ask-arthurk · 4 years
i’ve made posts needing help in the past but they’ve all ended up losing traction quickly, and right now i need a ton of help before i end up evicted come january.
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currently i owe $949.09 with december’s rent and two months of late fees, and i’ll need help with next month too, which would total to $1,719.09.. i’ve been hired for a full-time position but i won’t be able to make next month’s rent on before that first paycheck. i know this is a lot to ask for, especially around holidays amd with covid but i’m in desperate need of help.
c*shapp: salamandias
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Okay ive skimmed through the history of this blog and wow!!! holy shit this seems like a wild ride. Im surprised that you've kept on posting for that long!! (and the way your art has improved!!! its amazing!!)
How it went How its going
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They have changed... my babies grow up too fast
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Arthur claims to be a gentlemen. We have yet to see any proof of that.
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That's gentlemanly right? Buying you and your lover food so you can both live.
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
I don’t fuck daily, I’m ace
Reference to this: Here
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When I said "they" in the post I didnt mean everyone in the world I was saying "they" as in Arthur and Francis... Y'all gotta understand the context of shit
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Do you and Francis shave together in the morning?
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Arthur will do anything to stop Francis from shaving as he wants to see him grow a beard
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
How often do you cuddle/ favorite cuddle place?
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Cuddle time is an art when it comes to them, they are cuddle masters
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
When is the wedding
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They dont want a Zoom Wedding because they dont know how to use Zoom
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
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As quarantine gets to me I find more things that make me thirst for gays, like Monster Prom. So I decided to draw myself as my own monster to take to prom... or to just even make sure if there is a soul in that husk. But I hope y'all like it and I think this is how I'll draw myself from now on, it's cute.
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
What is your favorite past time with Francis? 🙊💕
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If anyone, and I mean anyone, says they dont fuck daily I will smack myself
(Ask Box is Open, answers will be posted slowly due to a motivation block)
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
*Slides Romano €50* Tell Alfred Kiku likes him
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Anime boy planning an anime plan
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Hey kiku alfred said you were cute
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A fool in love
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Does someone know about Kiku's crush on Alfred? If so, would that someone ever tell Alfred?
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They all have mixed feelings, but the main feeling is chaos
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Hey Alfred do you think Kiku is cute
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Alfred??? Being open to a relationship that's not with Arthur??? Did I say character development??? Yeah I did
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Would Kiku ever confess to Alfred or is he too shy to?
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He is determined that someday Alfred will ask him out. He isn’t good with 3D relationships, he is more used to 2D yaoi games.
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Hey Japan what do you think of America
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Wow, I’m really breaking the 4th wall here, aren’t I?
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
Mun is valid and I fully support you. ♡♡ -MamanMaryEve
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But thank you for the support everyone. It just angers me that because so much is going on that these very important things that are going on are being ignored.
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ask-arthurk · 4 years
What are the best gifts you've each given each other?
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I like to think that on their first date Arthur didn’t want the flowers he got Francis to die so he went to the craft store and bought the most expensive fake flowers and made sure they were Francis’ favourite flowers of all time.
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