nicolejones412 · 2 years
Hi again...
So, it's been a while.
I know I have a lot of stuff I left unfinished here, and I'm sorry about that. Life just got in the way.
What I have been doing a lot of is playing Dungeons and Dragons, which has spawned a new story, a sort of elseworlds story about my character there.
If you'd like to check that out, I'll be posting on Wattpad:
Whether you check it out or not, I love you all and am so happy to be writing again! I'll hopefully be back here checking in more often again, because let's be real, of all of them Tumblr is the site that just won't die.
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
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I'm so hype! It's like Christmas! Can't read this just yet because I'm at work but I can't wait!!!
Escape {40}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Lots of Fluff! A Little Bit of Upset!Dean
Words: 1,987
Escape MasterList - My MasterList - Become a Patron
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
There's also an in universe answer for this! LOTR and the Hobbit and all the other books are supposed to be historical accounts passed down and revised by several different people groups over time. In the Appendecies Tolkein tells the story of how he found a copy of these and how his books are translations of historical texts he "found." The "older" ones like the Silmarillion are implied to be translations from Elvish by Bilbo. The Hobbit and LOTR basically started as memoirs and then other people added in the rest. So it makes sense for the descriptions of the battles to not be super detailed. With this framing device they were written years later and maybe by people who weren't even there, they just heard about it from their parents.
The Hobbit is considered to be the most untouched account because the kingdoms of men (who did most of the editing of the trilogy) weren't really involved in that story. But there are some edits made by Frodo and Sam who heard Bilbo's stories so many times they could find the discrepancies.
This doesn't weaken the idea that Tolkein knew not to glorify battle, it actually makes it even more meaningful. Because look at our history books. Do they have a play by play of every moment of a battle? No. They focus on the cause and effects of those battles.
Here's a really cool video on the subject if you're interested.
Nerds These Days: You can’t have epic fantasy without epic battles, it’s a necessity of the genre!!!! 
Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkien, originator of the genre: … anyway, Bilbo got hit on the head, and then when he woke up the battle was over! 
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Banished Part 4
A sequel to Bethrothed
Loki x reader
Summary: You’ve accepted your new life, but what happens when you see the love of your life on television years later?
A/N: Well I did say soon. Sorry this took so long, and it's a little shorter and angstier than most of these parts have been, but it was either short and angsty and quick or long and more angsty and not quick. Figured y'all have waited long enough.
Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 here. Read Part 3 here.
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Loki paused, reading over the lines of dialogue he'd just written. This play was going to be extraordinary. It was a magnificent tale, and maybe people would begin to see his side of things. He was owed at least that much after all this time.
He continued to write, telling a tale of he and Thor fighting off a group of bandits, when he froze, pen still touching paper.
One thing had plagued him as he relived his past. One thing he couldn't decide whether he wanted to include.
It felt wrong to leave your story out of his own. It shaped so much of what he did moving forward, even if he would never admit it aloud. He missed you.
Once he took the throne, posing as Odin, Loki had gone to find Heimdall. To at least be able to know that you were alright. Now that he was king maybe he could bring you back home.
Before he had banished Odin, only hoping he had sentenced him to a worse fate than you, Heimdall would've never told him where you were or checked on you for him. That would've been against his oath. But of course now, when Loki could finally find you again, he was missing.
After a moment of anger, Loki thought that maybe it was for the best. If you were alive, surely you were living a good life. Perhaps you had even moved on. If not-
He couldn't bare to finish the thought.
So he moved forward. Surely you had moved on, so he would too. He would move on and leave you out of his play.
Enough time had passed that he at least wasn't thinking of you every waking moment, but he'd never forget. He never could. All it took was a phrase, a corridor, even a smell, and he would have flashes of moments.
And now he'd reached the decision point. This night, these bandits, the girl hiding from her wedding feast. How could he even begin to describe her? How could he even think of having someone else play that role? No one could fill that.
He set down his pen, picked up that page before balling it up and throwing it to the side.
Those times with you were precious. He didn't want to share that story. Not with anyone.
You stared at Thor blankly.
"You can't mean-"
"Y/N, he died a hero."
It felt as though the wind was knocked out of you. Loki was dead? No, that couldn't be. He was meant to be off living his life. That was what kept you sane here. That was what kept you going.
You dropped your glass on the floor, and it rolled away, spilling all over the floor as tears began to pour down your face.
You cursed and started to try to clean it up.
"Y/N, stop."
"I need to clean this up." You grabbed a towel and set the glass on your coffee table. Thor sat down next to you and put his hand over your own. You looked to his face and saw the tears on his cheeks. That broke you. You collapsed into his arms and mourned the love of your life.
Loki woke in a cold sweat, whatever dream had frightened him fading as quickly as he woke. He sighed and got out of bed, looking in the mirror.
So few people saw his face now, it was odd how much he valued these moments alone. Being able to be truly himself.
He looked around the bed chamber. He had everything he wanted. Everything but himself.
And everything but you.
Before he could change his mind, he conjured an illusion of you. Time had done little to dull his memory, but this illusion would never do you justice.
The image stood there, completely still, barely smiling at him. Wearing your riding gear. Oh what he would give to ride with you again. He chuckled at the memory.
He stared at the image, as a tear fell from his eye, he reached for your face, only for the illusion to fall once his hand would've met your skin.
A/N: Sorry not sorry? (Also tags are being weird so actually sorry if they don't work)
Tags: @ariminiria @heyarely16 @supraveng @looseheartedlady @elana-emmans @lady-loki-ren @luna-plena-venandi @kingtwhiddleston @writing-tips-for-about-anything @mydearmulberry @sassymissmyra @demise-dies-dead @loveyoutony3000 @capstopavenger @frostay @exhausted-doppelganger lo
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
So I've been MIA
Sorry about that.
I should hopefully be updating Banished soon, I've just been crazy busy, but I'm hoping things will die down here in a couple weeks.
Thank you for your patience and for reading my writing, I forgot how much I loved this.
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Heyo! I just wanted to say great work on the Banished series...! It's been a while since a fic has grabbed my attention like this. I would love to be added to the tag list if you would be so kind..! Looking forward to more great work ^^
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Seriously blushing over here. You are too sweet! Thank you and of course I will tag you.
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Can I please be tagged in Banished? It’s so good!
Absolutely! Thank you so much!
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Could I please be tagged in Banished? I'm hooked and can't wait for the next part!
Definitely! Glad you're enjoying it!
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Could I pretty please get a tag in Banished? Such an enthralling story!!
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Enthralling? Oh you flatter me! Thank you!
Of course I'll add you to the list!
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Banished Part 3
A sequel to Bethrothed
Loki x reader
Summary: You’ve accepted your new life, but what happens when you see the love of your life on television years later?
A/N: This is earlier than expected, but thought since I got it done, might as well go ahead and let y'all read it! I love your feedback so let me know what you think!
Read Part 1 here. Read Part 2 here.
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Everyone was still staring at you.
"What are you?"
"I don't know what you mean."
"Oh bull-" Tony was cut off by the sound of sirens approaching.
"Not now Tony," Pepper said, putting a hand on his chest. She turned to you, her face at first shocked settled into a coldness that hurt you more than the bullet in your shoulder.
"We'll talk about this later."
You had to go to the hospital to get the bullet wound patched up. They let you go after remarking how strange it was. Said it must have been adrenaline that kept you going. Tony gave them his info for paying the bills before you could protest.
"You saved our lives," he said, before looking around to make sure no one else could hear. "Even if you lied to us Sharon."
You sighed and looked away. He sighed and walked out.
When they discharged you, everyone else had already left, except Happy. He drove you to home.
"Thanks Happy." He nodded.
Usually you looked forward to Mondays. But this time you were dreading the end of the weekend.
You thought about running. Just up and leaving. But you were so close. So you tried to get your story straight. You were enhanced. Didn't know much beyond that. You were scared so you were in hiding bla bla bla.
Maybe you would tell them you were Asgardian. But was that really true anymore? Yes that was your race, but could you really say you were "of Asgard"? If word of that got out could that somehow violate the treaty?
Better to just give them as few details as possible.
So you walked into work on Monday with two cups of coffee in your hand, and your coworkers smiling at you as you walked through the building. You got to Pepper's office and saw that she'd turned on the shading of the glass, so you couldn't see in. You set your bag down before walking to knock on the door. Pepper opened it and waved you in.
"Good morning-"
You dropped the coffee in your hands when you saw the person standing in front of you.
You stuttered before rushing to clean up your mess.
"What are you doing here?" he asked.
"I could as you the same thing."
"I invited him," Tony said as he walked out of the corner. "He just handled a huge issue in London and came back into town, looking to help us out again. I take it you two know each other?"
You just stood there with your mouth open. Thor looked at you like he couldn't believe you were real. You'd imagined a moment like this for years, and now you couldn't say anything.
"Yes, we do!" Thor walked forward and embraced you while laughing. "It's so good to see you."
You relaxed a bit as he hugged you. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes.
You really had missed him.
"It's good to see you too." As you pulled away he looked down at you, and his joy dimmed. There was a sadness in his eyes that you didn't understand. Your eyes asked your question, but before he could answer you were pulled from your thoughts.
Pepper had walked over to her desk. "So does someone want to explain what's going on?"
You took a deep breath. "I...uh...It's complicated."
"Then uncomplicate it."
"No, she's right, it very much is," Thor said. He looked back at you, that sadness still present.
"Y/N was banished from Asgard. For nothing of her own doing. She was completely innocent but my father...he didn't see it that way."
"When you were banished you told everyone who would listen who you were!" Tony retorted.
"You were banished?"
"That was different. I am a prince. She is...a commoner. Who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and the wrong people got very angry about it. If they found out where she was...It doesn't even bare thinking about."
Pepper looked at you from across the room, reading your face. Then she walked up to you, her unreadable expression giving way to a smile as she held out her hand to shake yours.
"Pepper Potts, nice to meet you."
"Y/N Y/L/N. Likewise."
Pepper sent you home, saying something about a required sick day for a gunshot wound, Asgardian or not.
As you headed for the door, Thor caught up to you. "Might I accompany you?"
"Don't you have some avenging to do?"
"Not at the moment."
You shrugged. "Alright then."
You got in a car that was waiting for you outside.
"So," you started, "you were banished?"
"Yes. To Earth."
"How did I not hear about this?"
"It was in New Mexico, and SHIELD covered it up. SHIELD is-"
"I know who they are. How did you, the golden son of Asgard, get banished?"
"That's a long story. I attacked Jotunheim." Your jaw dropped. "With... Loki, Sif, and the Warriors Three. I was banished for my recklessness."
"Oh, well, that's news." You heart skipped at the mention of Loki's name. You'd been terrified to ask. You saw everything that had happened in New York, and you just couldn't believe that he could-
Who were you kidding? Of course you believed he was capable of it. If pushed hard enough for long enough. You just didn't want to believe it.
"So, how have you been?" Thor asked.
"Oh you know, moving around, faking deaths, that sort of thing." He chuckled. You shrugged. "Couldn't have anyone getting suspicious."
"Ah, so what earth name did you choose for yourself?"
"Most recently? Sharon Jackson."
"Interesting choice."
The car reached your apartment building and you led the way in.
"You want some tea?"
"I think I'd like something stronger than tea."
"It's hardly 10 am!"
"And?" You shrugged and poured both of you a drink before sitting down on the couch while he settled into your arm chair.
You looked down at the glass in your hands, knowing you couldn't wait any longer to ask the question burning inside you.
"So, how is he?"
Thor looked at you with such sorrow that you nearly found yourself unable to breathe.
"Y/N, Loki is...He's gone."
A/N: WHAT??? No, he can't be! ;)
Read Part 4 here.
@ariminiria @heyarely16 @supraveng @looseheartedlady @elana-emmans @lady-loki-ren @luna-plena-venandi @kingtwhiddleston @writing-tips-for-about-anything
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
OMG can I be also tagged in Banished? is getting so interesting and so good!!!!!
Yes you can! Glad you like it!
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Hi could I be added to the banished tag list?? I’m so excited to see where it goes ❤️
Absolutely! Glad you're excited!!!
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Banished Part 2
A sequel to Bethrothed
Loki x reader
Summary: You’ve accepted your new life, but what happens when you see the love of your life on television years later?
A/N: So as a sort of apology for taking so long with this story, how about an early release of part 2? Don't get used to it though lol.
Read Part 1 here.
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"Ms. Jackson right?" You nodded as you extended your hand to shake that of Pepper Potts, who gestured for you to sit as she sat behind the desk.
"Well, your resume is impeccable. Your references are glowing. You've passed our initial interview. I'm almost at a loss for what to ask."
"Well there are always questions. For starters, why did you move to New York?"
"It's known as one of the greatest cities in this country, with opportunity for all. Why wouldn't I move to New York?"
"Maybe because aliens invaded less than a month ago?"
"I wasn't gonna let that stop me."
"But you would let it spur you on? I mean, the timing is a little more than coincidental. Or am I wrong?"
You looked down from her gaze. "No, you're not wrong. But I don't see how that's a problem."
"That depends on your angle. My job is to protect this company and its assets. So why apply for this job of all jobs? Do you want to get close to Mr. Stark? To the Avengers? Get a scoop to send to reporters? Or worse send on some of the tech we're handling to the highest bidder?"
You snapped your eyes to hers. "It's not that at all." Pepper raised an eyebrow as she leaned forward on the desk.
"Then, what is it?"
You held her gaze until you couldn't anymore, looking out a large window overlooking the city as you spoke.
"Lots of people got hurt that day. Some of them were people I...I care about. I may not have been able to help them, and I may never see them again, but I can help others at least." You looked down at your lap. "This seemed like the best way for me to do that."
Pepper studied you before finally sitting back in her chair.
"When can you start?"
Being Pepper's assistant wasn't exactly easy, but it was definitely the most fulfilling job you'd had in ages.
Two days into the job, you finally met Tony Stark.
Well, you ran into him while carrying coffee to Pepper's office one morning and nearly spilled it all over him.
"Oh, nice reflexes."
"Thank you, Mr. Stark."
"And you are?"
"Sharon Jackson. Ms. Potts' new assistant."
"Oh right, right." He held out his hand to shake yours. "Tony."
You smiled politely and shook his hand.
"Quite a grip you got there Sharon." You laughed.
"Well, thank you, I think. If you'll excuse me..."
"Oh of course, in fact let me walk with you. I want to talk to the boss."
You walked into Pepper's office to see she was on the phone. You set down her coffee as she mouthed a thank you.
You went to go to your desk outside her office when Tony stopped you.
"So, why this job?"
"I want to help people in the aftermath of what happened. This seemed the best way to use my skills."
You hear Pepper finishing her phone conversation behind you. "Alright, alright, thank you." She set her phone down and stood up to hug Tony.
"I see you two have met."
"Yes, we have," Tony said. "And Sharon here was just telling me why she took the job.""
"You were getting ready to interrogate her you mean?" You chuckled a bit. Tony looked (unconvincingly) offended.
"I would never-"
"She already got through an interview with Happy, I think she's clear." Tony nodded.
"I never said she wasn't."
"Is there anything in particular you need at the moment Ms. Potts?"
"No thank you Sharon."
You went to sit at your desk, not wanting to get behind on work, and really not wanting to answer any more of Stark's questions.
Weeks turned into months as you fell into your routine. Work kept you busy, and there was plenty to do.
But as time passed you started to get anxious. Maybe they'd never come back.
Every time this thought entered your mind you brushed it off. It had only been a few months. You just had to be patient.
Then everything went bad.
Terrorist attacks. Happy almost dying. Tony threatening a terrorist on television. His home exploding. Him presumed dead.
You tried to help Pepper and keep her safe. She finally heard from Tony, which helped. Then one day she asked you to go get lunch, and she was gone.
And all you could do was try to keep the company afloat while Tony and Pepper were missing. You kicked yourself, knowing you could've helped if you'd been there, but now you had no idea where they were or how to get to them.
Tony managed to save the day, and life went back to normal.
Well, when Happy returned he was a bit stricter than usual, but other than that it was normal.
A few months later, Tony came up to your desk.
"Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts is in a meeting at the moment but she should be done soon. I can let her know you've arrived."
"Actually I'm here to talk to you." He sat down opposite you and picked up a candy from the dish on your desk, unwrapped it, and popped it in his mouth.
"Well then what can I do for you Mr. Stark?" you asked evenly.
"I am planning a little surprise party for Ms. Potts' birthday, and I need a little help making sure she gets there and doesn't know what it is."
You smiled. "I think I can help with that."
"I'm so sorry about this again, Ms. Potts. I tried to get him to budge but he insisted this was the meeting time that worked for him."
"For the last time, Sharon, it's alright. I do dinner meetings all the time and I okayed this one when you asked me. It's just another day."
"But it's-"
"It's just another day for now. We can celebrate after this meeting."
You sat in the car in silence after that, Happy driving you to this important "meeting". You pulled up to a very nice restaurant and it seemed to be very quiet inside.
Happy opened the door for Pepper, and you let yourself out, carrying files in your arm.
"You're sure this is the right place?"
"Of course. It just must be a quiet night."
"If you say so."
Happy opened the door for you and once it shut behind you-
There was a deafening roar as fifty people jumped out from hiding spots, Tony of course directly in front of her behind the host stand, grinning smugly. Pepper laughed and kissed Tony before looking to you.
"Did you know about this?"
"Of course, what kind of assistant would I be if I didn't?"
"But the meeting-"
"Is a lunch meeting next week that's already on your calendar under a different name."
"Thank you Sharon."
"No problem." You turned to leave, but Tony stopped you.
"Where you going? The party's just getting started!"
You tried to excuse yourself, but that obviously wasn't going to happen.
"Come on Sharon, stay. You helped plan this after all."
You gave in and walked over to the bar with them, ordering your favorite drink.
The night flew by, and finally it was just you, Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, and Tony.
You ordered another drink as Rhodey whistled.
"That's what five? Six? How strong are those?"
You shrugged. "Hadn't noticed."
Everyone laughed. "I like her," Tony stated.
Conversation continued until everyone was ready to go, and you all started to walk towards the cars that were waiting outside already.
"Hey!" An angry voice shattered the fun atmosphere as someone came out of the shadows, gun in hand.
Before anyone could talk him down he pointed the gun at Pepper who was standing between you and Tony. Both of you moved in front of her, but you got in front of him.
The bullet went into your shoulder, but that didn't stop you. You ran forward, disarming the man. He threw a punch, and it landed, but it didn't really affect you. You punched him in the chest, throwing him backwards, and probably breaking a few ribs.
"Oh my god Sharon are you alright!" Pepper ran up to you.
"I'll be alright." Tony was staring at you.
"What are you?"
Read Part 3 here!
A/N: . Yes, I know, I know, you all are here for Loki, but just have a little patience. We'll get there. Or will we?
@ariminiria @heyarely16 @supraveng @writing-tips-for-about-anything @looseheartedlady @spac3unic0rn @lady-loki-ren
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
Wow! So I just binged Betrotheed and loved it 😘🥰
Can I please be tagged in Banished?
Definitely! Glad you enjoyed it!
Question for you and everyone else who read it, would today or tomorrow be too early for part 2? I mean I don't want anyone getting upset...
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
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I'm gonna get whiplash going back and forth from fluff to angst so much. What's Dean gonna do when he finds out? What's going on?
Escape {39}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Yelling, Violence, Mentions of Rape, Mentions of Murder, A little Fluff to Help With the Angst
Words: 2,170
Escape MasterList - My MasterList - Patreon
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
You have mentioned. I've missed you too!
Now I gotta run and read part 39 because I just can't stop.
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Escape {27}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Emotional!Dean, Mentions of Blood…I think that’s it…
Words: 2,716
Escape MasterList - My MasterList - Patreon
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nicolejones412 · 3 years
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I've held my reactions in up to this point. It just hurts (sooooo good).
Escape {27}
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Detective!Dean x Victim!Reader
Warnings: Language, Emotional!Dean, Mentions of Blood…I think that’s it…
Words: 2,716
Escape MasterList - My MasterList - Patreon
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