ask-jasico · 6 years
Is it in bad taste to point out that while Chrissy is dead, so is Jason Grace? I really don't mean any disrespect, I just thought it was odd. I truly am sorry for your loss, though. She seems like she was a wonderful person, and it's a small comfort to know she's in a better place now.
I am so sorry for the late answer. I didn’t know, that Jason died? When did he die? I am shocked! Don’t worry, I don’t think it was disrespectful. To be honest, I am glad that people keep the connection between her and Jason. It’s a good thing to know, that she is remembered. She was really a wonderful person and I miss her a lot. I feel better when people remember her!
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ask-jasico · 8 years
I'm so sorry for your loss. This blog was something that brightened my day every time I saw an update. I wish love to you and everyone that knew Chrissy personally, we were lucky enough to see even a little bit of how amazing she was. She will be missed. I'm so sorry.
Thank you so much for your sympathy. Your words mean a lot to me. She was an amazing person and she deserves to be remembered and to be missed.Thank you.
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ask-jasico · 8 years
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Obituary for Chrissy,
Hey guys,
I am so sorry for not answering any questions anymore.
Most of you guys didn’t know us in person. But you followed us, sent us questions and liked the stuff we made. Thank you so much for everything. It was a lot of fun and we enjoyed this ask blog a lot.
And I don’t want us to just disappear without a word of gratitude and without an explanation.
Some months ago Chrissy/Jason/Magpie collapsed at work because of cardiac arrest without warning. She had a heart defect no one knew about. Her colleagues at work called an ambulance, but no one started with first aid. When the ambulance arrived, she could be resuscitated. But she was without oxygen for a long time because no one rendered first aid.
She was at the intensive care unit for some months. At first she was in an artificial coma, but when they tried to wake her up, she never really came back. The lack of oxygen caused severe damage in her brain.
Her systemic circulation stabilized for some time, but she never found back to the person she once was. She was unable to talk, to move arbitrarily. She couldn’t even look at people anymore. I think that’s what they call a persistant vegetative state. Her body was alive, but not the person I knew.
She came to a rehab clinic, but they couldn’t help her and she wasn’t able to make any progress. Her bodys condition became worse again.
Saturday, 13th of August, she finally died.
Today I saw her body the last time before she will get cremated and said goodbye to her.
The reason I tell you about all of this is, that I don’t want her to be forgotten. I don’t want the people to think, that she wasn’t interested in the blog anymore and that she just skipped it. It wasn’t like that. She loved this blog and she was always so motivated to answer all the new questions. She was always so happy when someone wrote into our letter box.
Thank you so much for your support with our little project here. Thank you for making her smile. It was a great time. We laughed so much about the questions and when we made the gifs for the blog. I have a lot of very good memories of it and I will never forget.
I know that Chrissy would like to thank you guys for everything, if she could.
She will leave a massive hole in my life and I miss her every day a little more.
I will try to keep the cosplay blog alive, we started together. I don’t want everything we made together to become silent and unused. But I won’t make any gifs without her anymore. I am sorry.
Thank you for a great time. And thank you for reading the whole text. It means a lot to me when the people know about her and when they will keep her in their memories as the lovable, funny person she was.
I love you, Chrissy. I will never forget you and I will try to live out both our lives.
In love,
your dumbfish Lisa
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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We had a really great moment this weekend’s Saturday at the bookfair in Frankfurt.
We waited for some friends of a friends and then a girl talked to us. She asked us, if we have a blog on Tumblr. We said: “Yes, but it’s about Percy Jackson!” - And suddenly she seems to be very happy to see us, because she knew who we are! And her mom took a photo of her together with us. We have no idea who you are, but we felt very flattered and we’re really happy that you talked to us! It was really nice to meet someone who likes our work here on Tumblr and we promise to update our blogs as soon as possible! ;)
A lot of greetings from us to you! You made our day! ♥
(Uff… I bet there are thousands mistakes in this text… why doesn’t everyone of you just speaking and reading German? ;D Haha~)
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ask-jasico · 9 years
Hey guys ♥
We did NOT forget this blog! We just haven’t so much time...
We have both jobs (Lisa also has to work on some weekends) and when we have some free time together we don’t use it in first place to do GIFs... We feel very sorry, but we promise that u will get some new updates as soon as we have time for it.
And when you’re interested in some new stuff of us or what we’re doing you can follow our dumbfish-and-magpie blog or our twitter account (on twitter we post several selfies and also other cosplays we’re doing!).
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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Yesterday we did a cosplay charakter swap! 
 So you have Lisa/Dumbfish as Jason Grace & Chrissy/Magpie as Nico di Angelo! 
 That was fun. 
(You find some more selfies on our twitter account!)
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ask-jasico · 9 years
I wonder...
why the GIFs of the last two posts don’t work in the tumblr app (but it just doesn’t work in the app!!! ...)
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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... without words ...
( johannamalone as Annabeth & shut-up-octavian as Reyna )
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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"Nicos favourite food is a Happy Meal... with Chicken McNuggets, fries, mayonnaise and cola. And he won’t say it, but he really likes the cute toys in the Happy Meal.”
“And Jason... he has TO EAT THE DIRT UNDER MY FEET!”
[Reyna won’t forgive Jason the fact, that he ‘decided’ to be more Greek than Roman.] ( shut-up-octavian as Reyna)
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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When Jason & Nico head off on vacation ...
Reyna & Annabeth: It’s Reynabeth-Time! *captured the blog*
( shut-up-octavian as Reyna & johannamalone as Annabeth)
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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Nico, Jason, Annabeth: *look at each other* Reyna!
Reyna: Good choice! I’d have said the same. Jason: Yeah...
( johannamalone as Annabeth & shut-up-octavian as Reyna)
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ask-jasico · 9 years
This weekend is convention weekend in Germany! We’re visiting the AnimagiC! ♥
Lisa/Nico will join me on Sunday as Nico (and we’re doing Jasico for the first time on a convention, whoop whoop!! ♥) Today (I really should go and sleep...) I’ve to be without her and I’ll cosplay Morty from Pokémon SoulSilver/HeartGold.
If you’re interested in some little live reports/selfies/GIFs, follow us on twitter!! We’ll post some stuff there!! :D ( https://twitter.com/OceansThief ) Greez and hugs! ♥
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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See what I’ve found on the computer!!! XD
I just had to post it… it’s wonderful! ♥
On Sunday we’re cosplaying Nico & Jason again! I’m so looking forward to it!!! ♥
- Chrissy
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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Jason: Oh... ehm... thanks... /feels really flattered/
Nico: HELLO?! I AM the one who loves YOU! Jason: I know, honey. Nico: /satisfied/ [OOC: Something I found on the PC!!! Haha...]
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ask-jasico · 9 years
We have some questions in our inbox we already answered. So... we just delete these questions... don’t wonder if your question isn’t answered for a long time... sometimes we just don’t have the time to answer your questions and sometimes we already answered this or a similar question (in that case we’ve got our index) ♥ hugs to everyone
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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“Yeah... name me one person who hasn’t...”
“But I just tell you about a harmless one... I love to watch shark movies with Percy! You know... all that ‘high quality’ shark movies!”
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ask-jasico · 9 years
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“I’m totally sure, that Nico will kill me for that..!”
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