asiyrahs001 · 5 years
I’m so depressed lately and I can’t help but keep thinking if I’m going to feel like this for the rest of my life I might as well end it now
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I’m so sad I don’t even know what to do
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
Lmfao I need to just off myself already time to get it over with
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I wish I was born skinny
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I literally feel like I’ll kill myself at any moment. Ive started to have like flashbacks of being abused as a child and it’s just fucking freaking me out. Like I always knew but just seeing it is killing me and something in particular triggered this but god I’m like on edge. Like it explains why I can’t sleep at night or turn the light off and I keep my door locked and my mom always tells me that when she comes in my room that I start freaking out and I go underneath the blankets like I cover even my head it’s just making me really sad and I’m so alone. I can’t even tell anyone anything bc I did that like two weeks ago I opened up to someone and they called me crazy
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
Also sometimes I wonder am I alone because I’m so ugly? I don’t even have friends online god
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I hate literally everything abt the way I look I feel like I’m ugly from head to toe
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I would rather die than be alone for the rest of my life
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I feel like I don’t belong in this world I can’t seem to find my place anywhere
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I can’t wait to work up the courage to finally off myself
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
The only reason why I don’t self harm is bc I don’t want to make my body any uglier than it already is
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I don’t get what the point of me having this shit is I don’t have friends on here or anything going on in my life to share I should just delete
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
Lol my family is so mean to me that’s why I just sit in my room all day and am not able to form meaningful relationships w anyone
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
And everyone thinks I’m crazy as fuck well maybe I’m crazy bc of the shit I’ve had to survive through even when I was a child Im always alone and having to fend for myself I’m just over it. U know why I’m
Crazy as fuck? Bc I needed to be to survive
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
I’m honestly just so done I’m too depressed to function I have nothing lost my job my family hates me and everyone thinks I’m crazy I have no friends and no one to talk to and I’m fat and disgusting so what’s the matter if I live or die tbh
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
Not that literally anyone cares but I scare myself with how unstable I Am. It makes me sad to think abt how crazy I really am
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asiyrahs001 · 6 years
Wow I really have absolutely no friends or anyone to talk to. I can’t remember the last time I hung out with anyone but my mom and siblings. That’s really sad
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