ask-electrobars · 2 years
What's your opinion on the bloody queen?
She's good at what she does and knows it, I'll give her that.
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When she has you in her sights, that's a different story.
If looks could kill we'd already be dead.
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It gets me thinking...
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Heh... I started rambling again, didn't I?
Well what I guess I mean is this, so much of her and who she is as a person is dependent on her upbringing. It makes me wonder what my own future will be like.
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ask-electrobars · 2 years
How's ur mom doing?
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(`⊗﹁◓´) As of the last time I saw her, still dead
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ask-electrobars · 2 years
Did your mom about this?
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ask-electrobars · 2 years
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ask-electrobars · 2 years
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Oh, it's a device! (`⊗﹁◓´)
Not too sure what it is but it's hefty. Let's see... a cylindrical canister about 70 to 75 millimeters in length and made out of- ...aluminum? It's got weight to it but i doubt the casing's very strong. I mean I would make one with better materials but not everyone can be me. The weld job on the top part looks impecable if you dont look at the other half they rushed and it doesn't feel hot to the touch. Did they use any motors inside? How about any bearings or valves? How do you even open this thing? Both ends are secured on and I can't find an opening on it. It's someones invention surely but for the life of me I can't even tell what it is. Didn't even bother to give it cupholders
Hmm... if i hold my ear up to it, then I can hear the inside ticking.
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(Your turn @ask-idv-chimneysweeper !!)
-> Previously on Hot Bombtato <-
Catching the bomb with her hat, she was confused and slightly terrified.
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“I- What? How? You know what I dont have the energy to deal with this.”
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“Wasn’t the family in Brooklyn making weapons?”
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A loud crashing sound can be heard. The makeshift spear/javelin worked somehow.
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“Sorry! It’s nothing personal I swear!”
{ @idv-thespians }
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
Luca. What happened to your eye?
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
Wh0 d0 y0u g3t al0ng w1th th3 m0st surv1v0r w1s3? (translation: who do you get along with the most survivor wise?)
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
LUCA !!!!! what is ur opinion on the castaways backyardigans song
I love it!
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[In a hushed tone] If I never hear it again, it'll be too soon...
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
Thoughts on the shit dog? [/lh]
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Don't tell Naib I said that-
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
haha fart boy 🤢
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
Have a crush on anyone? 😳
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
oh! mr. balsa please tell us how you feel about miss helena!
As a teammate shes great to have!
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...most of the time...
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
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and in a new medium too~}}
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
HAPPY Character Day, GUARD 26!!!!!!!!11!!!1!1!111!111!!))
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
people might ship edamile is because they arent used to the guys being the abuse victims :\
//THIS. This is a huge part of why people romanticizing this relationship is even more disappointing.
TW for discussion of domestic abuse going forward! Please read with care. 💕
//Abuse victims as a whole are usually blamed and disbelieved — but it happens in different ways for men who are survivors. A lot of people have this weird belief that men can’t be abused, because men are “too strong” to be abused, especially by women. This is not true at all! They get told “they must enjoy it” or that “they would leave if it was actually bad” and so many other terrible things.
//A lot of the time, women who are abusers play into toxic femininity as well — they are seen as “just wanting to help” or “not knowing any better”. They can lean into the stereotype of women being pure and innocent in order to gaslight their victims and deceive outsiders. Does this remind you of how Eda behaves? It should. And to see so many people going along with these flimsy excuses despite Eda’s actions being objectively abusive… it’s really, genuinely disappointing to me that so many people are so uneducated and so unwilling to listen to all the survivors who have spoken out.
//Emile’s responses to Eda — being anxious to the point of physical debilitation around other women, feeling he has to “prove” his love through perfect obedience and submission, etc. — are all TEXTBOOK trauma responses. Saying things like “it’s for your own good”, “I’m the only person who can help you”, and so on are all EXTREMELY manipulative tactics that abusers use to isolate their victims and make them feel they deserve the terrible treatment. And that’s not even touching on the ableism of it all too.
//TL;DR: Eda and Emile’s relationship is abusive, and plays specifically into common patterns present when men are victims of abusive women. Survivors who are men are uniquely dismissed in different ways than women are, it may explain — not justify — why so many fans are willing to overlook and defend the abuse Emile suffers from Eda.
//Stay safe, everyone. Don’t be afraid to take a break from social media if you need to for your health! This blog will always be a safe plays for abuse survivors. Take good care 💕
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ask-electrobars · 3 years
I'm opening it again!
I thought that it would be unfair to leave it closed while I'm working on catching up on some classwork. So I might as well open it up for when I'm able to let myself relax and post again. :D
The inbox is currently closed!
I'm normally more on top of stuff, but i got the second dosage of the vaccine and it took me out for longer than I would have liked.
I'm pushing through to get the current asks done and the box open :D
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