ask-boy-twinsomnia · 1 year
(Xentty is a member from the Xenoverse system and is an OC made by us)
*A lab that was once destroyed and reported over the news to have been the place of a horrendous massacre now is where you find yourself, except it looks... new. It looks better than ever, like from out of a futuristic sci-fi movie. Everything is renewed, more than what thousands of generations could achieve. Within the lab, where a test subject used to reside on the other side of a clear wall that no longer is there, sits an unknown individual on a rather odd and complex looking chair. The odd individual's eyes lock themselves to you, its head being an actual text box. They eyes shine fiercely as they stare at you.
Good luck.*
"Welcome, mortal."
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
i am sending you hugs <3
Thanks!!! Hugging you back!
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
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I keep thinking to myself; what if B&G found their way to Pico eventually?
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
yoinky and sploinky,. the twins ever. evr
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i love sock.clip's art a lot, i hope one day i can be as creative as them aueuaujgl
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
YOOOOOOO I love this.
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Doodle I did of a human Boy while doing an art stream tonight ehehe hehe,,
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
These are awesome lmao!
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So uhhhhhhhhhhh Twinsomnia, right?
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Have you ever encounted any kids that you wanted to adopt during your line of work, can go into detail?
Kind of! I'm more of a big brother than a father, and I have been tempted to stay longer or let them come with us buuuut that ain't allowed and such.
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
The question im about to ask you is going to be a pretty sensitive topic, and if you wish to not answer, just say "pass"
So Boy, have you and Girl ever dealt with kids who... Who had left the world too early?
Ah...yeah, we have.
Girl sometimes stays, but other times I have to let her leave early cuz it hurts her to see it. I sometimes end up staying until the child passes on. It's...not the best feeling, but at least we give them company one last time.
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Jello?, How are you
Ello! Chilling.
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
How do you and Girl get along?
Pretty well! We make a good team.
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Question: Pineapples on pizza - yes or no?
Eh, I'm indifferent about it.
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Ever been in an awkward or even kind of humorous situation, while trying to get rid of a monster or burglar? If so, care to share?
Oh, a lot. There was this one time that I shrunk so my head could fit a jar because the kid found it funny, but then a monster showed up so I immediately grew bigger to fight it but the jar was now stuck to my head.
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Hey there! Have you ever broken something on accident while playing around?
Yep. A lot.
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Hey, this is an ask that you absolutely do not have to answer. I just want to express sincere joy and gratitude on the behalf of all Twinsomnia fans starved for content, especially of our lad. Thank you for this blog, and for just being cool as heck. :-]
(Ooc; Aldklakdla thank you so much!!!)
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Hey boy?are you by chance...
*ler fingers*
Nope! I am tough as rocks!
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Bad things? Nightmares, maybe? Like bad dreams?
What is the bad thing you're thinking of?
The little creature couldn’t sleep. It had tried, but… He shuddered. No, he didn’t think he could sleep right now. It sat curled up in the middle of its bed, with the covers pulled up to hide everything but its eyes. - @tiny-cave-creature
Having trouble, lil' guy?
*An optimistic voice could be heard from the foot end of the bed. A smaller guy with sticks for hair and a big smile, popped out of there, lighting up the room.*
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ask-boy-twinsomnia · 2 years
Hear ya loud and clear, Annie.
So, what's bothering ya?
*Boy said as he layed on the ground on his stomach, his hands holding his face up.*
Annie grumbled. She tossed and turned in her bed, but wasn’t able to get any sleep. She looked and saw Garcello asleep nice and soundly.
Havin' some trouble there, kid?
*Well that was unexpected. A pales, smiling guy with sticks for hair popped his head out from underneath Annie's bed.*
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