ask-little-red · 2 years
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ask-little-red · 3 years
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Drawn over memes by beloved!
Featuring my version of red :]
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Mind if I just
*plucks a petal* they like me
*plucks a second* they like me not
*tries to pluck another* they l-
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{HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF I PLUCK YOUR LIMBS?} They hold up Red's right arm threateningly.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Puppet becomes a puppet then another puppet and more
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{Indeed~ What a weakling~} The flower chuckles.
Red whines trying to shake their head no, but the vines restrict their movement.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Lets throw in posie to the mix! For 5 asks~
[Wait wha-] They stiffen, the creatures around them freezing as a winding flower blooms on Red.
Vines wrap around them, going around their limbs and body, making it harder for them to move on their own without the flowers interference.
A vine even wraps around their eyes, making them effectively blind...
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Lavender for red~ 10 asks!
[I... Oh...] They blush.
They still happened to be in Kawns universe, so they do quickly get flocked with various animals and insects!
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Flowery M!A's
Forget-me-not: Everybody remembers every single terrible thing that the muse has done– some may even want vengeance. Last for ___.
Giant Hogweed: At first, a small, itchy rash develops on the muse's skin, but the moment the sunlight hits the rash, it begins to burn, and form agonizing blisters on the skin. Lasts ___.
Daisies: Everyone thinks muse is dead, having vivid memories of the funeral and burying the body. As a result, whenever someone sees the muse, they react fearfully, as if they’d seen a ghost. Lasts for ___.
Water Hemlock: The roots of the Water Hemlock sprout from the veins of the muse, its toxins entering the bloodstream directly. While the muse is in no danger of dying, they still suffer Water Hemlock poisoning. Symptoms (in no particular order) include hallucinations, dizziness, confusion, high fever, and twitching, with the possibility of tremors, vomiting, seizures, asphyxiation, anxiety, amnesia. Anyone else who ingests the plant will also suffer from Water Hemlock poisoning, but unlike the afflicted muse, they are not immune to death from the plant. Lasts for ___.
Carnation: Your muse has been rejected by the one they love. If they are aromatic, or too young to understand love just yet, they feel the pain of rejection for an inexplicable reason. Lasts for ___.
Sunflower: Your muse thinks that their mother/father/guardian is dead, and nothing can convince them otherwise until the spell wears off. How they died is up to the mun. Lasts for ___.
Roses: Muse falls madly in love with either someone of the anon’s choosing, or with the next person that comes into the inbox. If the muse has a significant other already, then they will dote over the other person excessively, possibly even obsessively. Muse will get their infatuation chocolates, love notes, and of course, roses. If the muse is aromantic, then this simply become platonic love. Lasts for ___ hours.
Lavender: Muse smells incredibly sweet, attracting birds, bees, as well as other sorts of other animals, such as bats and bears. Lasts for ___.
Wolfsbane: Muse has a poison touch-- anyone they so much as brush will fall ill with nausea, dizziness, intense /vomiting, and irregular burning sensations throughout the body, with the possibility of death. However, if any muses afflicted by the neurotoxins of the cursed muse survive until the spell wears off, the illness will go away and they will survive. Lasts for ___hours.
Poinsettia: Summer? Spring? Who cares?! No matter what time of the year it is, the muse is completely filled with the Christmas spirit! Baking, decorating, blasting Christmas music, and what have you!! Let's keep the whole year Christmas!! The muse is downright compelled to share the Christmas cheer! And anyone else who refuses to feel this Christmas joy is a big old Grinch!! Lasts for ___.
Snap Dragon: Muse is turned into a dragon for ___.
Mohavia: Muse is turned into some sort of specter, only to be seen and heard by cameras and audio recordings. Lasts for ___.
Nightshade: Muse grows delicious looking berries and flowers off of their body. As sweet-smelling as the muse becomes however, the hairs from the flowers and the seeds and juices from the berries are highly toxic, causing the vision to blur, the heart to race, a fever, a building pain, and delirium. The muse is not invulnerable to the toxin. Lasts for ___.
Posie: A flower grows and possesses the muse. The muse is completely under the control of the parasitic flower, forcing them do do whatever it wants, which can range from obsessively watering other flowers, to straight up murdering anyone who’ll so much as tear a pedal or a leaf off of anything. Lasts for ___.
Angel's Trumpet: The muse has the flower dangling from their fingertips, their hair, or anywhere else the mun decides. Apart from this, the muse suffers hallucinations, manic mood swings, convulsions, sobbing, and aggressive behavior. If too worked up, they may also have difficulty breathing, so the muse must be watched over-- especially to ensure that they do not hurt themselves. Lasts for ___, and once the spell wears off, the muse will not have any memory of what happened whilst under the plant's poison.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
They run a hand down their face. [Can i at least scare them? Badly?] They hold their arms out. [I wont kill them! I already have trauma from doing THAT 30 times over...]
Why- why are you angry. Left killed me cuz o was possessed, it’s ok... just- we need to help them! -KB
Red looks in the direction of Kawn's voice. [You were killed- At least I will traumatize them-]
They glare, [and you were possessed~? Adds onto the list-]
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Why- why are you angry. Left killed me cuz o was possessed, it’s ok... just- we need to help them! -KB
Red looks in the direction of Kawn's voice. [You were killed- At least I will traumatize them-]
They glare, [and you were possessed~? Adds onto the list-]
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ask-little-red · 3 years
I’m dead- but- right and left are in danger!! I they need your help!!! -KB
Red was slack jawed for a moment, before anger took over their features.
They looked around [Kawn! You are coming with me- Trust me on this...]
They hiss, and grab their arm and attach it to the empty shoulder joint.
And they turn, heading for the closest portal to Kawn's universe.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Red jolts from where they are. A book they had in their hands going flying as they threw their hand up in fright. [KAWN?! WHa- How'd you get here?] They look around. [Where are you?- ]
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Kawn is lost in a forest :<
A still very much monster looking red looks up.
They whine worried.
They get themselves up and look for a portal, off to Kawn
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ask-little-red · 3 years
They hesitate before pointing at themselves.
They mimic a scream and a garbled [H urt s-....] Comes from them.
Crimson audrey came out of her home, leaving kawn inside to go investigate this screaming she heard.
Deeper into the forest a portal sits. It barely shows a opaque image to the other side. But it happens to be pitch black on the other side. The ony thing seen is blurry dark green foliage.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
They flinch and shake their head no frantically.
Miming a cutting gesture at their strings and making themselves limp.
Crimson audrey came out of her home, leaving kawn inside to go investigate this screaming she heard.
Deeper into the forest a portal sits. It barely shows a opaque image to the other side. But it happens to be pitch black on the other side. The ony thing seen is blurry dark green foliage.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Red nod before freezing and shaking their head no.
They reach behind to the machine and grasp at one of the 'legs' and tug on it; in which the string attached to their head from that leg, moves their head.
Crimson audrey came out of her home, leaving kawn inside to go investigate this screaming she heard.
Deeper into the forest a portal sits. It barely shows a opaque image to the other side. But it happens to be pitch black on the other side. The ony thing seen is blurry dark green foliage.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
Red made a distressed whine. Pulling their arm in close to themselves.
The machine makes a few clicks and glows a little brighter.
Crimson audrey came out of her home, leaving kawn inside to go investigate this screaming she heard.
Deeper into the forest a portal sits. It barely shows a opaque image to the other side. But it happens to be pitch black on the other side. The ony thing seen is blurry dark green foliage.
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ask-little-red · 3 years
The whirrs pick up as the machinery moves. And something turns around.
It looked like Red... Just more wrong......
The machine on its back had strings connecting to loops sticking out from parts of their body.
But they just moved like they were in a constant state of pain...
Crimson audrey came out of her home, leaving kawn inside to go investigate this screaming she heard.
Deeper into the forest a portal sits. It barely shows a opaque image to the other side. But it happens to be pitch black on the other side. The ony thing seen is blurry dark green foliage.
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