ask-arts-and-crafts · 9 months
What is your opinion on seedless watermelons
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Crafts: Both of us prefer them over non-seedless! So there!
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ask-arts-and-crafts · 9 months
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Put my ocs arts and crafts in a blender
Arts and Crafts from @squid-ink-on-toast is being blended!!
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You cannot save them.
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Wowza! You have 11 Toon Gold, don’t spend it all in one place!
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Hey wait art what happened to that phone I gave you.... can't you use that instead?
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Arts phone: I can use my phone, but I do have a preference for the signage, its faster for me honestly.
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[player] was caught roleplaying using a roleplay blog on Tumblr.com.
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How does Arts feel about not being able to communicate with us? How do they communicate with Crafts?
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[Arts’ sign: Eh… I’m used to it]
Crafts: Arts doesn’t like missing her ability to communicate… but she’s learned to work around it i guess
And about how I can understand her? I honestly don’t know… I just do? Some other people close to her can too I think?
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I don't think you guys should go into the spooky chasm, sounds like a recipe for disaster
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…I heard them ya know? Your hands kinda suck at stopping sound-
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I have to ask have you too anything weird lately within the fort? Like I don't know some weird stuff going on in the lower levels?
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Crafts: We’ve never been in the “lower levels” yet Lance… thats a tad more dangerous than what we wanna deal with
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Me and Arts have started to notice some cracks
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Mx. Shopko’s Shop
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“So whatcha buying?”
Fast Forward: For 10 Toon Gold somewhere in the future (if you have specific then please add that too) 10 asks
Rewind: For 10 Toon Gold somewhere in the past (if you have specific then please add that too) 10 asks
Change Channel: For 30 Toon Gold change au for 10 asks
CC: For 5 Toon Gold you can understand Arts for 5 asks
HDMI (locked): costs nothing but you need to dm me, basically collab button, will be granted to anyone who has an askblog and wants to collab
You have: 12 Toon Gold
How to get Toon Gold: Literally send me asks, every answered ask gives you 1 TG
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This is in the order of when each ask was answered, when more posts are made they will be added here!
First post
Why arts can’t speak
What do you guys do in the blanket fort
What is the blanket fort
What is in your hammer spaces
How did we learn about the blanket fort
Cracks and Tears
Recipe for disaster
How does Arts feel about not speaking?
Text to speech
Seedless watermelon
Non asked stuff
New phonecase
Look! Horrors!
Museum Incident
Oh taunt
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How did you guys discover this "blanket fort"?
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Crafts: Do you wanna answer this one? I’m fine to delete it if… ya know, that area’s still tender.
Arts nods, though she is uncomfortable
Okay, tell me what I get wrong, okay?
So… Arts was the one who showed me the blanket fort, after the knowledge of its existence was spread throughout town, but Arts however was one of the original kidnappies
From what’s she said she was taken in here and chased in the catacombs for a long time, she was missing for days
I mean now we know that the mayor wouldn’t hurt any of us on purpose, but at the time Arts didn’t know that
I remember how scary those weeks were for me… I couldn’t imagine what it was like for you, Arts
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So how have you two been doing ever since I got that phone case for art?
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Arts: *bounce bounce*
Crafts: Oh hey Lance! Nice hearing from you! We’ve been good, or well, as good as it gets!
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Arts and Lance
Lance is @meme-boys-blog ‘s character
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Hello hello!! May I ask, whats in ur hammerspaces? If you have any! :3
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Crafts: Finally someone who knows their toons! Well here ya go!
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Crafts: Me and arts both can take out mostly anything from our hammer spaces, but we fall back on glue guns and quill, mine is in my pocket and Arts is in her folds!
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"Blankie...opolis?" Where the heck is THAT?
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Crafts: Oh its just a hop and a skip that-a-way
Arts just facepalms before saying something in her paper crumple way
Crafts: Oh- not what they’re asking, well Blankieopolis is in the blanket fort, which long story short is kinda a separate dimension which the mayor just sorta made one day then started kidnapping people, who now just kinda live here, Blankieopolis is the city, some people live here, some just come to relief stress, some came in over the years and some were some of the kidnappies
Arts looks kinda uncomfy about the whole conversation
Crafts: but that was long ago!
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