ask-gira-tiny-blog · 7 years
Hiatus Notice
I’m sure you’ve all noticed that I’ve been absent from this blog (and all my others) for quite a while now. My inspiration and motivation have been… difficult lately. Worry not, though, as I’m not abandoning my blogs! I’m just taking a break until my characters speak to me again. I appreciate your patience!
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ask-gira-tiny-blog · 8 years
Gimme gimme! This looks fun!
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i never know what to do with the body when i do these so here’s one of those things with arms™
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ask-gira-tiny-blog · 8 years
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“Is it friendly? Can I play with it? Oh! Are you a ‘parents’? You seem friendly, so a ‘parents’ has gotta be friendly!”
Tiny seems happy to have deduced the mystery of what a ‘parents’ is.
( @askpuppylove )
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ask-gira-tiny-blog · 8 years
(I mean, not on Tiny if they’re not a child. But, while Sabri may not appreciate someone crushing on them, I am a OK with it!)
Reblog if you're ok with other characters developing crushes on your characters.
Just to let people know that you will not be upset or uncomfortable if their characters do develop crushes and act/make advances to your characters! Also if you’re ok with certain characters but not others than please specify!  (◡‿◡)
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ask-gira-tiny-blog · 8 years
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“*sigh* I’m gonna haveta’ answer the damn question since the shrimp here doesn’t know shit. So this kid is a Giratina, so they have the ability ta’, as you say it, ‘Hiccup a portal’. Giratinas have dominion over this world, the Distortion World, and can create passages from this world to others. As for what’s out there? Probably more of you nosy shits! Now got the fuck outta here!”
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“Aww! Do they gotta leave so soon?”
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ask-gira-tiny-blog · 8 years
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“W-what is that, Sabsie?”
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“First, don’t call me that! And that there... Well, it’s something I’m gonna haveta’ work my ass of to fix. You too, squirt! This is your mess, you gotta fix it!”
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“What do you mean?”
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“That’s an exit. Which means it’s also an entrance. Fuck, we’re gonna have intruders poppin’ in left and right is we don’t fix it soon...”
[Tiny and Sabri are open for asks!]
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ask-gira-tiny-blog · 8 years
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Here’s the icon! Future blog posts to follow soon-ish!
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