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“Imagine writing good fiction on purpose, it couldn’t be me.”
╰☆╮ Wind Spirit, Vidyadhara (~5000 years young)
╰☆╮ Fiction Author
╰☆╮ Sympathetic towards Humans
╰☆╮ Loooowkey a Good Person
╰☆╮ Writes the MOST aggravatingly bad fiction on purpose
╰☆╮ Wants to torture the masses with his terrible but addictive stories
╰☆╮ Takes on odd jobs throughout the year
╰☆╮ “…infidelity! scandal! your best friend is in love with your sibling! murder! love triangle! you’re adopted! it was all a dream! cults! aliens!! a love interest referred to by the book as a hottie several dreadful times!! loose ends! scandal but BIGGER!! HOw Much can he cram into a book before someone angrily throws it/their reading device against a wall??” -Mun Mango 
╰☆╮ Free spirit, gremlin energies, causes problems on purpose
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Important Announcement!
Thank you to everyone for being so patient with us, we finally finished talking to every member and checking feedback on all blogs. If you are no longer a member, please remember to free up the URL for the next person. If you’re still here, thank you for sticking around!
Over in the Cohabitation server we’ve been hard at work, and we plan to open a new event coming around New Years >:D It’s going to be exciting!
But the most important announcement of all! Applications will be opening again!
Applications will be open from December 6th to December 12th! You can send your application in within that time frame and hopefully get a slot into the Cohabitation AU! We’ve had them closed for a long time to do housekeeping, so we’re hoping to open them up more often.
That’s all for now! Thanks so much again! Can’t wait to see and promote more cool stuff!
- Admin Tema
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:D pride month art?
tw: underweight character aka Rod
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“Hello it’s been some time, eh!”
Hi! Been quite away from here but im not dead! just very drained ^^
Anyway decided to update a little with new looks and personality, he has changed quite some after the Valentine’s event with @ask-cohabitation-china He’s much happier now and let’s hope it will stay like that
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“Time....” Oskar look was not what he really expected but he was understanding and it was an answer he could accept. He looked at Yao with a more passion look in his eyes, “Yes, Time.....Please...take as much time as you need” He smiled softly, “I will be here waiting until time runs out”
Valentine’s Day Event Pt. 3
Part 1: Here
Part 2. 1: Here
Part 2. 2: Here
Yao nodded as he entered the house, sitting on the couch and stretching against it and then falling on the floor for overstretching.”I’ll cook you something up soon. Let me just get rid of the pain.” He said with a laugh, sitting back on to the couch and lying over it. “In the meantime, is there anything you’d like?” He asked looking up at him from the arm rest.
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“I have something back at the apartment for you, will you come over?” Yao asked in a flustered manner.
from ask-cohabitation-china~
“Anything for you Yao! I would love to come over!”
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blep blep//
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It’s a Masquerade Party!!
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Happy 1 Year Anniversary Cohabitation!
I can’t believe it’s been a year. And man how far we’ve come. 
Also the votes are all in, sorry we didn’t post this sooner but–!!!
The Anniversary Celebration for Cohabitation AU is a Masquerade Party! And everyone is invited, whether you are a blog that runs a Cohabitation Blog or not! Other AU’s and individual muns are free to interact with anyone with a fun masquerade theme! 
We can’t wait to see your characters in amazing outfits and having some fun!! Feel free to use the tag #cohabitation-masquerade for all of your posts involving! we’ll be making sure to check the tage and reblogging things for all to see!
You don’t have to participate of course, it is an open event for anyone to join. It will run from October 29th to November 19th, giving members and non-members plenty of time to have some fun! 
Happy Anniversary! Big changes are on the way soon, so stay tuned!
For now, let’s Celebrate!
Mun Tema
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Oskar signed to himself taking a deep breath, it’s either now or never. He looked back at the sun setting, soon it would be dark. “I don’t know what your reaction to this would be, I don’t care if you either say yes or no. I just...” He stopped for a bit before looking back into Yao’s eyes.
“I need to get this out of me, I’ve stuck with this feeling for as long as I’ve known you and I need to stop being a coward and finally confess”
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“I love you, I’ve had these feelings for months now and I needed to get them out, I understand if you don’t feel the same way but I need let myself out”
Valentine’s Day Event Pt. 3
Part 1: Here
Part 2. 1: Here
Part 2. 2: Here
Yao nodded as he entered the house, sitting on the couch and stretching against it and then falling on the floor for overstretching.”I’ll cook you something up soon. Let me just get rid of the pain.” He said with a laugh, sitting back on to the couch and lying over it. “In the meantime, is there anything you’d like?” He asked looking up at him from the arm rest.
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Yao and Oskar in G2 and G3
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1st Anniversary Celebration
the Hetalia Cohabitation AU is turning one year old this month!! :D
And to celebrate we want to host a celebration open to any and all members and followers, but Finny and I want to know…
How do you all want to celebrate?
Characters Swap Species? Masquerade Party? 
Let us know! Comment on this post, send in asks, submit ideas!! 
You have until Midnight on October 10th to send in ideas!!! So let us hear it! I’m so excited to hear what y’all think! 
Mun Tema
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Do you identify more with your human half or your snake half?
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“My snake half is important to me, but also a curse. It gives me strenght and confidence. But ofcourse it comes with the price of hunters coming after me and screams of terrified humans. But I dont care, I’m strong, my family and friends love me for who I am.”
“And I’m a mad fucking beautiful ass snake”
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He chuckled a bit at Yao’s answer “I don’t know, maybe it’s just my heart talking.......Or the alcohol” He burped a bit. “I did have some beer before meeting up with you today” He breathed in again “But...I would guess it’s more my heart talking right now....and it’s been wanting to talk out for several months now”. He shifted his head a bit to meet Yao’s eyes.
Oskar lifted his head up to fully meet Yao’s gaze with a warm and friendly smile, his eyes reflecting a bit from the sunset. “My heart has been wanting to speak out to you for such a long time and now...It finally has it’s chance”
Valentine’s Day Event Pt. 3
Part 1: Here
Part 2. 1: Here
Part 2. 2: Here
Yao nodded as he entered the house, sitting on the couch and stretching against it and then falling on the floor for overstretching.”I’ll cook you something up soon. Let me just get rid of the pain.” He said with a laugh, sitting back on to the couch and lying over it. “In the meantime, is there anything you’d like?” He asked looking up at him from the arm rest.
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how many people have you unintentionally adopted
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“I also seem to have taken to Andrea as some sort of distant cousin- really I am finding myself attached to Qiu despite her concerning ideas regarding naga biology as well… Honestly, I shouldn’t be so carefree and generous with my attention lest malicious gazes follow them. 
Though this is more or less how my home has always expanded, I never needed a partner or had children. Friends simply turn into family.
That being said I consider Zumra a sister just the same, I would warn you not to trouble her.”
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As they sat there, looking out over the forest towards the sunset. Oskar Slowly put his hand over Yao’s and then leaned his head against Yao’s. He closed his eyes and smiled, “I wish this moment could last forever, wishing we could be like this forever”
Valentine’s Day Event Pt. 3
Part 1: Here
Part 2. 1: Here
Part 2. 2: Here
Yao nodded as he entered the house, sitting on the couch and stretching against it and then falling on the floor for overstretching.”I’ll cook you something up soon. Let me just get rid of the pain.” He said with a laugh, sitting back on to the couch and lying over it. “In the meantime, is there anything you’d like?” He asked looking up at him from the arm rest.
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Oskar gladly took them from Yao and took a bit, they were still hot but very tasty. “Oh these are delicious!” He said while smiling at Yao. He then put them them aside and looked out at the sun setting over the quiet forest, far from the city, away from the sound and people.
Just him and Yao at this very moment. He smiled as let out a peaceful and happy sign, “The sun is always so beautiful around this time every day, it’s sad that it will then leave us for a few hours” He said as he continued looking at it.
Valentine’s Day Event Pt. 3
Part 1: Here
Part 2. 1: Here
Part 2. 2: Here
Yao nodded as he entered the house, sitting on the couch and stretching against it and then falling on the floor for overstretching.”I’ll cook you something up soon. Let me just get rid of the pain.” He said with a laugh, sitting back on to the couch and lying over it. “In the meantime, is there anything you’d like?” He asked looking up at him from the arm rest.
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