Why does your description call you broke?
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I have alot of things I need to buy, my trip to scaremarica has been costly. Ma Mère has been sending enough for my schooling and a bit of spending money.However when the next scaremester ends, she expects me to start paying for my self (I’d be returning to my love, Scaris)
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cute asks ♡
1. what languages can you speak?
2. describe your ideal/perfect day?
3. who do you love most in your life?
4. what color are your eyes? do you like them?
5. favorite candle scent?
6. favorite type of flowers?
7. if you could smell like anything all the time,what scent would you pick?
8. favorite constellation and why?
9. what color is your favorite and why?
10. do you prefer the ocean or the mountains?
11. favorite type of weather? describe it?
12. what are you most passionate about in life?
13. favorite songs?
14. what is your go to snack?
15. chocolate or strawberry milk?
16. do you like journaling? if so,what do you journal about?
17. what are your biggest dreams in life?
18. what are your religious beliefs?
19. would you rather have 100 kittens or 100 puppies?
20. cotton candy or funnel cakes?
21. do you prefer hand holding or cuddles?
22. favorite place in nature to be? describe what it looks like or post a photo of it?
23. is there anyone you'd die for? who?
24. do you have any unusual fears? what are they?
25. museum dates or aquarium dates?
26. favorite fruit?
27. do you have long or short hair? which do you prefer to have and why?
28. what makes you happy?
29. do you collect anything? if so,what?
30. favorite sea creature?
31. talk about the person you love most?
32. favorite soda?
33. have you ever dyed your hair before? what color(s)?
34. favorite emoji(s)?
35. how tall are you?
36. if you could travel anywhere in the world,where would you want to go?
37. favorite number?
38. are you a night owl or an early bird?
39. favorite holiday? how do you usually celebrate it?
40. favorite movie(s)?
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(Friendly little reminder that this is an ask blog, and my inbox is open, if you followed me for art @ghoststudios is my main. If you followed me for the ask blog thing feel free to send me questions.)
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any best friends? also your art in scaris is top-notch😳👌
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I Guess the Wolf Family could also count as I lodged at there place until the dorms opened back up. I don’t really have friends, I’m what you would call a major loner. 
Also to note, Merci. I am glad you enjoy my work.                                       
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Boonjour tout le monde. I’m here to answer questions, I guess.
((Mod Noir: Ey, I don’t know what to put for an intro, so yeah, ask questions.))
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