ask-blinky · 4 years
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( i haven't got photoshop right now so its just a drawing . but i had to draw something after watching Wizards. XD )
(spoilers , stop reading if you haven't watched it yet)
Blinky looking after his poor boy after everything hes been threw  (if he hadn't turned human right away)(but full troll Jim or monster troll Jim was very cool, he was bigger than Argh! how i wanted a beauty and the beast moment with him and Clair. or just a huge jim next to everyone else all friendly)
and is it just me or dose the amulet and the past troll hunters not make sense in wizards? according to what i know of troll history there existed trollhunters way before daya, even before blinky and draals birth?. and wasnt daya the trollhunter before the battle of killahead? i believe the secession of trollhunters goes from daya to kanjigar when the trolls leave for the new world on a ship, then to jim. so unless its because the gang messed with time, whats going on. 
thogh apart from that detail it was fun and im looking forward to  Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans in 2021 XD
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ask-blinky · 4 years
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its been a long time since i was here, but i return amidst a pandemic because troll masks must exist XD. and hopfully i get back to drawing, no promises though. 
hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. even creatures of stone need to look after each other.
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ask-blinky · 5 years
Merry Christmas Humans!
Keep It Crispy, and Merry Christmas
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ask-blinky · 5 years
Blinky, how would you feel if you met my Trollhunters OC, Tanis? (She's a dragon spirit who's trapped in Jim's head, can occasionally take control, and when it happens she is either a female dragon anthro or literally a female Jim with eyes the color of fire and spikier hair than he does. Even when she's dormant, you can still tell she's there with her commentary in her voice and the peculiar tiny golden loop earring or his left ear with draconic etchings...) Wow that was a long one.
hed probably be surprised he never noticed this about jim before XD. but otherwise would rp in normal blinky character. though probably in the @ask-blinky-rp blog. same for anyone that wants to rp. I will rp any scenario that the characters find themselves in mostly, just ask.
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ask-blinky · 6 years
Blinky here
just wanting to let you all know that despite the lack of activity I do plan to continue this bog, and even with the big adult content ban happening, I plan to keep posting here.(not like trolls have things to show of anyway). but I will probably add these posts to my old deviantart as a lot of people might move of this platform.... and I have no idea where they might go. hope not to lose many of you
im around the trollhunter discord if you want to chat/rp mostly the
 “[16+]Trollhunters Roleplay” 
one, where else would you find Blinky :::)
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ask-blinky · 6 years
Been a while
I know its been a while and I will be back, if you have sent asks, there still there I will get to them... eventually. just very busy right now. I wish I had more time to draw to. just letting you all know I haven't abandoned this blog
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ask-blinky · 6 years
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Jim: why did you post that Blinky: don't worry Master Jim, it is a perfectly normal part of troll behaver and bonding. Arghes fondness of you , the youngest troll in our group, shown by his grooming of your coat. Jim: Blinky yes that's embarrassing, and im annoyed. but the problem is, you sent it to MY mum. and WORSE, Strickler saw it! STRICKER SAW IT!!
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ask-blinky · 6 years
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Blinky : Greetings Internet, this is my first attempt at what you call a selfie. I think its quite good
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ask-blinky · 6 years
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Caroline: hmm Blinkys Dad? Blinky: What are you doing? Caroline : oh nothing... (mum and dad produced Dict and Blinky, must have mixed but similar features.. is only i had a larger view on what blinkys species looked like)
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ask-blinky · 6 years
Hey Blinky! Do you have any pictures of your mother?
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Blinky: ah well you see us trolls prefer other ways of remembering ones relatives and friends. like the keeping of dead ones bodys, scriptures and illustrations. as well as the occasional charm or sculpture.(ramble ramble)Caroline: hmm Blinkys mum.....
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ask-blinky · 6 years
(oop wrong blog... im just going to reblog as im to lazy to type it again)
(Blinky has started a video call with you)
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Mr Blinky : How do I get this camera on?, oh wait there it is
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Mr Blinky: * coughs* Why hello there, em ,Dr CreepSlayer. I happened across your blog and saw you are also interested in the rumors and theories around Arcadia.
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Mr Blinky: oh I forgot to introduce myself. I am Mr Blinky,I myself am quite the scholar ,and know of many legions from both here and abroad. I’m quite the expert in this area, and I thought perhaps you could tell me what it is you have seen, exactly?
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???: What doing? Mr Blinky: (whispered to ???) not now my friend
Mr Blinky:as I’m sure that we can help each other in our endeavors if we share some information.
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Mr Blinky: Perhaps you can start with what exactly is the biggest thing you have seen? and how good a look did you get of it?
(( @askthecreepslayerz ))
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ask-blinky · 6 years
((This is for the mun: I saw the jumper exchange pictures you did, and I just about lost it with how adorable and heartfelt and awesome it was! In fact I'd say it was inspiring... As in fanfic inspiring. I was hoping I might have your permission to use the pictures as a springboard for a fanfic along the same lines, with credit to you for the inspiration of course! With Father's Day coming up the timing is perfect!))
((awww I'm so glad you liked it, of course, feel free to write something based on it. send me a link when its done. I would love to read it))
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ask-blinky · 6 years
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https://www.redbubble.com/people/omis/collections/705284-blinky-fanart new tshirts! XD
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ask-blinky · 6 years
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((I was going to add text, but I think the images speak for themselves. that and I think this is just something Jim and Blinky should be happy and enjoy))
((also yay now they have matching jumpers))
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ask-blinky · 6 years
normally I don't reblog things, but Blinkys voice over is epic. and his OMG Merlin face XXXD
Our #Trollhunters are stronger than ever, but so are their enemies. The fight to save humankind wages on in Part 3 of Trollhunters! Coming to @Netflix May 25! #TalesOfArcadia #GuillermodelToro #DreamWorks
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ask-blinky · 6 years
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 “Ask Blinky” t-shirts, mugs and much more at my redbubble online shop.
as well as mu original creations the Cat-appliers, in normal and D&D versions.
please have a look I’m hoping to sell enough to try make the blinky cosplay I thought up previously on this blog. and what better time with season 3 coming up
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ask-blinky · 6 years
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Been working on a T-shirt design, what do you all think
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