ashleannmiller · 6 years
shout out to the girls that hate their bodies but are trying really really hard to find the beauty and comfort in them because that shit is hard and takes a lot of time and is emotionally exhausting. i’m proud of y’all.
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ashleannmiller · 6 years
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ashleannmiller · 6 years
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
Have fun, even if it’s not the same kind of fun everyone else is having.
C.S. Lewis (via wordsnquotes)
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Jesus (Matthew 6:34)
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
Sometimes I drink too much vodka or eat 3 servings of macaroni and cheese in one sitting, but by far the most unhealthy habit I have is comparing myself to others.
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
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This is Thorncrown Chapel. I will get married here. 
The chapel is located in Northwest Arkansas, less than an hour from where I’m currently at school. AND it was designed by Fay Jones: as in the Fay Jones School of Architecture, which is the college within the University of Arkansas from which I will receive my degree in interior design. Thorncrown was listed fourth on the AIA’s top ten buildings of the 20th century. When alive, Mr. Jones was recognized as one of the top ten living architects of the 20th century; he was mentored by Frank Lloyd Wright. 
Not only that, but look at the chapel: it’s tied so closely to nature, but retains a sense of detachment.  It would be like having an outdoor wedding without worrying about the weather.
(Photos and info here)
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
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University of Arkansas Graphic Design student Livvy Pierce created typography moss installations around Fayetteville, Arkansas as part of her senior thesis.
credits: article; UAdesign instagram
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
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Psst, the lights are on. (at Fayetteville Town Square)
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
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View of Old Main from the 14th floor of The Chancellor Hotel in downtown #Fayetteville. UA classes begin Monday at 7:30 a.m. (at The Chancellor Hotel)
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
But he gives more grace.
James‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬a (via relentlessandimperfect)
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ashleannmiller · 7 years
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ho ho ho where did my motivation go
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ashleannmiller · 8 years
The fact that this is such a big deal speaks enough volume itself.
I just saw ghostbusters. I am literally sitting here stunned and amazed. There was not one fat joke. Not a single one. I was waiting in the theater braced the entire time for jokes towards Patty and Abigail for their size, and there wasn’t a single one.
…kind of in awe, honestly.
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ashleannmiller · 8 years
20 THINGS YOU SHOULD DO EVERYDAY 1. Wake up earlier. Not only does this improve productivity but it also gives you more time to make a good, hearty breakfast. 2. Make your bed. Let’s be real, being welcomed to a tidy bed after a long day at work/school (or a long day in general) is probably the best feeling anyone will ever experience. 3. If you want, spend a little more time on your appearance. Take some time choosing an outfit, applying make up or whatever. Do what helps you boost your confidence and self-esteem. 4. Stay hydrated, folks. Keep a bottle of water with you wherever you go. 5. Stretch everyday or start yoga (or do both, why not?) 6. Create a playlist consisting of songs that make you happy and listen to it. Listen to songs for the mood you want to be in, instead of the mood you are in. 7. Compliment at least one person per day. This could be an acquaintance, co-worker, class mate, stranger, whoever! 8. Use your manners. If someone holds the door for you, lets you go first etc, they did it voluntarily and didn’t have to do it, so a “thank you” wouldn’t hurt. 9. Eat your fruit and vegetables and always choose the healthy version over the junk food. 10. Have a good laugh. Catch up with friends, watch some ‘Parks and Recreation’, go see some stand-up comedy, reminisce about funny moments that have happened to you. You don’t need to be a doctor to know that humour has many benefits. 11. Be optimistic. Always look at the positives. There’s no point on focusing on the negatives because that isn’t going to help anyones mood at all. 12. Exercise. It doesn’t have to be anything to intense. A run around the block, a walk with your dog or even a ‘Just Dance’ session will do the job.  13.Bring a book/magazine or collect the daily newspaper with you. Spend you spare time reading. 14. Try and learn something new everyday. This can either be an interesting fact you saw online or a new skill someone taught you. 15. Help others when you are able to. Help your classmates with school work or offer to help you struggling neighbour lift those heavy objects. 16. Stop procrastinating. No matter how unmotivated you are to, push yourself and complete what you need to complete. Do what you gotta do. You know you’ll love yourself for doing it. 17. Drink some tea, because that stuff is goooooood (and also beneficial). 18.Make time to do things that help you relax, whether that’s painting, having baths, doing you nails or going for a run. 19. Don’t dwell on your mistakes, but instead grow and learn from them. 20. And lastly, be kind to yourself. If you love who you are, everyone else will
Chloe for Native Moon Magazine  (via uncloudly)
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ashleannmiller · 8 years
I walked to a deli and got a sandwich to go and a coffee and while I was waiting these two teenage girls ran up and were like OH MY GOD JESSICA HOW ARE YOU and then hugged me and the one whispered “that guy was following you and taking pictures of you” and then they walked home with me and that one guy stopped following me and hONESTLY THIS IS WHAT I AM HERE FOR
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