ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
What is a Simon's favorite subject?
Simon: Hmmm…I had to think about this one! I usually do very well in English and History, but I think I enjoy English more!
Simon: I enjoy analyzing text, and I write poetry quite often.
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
Simon, it's really cool that you take time out of your day to volunteer at the library to read for kids! It's really sweet, I know kids can be overwhelming sometimes, but I'm glad you don't let that stop you.
If only there were more people as willing as you to do service to the community.
Simon: I find kids easier than adults. They’re less harsh on my anxiety because they’re easy to keep happy.
Simon: Children are just curious little humans, what’s not to love :]?
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
Hello Simon, do you do any extracurricular activities, activities outside of school?
Simon: Oh! I don’t do much, but I participate in a lot of the environmental volunteer oppourtunities that our school hosts, I’ve even helped plan some of them.
Simon: I also volunteer at the local library, specifically for the daycare that it hosts. I get to read to the kids.
Simon: Other than that, I can’t think of much else.
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
so when you say you love roger do you mean that in the platonic or romantic way
Simon: Oh dear!
Simon: I don’t think he would ever… and I’ve never thought about Roger like that. It would be a complete violation of him.
Simon: Roger is my best friend in the whole world. He’s always there for me when I need him, and he’s the only one who truly makes an effort to help with my illnesses. He always makes time for me even when Jack and the rest of the choir want him to be with them.
Simon: But it’s definitely platonic. Roger and I would never…
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
if you had to pick between a full 24 hours with the choir or a full 24 hours with ralph and co. who would you pick?
Simon: Hmm…well I’d never really thought about it.
Simon: I think the two groups are equally as fun but overwhelming.
Simon: There’s really only one person that calms me down…
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
do u like piggy or does he annoy you sometimes (same for ralph)
Simon: Well…Piggy’s one of the smartest people I know! He’s really, truly, brilliant. The smartest one out of all of us.
Simon: He’s just…intense. He’s passionate, and that’s not everyone’s cup of tea!
Simon: He’s a great friend, but sometimes I just need to get away. As for Ralph, he’s really popular, and he’s always fighting with Jack and I just like taking little breaks from him too. Not for long, just to clear my head.
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
do you have suspicions that any of your friends that are “enemies” are actually not
Simon: Well…since you asked
Simon: I haven’t told anyone this, but I don’t think Jack and Ralph hate each other as much as they let on
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
Do you guys just have two separate friend groups, or is it just one large, continuously confusing friend group?
Simon: Hmmm well I’d never really thought about it. I think that it’s more of just one group, considering that I’m friends with everyone, Sam and Maurice are friends, Ralph and Robert are half brothers, and because Peter tutors Bill.
Simon: There’s just…complications between some of them that make it awkward sometimes :<
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
Simon, are you aware that your in fact, one pretty cool dude.
Simon: Well thank you :]!! I appreciate it :]]!!!
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
Please tell me, what does a Simon do in his spare time?
Simon: In the forest next to my house, there’s a little pond that I enjoy sitting beside :]. There are two stumps there from when the last owners cut some trees down, so Roger and I sit on them.
Simon: Other than that, I do a lot of studying.
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
simon how much time do you really spend outside? and does anyone spend time with you or do they all think youre crazy
Simon: I think I spend the majority of my time outdoors. I live next to a forest so I go there quite a bit.
Simon: I don’t like to bother anyone else by asking if they’d like to come with me, but most of the time when I’m in the forest, Roger will come and sit with me.
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
Not an ask for the chaarcter, but the moodboard is hella pretty.
Thank you so much :D!! I made it :D!
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
simon are you aware of your status in most people’s life as a jesus archetype?
Simon: My-
Simon: My what?
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
can you actually tell the twins apart or are you just really good at guessing
Simon: The twins usually have certain mannerisms that helps me tell them apart. Sam’s hair is also slightly longer than Eric’s, and he’s usually more energetic :).
Simon: Plus, I usually try to figure out who’s who in the morning and then just go by their outfits.
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
simon who is ur bestest friend
Simon: Well I think I’d have to say Roger :]. He’s my bestest friend and I love him :]]]
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
how many of ur friends are enemies
Simon: Oh oh :[! Um, well, Jack and Ralph can’t be in a room together without an argument, and Eric and Robert are known for their squabbles as well. I know that Bill and Peter don’t get along, but Peter tutors Bill so they kind of have to :[.
Simon: Everyone in the choir except for me tends to stay away from Ralph, Peter, and the twins.
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ask-lotf-simon · 1 year
Hello Simon:) how are you doing?
Simon: Oh hello :]. I’m doing well, and you :]?
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