellently. 
i wish you all the best! if you’d like to contact me again, you can find me on kik (faith4eternity), skype (snowflakesd), aim ([email protected]) or even my 1x1 account (pls message me privately for that)! i love you all. <3
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asherfr · 9 years
I agree---perception is reality, right? Pausing for a moment to lick his fingers, he grinned before taking another bite. Oh, that’s right; you have a very strong dislike of the dark. Where’d you even go, anyway? Did you wander off to have some alone time and think about things?
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However th’way it works, that’s just th’way we’ll think it works. S’how y’get through life! Following the other’s lead, he takes a bite of his own donut, eyes halfway shutting in delight. Christ, he should have cheat days more often. I dipped out th’moment it got dark, man. I don’t like bein’ outside overnight.
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asherfr · 9 years
Good, ‘cause it’s well deserved. Nice name you got there, by the way.
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If ya say so I won’t deny it. I’m Jax, yeah you too.
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asherfr · 9 years
text | lady liberty
libs: we've known each other too long, my powers of deception no longer work on you
libs: yes you are, i love me like a lot but i love you more and will happily accept that you're a better, nicer person
libs: i really do love you. you're so helpful. thank you thank you. i feel better about this now
ash: exactly, i have become immune to them and can always detect them now
ash: i'm honored that you love me, but i'm pretty sure i love you more & you're better. and being a nicer person isn't always better, trust me.
ash: really, i'm just glad i could help! you're very, very welcome, good luck with all of it.
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asherfr · 9 years
I am quite aware of your hobby, and I admire you for it. Wait... What is a Charley Horse? Is it where your leg goes numb or something? Please, enlighten me, I seriously don’t know. Whatever it is, I’m really sorry.
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If you didn’t know, taking naps is a cherished hobby of mine. Today I got my first Charley Horse while I was napping, and I am convinced however luck works, it’s not working for me.
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asherfr · 9 years
Text || Ruby Blue
Reuben: question: beard or no beard? I don't think I could ever get rid of it but still
Reuben: I gotta switch up something with my look, I'm getting bored with it
Asher: hmm... i'd say beard still
Asher: i think the ladies love facial hair. maybe you could just tweak it a bit?
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asherfr · 9 years
I’m totally down, Tommy! I gotcha, hikes are always the best when you have company. You wanna talk about anything in particular?
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Who’s in for taking a hike to wherever? I just really wanna go for a long walk, but I don’t want to walk by myself. 
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asherfr · 9 years
Whoa, a Legoland Hotel? I would agree with you, those kinds of things shouldn’t have an age limit. What exactly did you hear about it?
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I just read about the Legoland Hotel opening in Florida and I’m not going to lie, it looks pretty awesome. I don’t even care if it’s mostly geared to kids, I so wanna go!
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asherfr · 9 years
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Okay, this makes me genuinely upset. I can’t believe people didn’t stop to help, it makes me think that we have a shortage of decent human beings or something. How could anyone be that rude and apathetic? I just... Sorry, I need to stop being so disgusted by this. Anyway, how’re you, Lo?
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So I was conducting this experiment yesterday and see if people were nice enough to move out of the way or not if I was technically viewed as too busy. So I was holding a large stack of books in my hands so that the pile wilk go over my head. I ended up dropping these books five times and bumped into seven other people. And I only fell to the ground twice. I call that a new record of rude.
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asherfr · 9 years
I think that’s how it works, yeah. Seems like pretty solid logic when it comes to baking and stuff like that. He bites into the cripsy outer shell of the donut, savoring the fluffy texture and sweet flavor. Mm, yeah, for sure! I hung out with a lot of cool people, then spent the rest of the night cuddlin’ with North, so it was fun. How about you?
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I made sure she got th’ones from th’back of th’pan– Y’know, th’front ones are th’first out, so they’re always th’least fresh. That’s.. That’s how it works, right? That’s how I’m gonna assume it works. With that, he lifts one of the glazed pastries and plops beside the other. Y’have yourself a good time?
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asherfr · 9 years
text | lady liberty
libs: maybe i'm just weird? nah, you know me too much
libs: this is why you're better than me
libs: i know but what if when i work it out, i'm bi or something? i'd feel like i'd lied. like i know i'm definitely not straight but...
ash: nah, that's not why. i can just read you easily
ash: i'm not better than you, don't say that
ash: that's not lying, it just means you took a while to discover that. there's nothing wrong with that. and if anyone judges you for it, they need to step off
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asherfr · 9 years
Yeah, that was definitely me. Thank you, thank you---but I think you’re the legend here, honestly. I’m Asher, by the way, nice to meetcha.
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Yo they’re kickass, and i think I’ve actually heard you yellin’ ‘bout it in the Hawks lounge and I’ve always been like that dudes a legend.
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asherfr · 9 years
text | ruby blue
Reuben: when you do I wanna be ring bearer
Reuben: yep yep. Quickies only hollaaaaa
Asher: you can totally do that, you just need a nice suit
Asher: no strings, huh? haven't thought about it in a while, but i haven't had sex in a long time, hmm...
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asherfr · 9 years
text | nat
nat: heheheh I know it's my daily expression
nat: u know where some people laugh and sunlight radiates out of them
nat: that's not me
ash: it's always a good one to fall back on
ash: that's totally you!
ash: maybe you don't realize, but it bubbles out with your laugh
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asherfr · 9 years
text | lady liberty
libs: you did?
libs: asher you are my king and you always help me when i need it
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asherfr · 9 years
Ah, the treats after rush hour---probably not hot, but still pretty fresh. I won’t take the glazed, promise; well, I will take the maple glazed, but not the regular. He reaches for one of the aforementioned donuts without hesitation. No need to apologize, but these are still good.
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Oh, hell if I remember. I just told her t’gimme whatever little guys were left after th’breakfast crash– But, oi, th’glazed are mine so watch th’fingers. He sets the box before the other and lifts the lid. Take it as an apology for dippin’ out on th’camp out.
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asherfr · 9 years
text | nat
nat: why
nat: I mean yes
nat: same though but im always pouting tbh
nat: or laughing rly obnoxiously
ash: i'm not surprised
ash: pouting is a good expression lbr
ash: your laugh isn't obnoxious tho
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