ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
so, i'm back with a more unfortunate second update. while the point of my hiatus was to try and avoid moving blogs, i'm going to have to anyway in the end. my tags here flat out aren't working properly any more, so anything new i add won't stick. due to this issue, i've archived this blog and moved over to the same url, @ashesrebirthed!
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ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
hey everyone! i'm almost ready to come back (should be fully back within the next few days), but with this comes a fair few IMPORTANT UPDATES:
i'm halving my previous muse list. jackie, ruby, and ikki are being kept, while cordelia, cho and legolas are being dropped. unless we've already discussed otherwise privately, i'm also going to be auto-dropping all previous threads on here for all muses.
however, please reach out to me and let me know if you'd either like to keep any current ones for jackie or ruby (i'm open to keeping plotted threads as long as there's active interest shown in them), or figure out something new! if we're already mutuals but i dropped my muse from the fandom we had in common, i'd love to figure out a new crossover with you; however, no hard feelings if you'd rather unfollow.
this blog is semi-private now. this mostly means that it's not my first priority, the muse list may ebb and flow based on my current active partners' interest, and i'm mostly focused on writing within my muses' canon verses (though still open to crossovers).
@chasingtitans is going to stay my main priority blog for the foreseeable future, and i'll likely be both faster and more active there for anyone interested in writing more regularly together!
thank you to everyone who's had patience through this hiatus, and especially anyone who continues to stick around now!
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ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
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ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
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Little Miss Doomed to the Narrative
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ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
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avatarsecretsanta gift for rain-in-republic-city :)
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ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
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wish you never ever met her at all
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ashesrebirthed-a · 4 months
hey everyone! i'm almost ready to come back (should be fully back within the next few days), but with this comes a fair few IMPORTANT UPDATES:
i'm halving my previous muse list. jackie, ruby, and ikki are being kept, while cordelia, cho and legolas are being dropped. unless we've already discussed otherwise privately, i'm also going to be auto-dropping all previous threads on here for all muses.
however, please reach out to me and let me know if you'd either like to keep any current ones for jackie or ruby (i'm open to keeping plotted threads as long as there's active interest shown in them), or figure out something new! if we're already mutuals but i dropped my muse from the fandom we had in common, i'd love to figure out a new crossover with you; however, no hard feelings if you'd rather unfollow.
this blog is semi-private now. this mostly means that it's not my first priority, the muse list may ebb and flow based on my current active partners' interest, and i'm mostly focused on writing within my muses' canon verses (though still open to crossovers).
@chasingtitans is going to stay my main priority blog for the foreseeable future, and i'll likely be both faster and more active there for anyone interested in writing more regularly together!
thank you to everyone who's had patience through this hiatus, and especially anyone who continues to stick around now!
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
i'm gonna be putting this blog on full hiatus for a bit. i'm not really feeling it lately, and i'm hoping a full step back will help. if you still wanna write with me in the meantime, find me on @chasingtitans, but otherwise i'll catch y'all later!
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
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You know I hate to say it, but I told you so.
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
Her own smile brightening at the sight of Belle's, Ruby nods. "Sounds great!" she chirps in answer. Nose scrunching up again, she adds, "We should probably go soon, though, before I get too tired and you have to carry me home." Or drag her, more like, given that Belle was both so much smaller and far from the athletic type. Best to just avoid that possible mess altogether, really.
"Plus y'know - pizza, always good. I'm starting to feel like I could finish one all by myself, honestly." It's only half an exaggeration. All that dancing and drinking, with only water to chase it down... That had at least kept Ruby from tipping over too close to blackout drunk, but it didn't do anything to help the empty rumbling in her stomach. "How long has it even been since dinner now, anyway?"
Belle feels herself relax just a tiny bit, because while she knows Ruby can take care of herself, she also feels like she has to do the same, always keep an eye on her best friend, just in case. It's in her PERSONALITY, she can't really do anything about it, and if she's being honest then she doesn't really want to, either.
"Of course I know that," She offers the other woman a smile, glancing down to where Ruby is still holding her hand. "We can order some pizza for us and it'll be there by the time we get home, how does that sound?"
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
She hated that Pansy was right.
Whether Cho truly was more mature than that remained to be seen, but this was bigger than them both. Cho had agreed to this interview for a reason. One that was important enough to keep her firmly planted in the same room as her former tormentor, much as a substantial piece of her still longed to turn around and storm right back out.
Instead, she only huffed, clenched jaw turning up and arms crossing tight over her chest. "Fine. Say I stay. Why should I trust that you won't just twist anything I give you to smear my name?" Could she really believe that Pansy had changed? And even if she had, was it enough of a change to trust her with something not only so deeply personal, but intended to go completely public?
"It's not like this is some vapid article about my ideal type, or basic quidditch tips. It's on war. The war you were on the other side of, mind you." Cho might be mature enough to stay, but she wasn't above that dig. She, alongside so many other of her classmates - little more than children, back then - had risked life and limb that day. Pansy, same as most of her other bigoted, spoiled compatriots, had fled. Not even fought for the side they claimed to believe in, but slunk away with their tails completely between their legs. "You say you've changed. Prove it, then. I'm not giving you anything today - but find a way to make me believe you, and maybe I'll rethink that choice."
“ Because you are more mature than that. And because this story is bigger than you or me. ” Pansy had made herself comfortable, pen and parchment already laid out neatly in front of her. She wanted to be there as much as Cho did, but here, she had no choice. Working on making a name for herself that did not instantly involve who she was at sixteen had been a far more grueling process than she would have hoped for. But it was either this, or she could have settled into a deeply unhappy married life with a wizard that she would need to learn to tolerate.
And a bit more childishly, she did want to get herself out of her family’s clutches. With her own career, influence, and money. She could, for the first time make her own choices, think her own thoughts, and not have to spend every waking moment pretending to be something else. Far be it to pretend that she wasn’t a completely heinous bitch, she was still self-serving and cruel at times. But at least now, she had matured a bit. “ I am well aware that you’d rather do this with anyone else, but regardless of what you may think. I am not the same person you remember. As I’m sure you are not the same person I knew in school. ”
She had been particularly horrid to Cho, which at the time, made perfect sense to her, she was horrible to a lot of people for a lot of different reasons, not justifiable, but it felt like that was the only way to have some kind of control. But later, she had realized why this girl had been such a thorn in her side. It was due to reasons that she always knew, at least in some part of her mind, but it took her years to be away from Hogwarts, and her family, to fully admit to herself.
“ I’m not asking you to stop hating me or to like me. I am asking you to allow me to have your honest retelling of what the war was for you and be a bigger person than me, obviously. ” A small glimpse of a smirk before she crossed her legs and waited. If Cho decided to turn around and walk out, there was little she could do, but she hoped that would not be the case.
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
kinda considering moving ke.iko to her own blog tbh
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
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RUBY LUCAS in ONCE UPON A TIME (2011–2018) ⤷ 2.02 'We are Both
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
He needs her? Can Cordelia truly believe that? Angel is centuries old, near-untouchable. What would he need someone like her for, besides the visions?
She doesn't fight him on it now, though, especially not once the cool press of his fingers against her face strips any possible words right back off her tongue. Instead, Cordelia leans into the touch with a sniffle and a weary sigh, eyelids fluttering shut for but a moment.
I will never let anyone touch you again. Impossible of a promise as that is to keep, when he says it, she knows he means it. It's almost easy to believe him like this; almost easy to let everything haunt her slip away, if only for tonight.
It's even easier when Angel’s next line prompts a laugh, watery but true, out into the minuscule space left between them. "'If there's one?' She-who-slays-a-lot might want to have word with you on that one, y'know," she teases, careful even now to avoid naming the Buffy-shaped elephant in the room as she opens her eyes to look at him again. On some level, she does mean it. After all, of all people, she never could have imagined expected praise like this from Buffy Summers' ex even a single year ago.
But Angel is so much more to Cordelia than just Buffy's ex now. Ever since the first time he'd saved her in Los Angeles, he's gone from little more than salty goodness and an easy way to get under Buffy's skin to her best friend. The kind she's never had before, real and true; one that someone like Harmony, always waiting with a knife poised to stab Cordelia the moment she turned her back, never was.
He's saved her in so many other ways since, ones that he might never realize. (Some she doesn't even, either. Not yet.)
Expression softening, Cordelia sniffles again before speaking. "Thanks, though. You're right; I am Cordelia freakin' Chase." The assertion is mostly still bravado, but that old mask fits back on with comforting familiarity. Maybe just a little less of it isn't one, too, and maybe that's what matters most.
The smile he'd managed to draw out dims back down moments later, thought. "But... even if you're right, that doesn't change what I saw. I've been having nightmares - you know that, right?" Cordelia may be many things, but she's no idiot; she knows he can hear her tossing and turning from out here, no matter how much she may not want him to. Sighing, she pulls back a little further, though not far enough to break out of his hold. "Even if I wanted to, it's hard to move on when I'm getting free reruns nearly every single night. Dennis being here helps, so do you, but... I don't know what else to do."
𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔢𝔩 & 𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔞 - 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 @ashesrebirthed.
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it  pained  him  so.  her  soft  sobs  of  sorrow  accompanied  by  loneliness  hurt  him  more  than  she  could  realize.  what  could  he  do  to  take  away  her  pain?  hurt  those  that  have  reigned  it  upon  her,  his  mind  decided.  to  ensure  nothing  like  this  would  ever  happen  to  her  again  because,  angel  knew,  she  was  the  last  person  to  ever  deserve  such  a  violation.  he  held  her  close  without  hesitation,  his  arms  embracing  her  as  he  allowed  her  to  purge  herself  with  tears.  his  heart  broke  a  little  when  she  pulled  away  only  to  make  eye  contact.  he  subtly  admired  the  way  her  tears  would  glisten  in  her  eyes,  the  way  her  hair  fell  messily  over  her  face.  she  was  beautiful.  he  only  saw  beauty  when  he  looked  at  her.  his  face  fell  further  at  her  words,  a  part  of  him  knew  she  wasn't  entirely  wrong  and  he  also  knew  there  wasn't  much  he  could  do  to  change  that.     ❛     it  doesn't  have  to  all  fall  on  you,  cordy,  it  shouldn't.  we're  all  in  this  together.  we  help  who  we  can  as  much  as  we  can     ❜   he  replied,  placing  a  comforting  hand  on  her  knee  as  he  kept  soft  eye  contact.
❛    i  wouldn't  be  able  to  do  all  i  do  without  you,  cordelia.  i  need  you     ❜    he  insisted,  his  heart  sinking  lower  than  he  had  felt  in  so  long.  his  hand  reaches  out  and  wipes  away  her  tears  gently  with  his  thumb,     ❛    i  will  never  let  anyone  touch  you  again   ...   don't.  it's  not  your  fault   ❜   he  told  her  firmly  but  in  a  softened  tone.     ❛    you're  cordelia  freakin'  chase.  if  there's  one  person  that  can  kick  some  ass,  it's  you.   ❜    a  comforting  smile  appears  on  the  vampire's  face.
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
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Head go buzz buzz buzz buzz
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ashesrebirthed-a · 5 months
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- Evelyn Waugh, from Brideshead Revisited (1945)
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