Asriel: Thank gosh. *piles the stuffies back on the bed or in the closet while waiting, smiling proudly at his show. Despite the fact there are way too many stuffies than necessary *
*She walks back into the room and holds out the glass of water*
I’m glad that I met you and Flowey
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(Hi remember me mod Makoto yuki on this blog @ask-ultimate-personas you sent me an ask two years ago and I am here to ask you two questions one would you like to interact with me with this starter and the second one is how are you doing?”)
Naoya was running around trying to find away to save his fellow wildcard user Makoto yuki who is currently infected with a virus. He thought who would be the best people to help him fight this war.
Naoya:” What am I gonna do now I can't find my teammates and I hope they didn't die in this war wait I remember a group of teens come to me and introduce themselves I think their name is Remus, friendly, Damon I can't remember the rest but those were ones, in particular, I can remember maybe these guys can help me”
So Naoya ran over to their house and knocked on the door and said “Hello there its Me Naoya Toudou the ultimate speed demon I was wondering if I can speak with you guys about something?”
(Yeah I do, I still follow!)
Hm? Wow another visitor, how did you find us though? We live in a forest in the middle of nowhere?
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Asriel: Very well, that is just fine. Let the battle commence!!!
*After an epic fight between two rivaling toys full of plot twists and excessive sound effects and war cries, plushie #1 turns out #1 having won by a slim! The winner bows to the audience and thanks for the cheering (done either by just Asriel or both watchers up to you)*
Asriel: *speaking in a tough voice for the plush* Thank you, thank you. That battle was for you, Kathryn. *makes it point to open air* Who's up next?
-Several fights later-
Asriel: *practically losing his voice at this point* And the winner is... Drum roll please.... Buhbadada! Plushie #142! What a tournament, I tell you, what a tournament! I would have never expected this. Your beloved shark has won the challenge, flower coming close in second and sushi coming in third. The rest are in uncharted territory.
*Friendly claps*
That was amazing! Here, let me get you some water, you sound parched
*She stands up and begins to walk out of the room*
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Asriel: We could do a tournament! Each of them battle and the last one that makes it to the top, wins.
(like the Tumblr sexyman tounament)
Asriel: And if they're cool, we can make them fight, but it's up to them to decide. *Takes two pushes at random from the bed* Alright, who will win? [Plushie #1] or [plushie #2?]
I don’t know… they’re both really good… hmmm
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Asriel: In that case, if you like it! Doubles as a blanket. *nods, thoughtfully*A cute one at that. Do you have a favorite?q
I’m not really sure if I could pick a favorite out of all of them
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Asriel: And that doesn't take up the entire bed? I understand you like the cuddles, but you still need to fit on your mattress. Hmm... Then again, maybe they want a comfortable place to sleep too. They're very sleepy things, always resting. Maybe so everyone gets optimal sleep, a handful or two from your bed will be taken into a large, cozy toybox with a cushion at the bottom?
They wrap around me…
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Asriel: That....many.... Oh golly, how do you still have room in your room?
(Also the cost of all those adds up. Slushies are expensive! In my opinion at least.)
I don’t know… my closet has a bit, my bed has most of them
(Yeah, I estimated the price, and it would be around over $400 dollars)
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Asriel: Isn't that one of those shark plushies? You sure have a lot of stuffed animals. Not that it's bad, that's not what I mean! It's just impressive. I was wondering before if you'd appreciate another back on Christmas after all you already have, but it's good to know you still love each and every one. You're gonna have a giant collection- a whole world record one day, I know it!
Oh, I’m getting close to beating it! I think I have… 500?
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Asriel: *Nods a single time, businesslike* So I thought. It's a shame it had to come to this, but... *dramatically extends a hand, practically sparkling with enthusiasm and playfulness. Ironically, it gives off energy rather than relaxing.* like a knight in shining armor, I must protect you, even from the evils of your own mind! You damn yourself to overwork constantly, but progress is a clear option! I will teach you, princess, don't you worry. *draws and points to an invisible chalkboard*
Asriel: There are a variety of ways to treat this illness, but I know you prefer snuggling so far. There is also listening to lullabies or white noise, bedtime stories, being pet, taking pills which I don't suggest because it's not the most satisfying form of rest and you wake up groggier in the morning, being active during the day to fall asleep faster, spa baths, other girl stuff like masks or something though I don't get why wearing masks help with that isn't that for Halloween??, being tucked in, wearing soft clothing, reading before bed, and.... And..... Uhmm.... Hey, I've now run out of space on the board to draw, convenient! I have loooooads more ideas though trust me.
Thanks for the suggestions, I recently got a BLÅHAJ, it’s been helping allot!
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Asriel: I think that's improvement. Maybe you need something to help you relax to gain that goal. Is that the problem? Lack of sleep differs a lot. Could be nightmares... restlessness, insomnia, pain, physical discomfort, staying up to be productive, I dunno.
I’m not sure, it may be the last one? But being relaxed has helped
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Asriel: Everyone needs friend to lean on, I'm sure it will be good for him. *slightly tilts his head and smiles kindly* A thank-you gift would be for more than just you helping me now with ideas, so I think it might be necessary. You put up with a lot from me. Oh! And your birthday is coming up soon too, so it'll be like a double gift. Or maybe a triple?
Asriel: *pacing and humming, doing brainstorming in his head* I got an idea already, but maybe I could- Hey, how are you doing with your rest as of lately?
Oh, those won’t be necessary! And I’ve been doing better, not getting as much sleep as I should, but I’m getting sleep now
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Asriel: Thank you! Maybe I can use that. If there's anything else I should know about befriending him, just let me know! Not that I'm very good at that in general
Flowey: *watching, in his head* (Hehe, old people sport)
Asriel: Since you're helping me, I outta pay you back somehow. Any ideas?
Oh, I don’t know much, and there’s no need to pay me back, I hope that demon gets along with more people
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Asriel: So, if I hypothetically were to get closer to him, do you know what he likes to do outside of... You know. Bad stuff.
He likes to play golf
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Asriel: ..Do you think him being nice to you could just be some sort of tactic then? I'd hope not. You don't deserve fakeness or any of that sort.
Asriel: That is strange... usually there's some good in the bad. You know, yin yang? But what if he just needs to grow some goodness on him?
I sure hope it isn’t, and, maybe deeper down, he has some niceness in him, that’s why he’s nice around people he’s familiar with
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Asriel: I thought you said he was decently nice if you got to know him...?
He is, but, when I see into his soul, I only see malice, that’s what makes me worried…
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Asriel: Aw.... Alright. I still think you're pretty good with finding the good in others though! *Grin* You can't let one bad moment spoil your whole career! *Rechecks note paper* You're literally made to do that, right? I think it's a stressing job, but at least you're not one.
No, it doesn’t bring me down, it’s just, terrifying how I can’t find any in his soul, he’s pure malice, it’s scary..
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Asriel: Oh, I should probably get to know him better first then! Y'see, I was trying to convince him to bemore considerate to others, but anything seems to fly over his head. Heehee, guess I should keep it to the professional! *Slightly nudges Friendly playfully*
I wouldn’t say that I’m professional… I’m better at reading people… and, I’ve tried, there’s no way to get him to stop
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