Hm interesting, well then good luck on your benevolence! If you keep it up maybe you won't end up uh... down there so to speak, hehe!
"Benevolent once-ler" huh? Not many oncelers can claim that title! Hopefully you won't end up like them too... -🗡
I’m still new to this—“onceler multiverse”—thing. What do you mean by “end up like them too”?? I’m quite confused on that, can someone elaborate?
[ooc sorry no drawing, I’m really tired 😭]
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Well from what I've observed in recent times it seems a common theme among us oncelers is doing something terrible...and then facing the consequences. Pretty interesting stuff! It can be quite entertaining - 🗡
"Benevolent once-ler" huh? Not many oncelers can claim that title! Hopefully you won't end up like them too... -🗡
I’m still new to this—“onceler multiverse”—thing. What do you mean by “end up like them too”?? I’m quite confused on that, can someone elaborate?
[ooc sorry no drawing, I’m really tired 😭]
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~ Have you both ever thought of wearing something more... pink? Don't get me wrong, i love- your more "spiky" and darker styles, but it would be a nice adition to your wardrobe don't you think?*~
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Ugh pink? Are you being serious??? In what world would I ever wear pink???
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DON'T BE FOOLED FOLKS! Despite what he says goth actually likes the color pink it reminds them of-
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Sure hobo sure..... -🗡
I can actually confirm plinko is real! At least in hell. It's one of the main torture methods! - 🗡
Well that sounds torturous, glad I'm not going to hell then...
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LOOK ITS ME!!!! -🗡
Been meaning to draw this bastard for a while now... enjoy the luci-ler from @ask-luciler-and-goth-ted
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Wow I'm surprised there's oncelers out there that aren't completely annoying... I'll definitely think about taking up that offer -🥀
Kill-ler? I'm guessing you kill people? Very creative... though people call me goth can't say that's very creative either, not like i chose it though... -🥀
Well yes as my name very fucking clearly suggests. I also didnt personally choose that name. Killing is just my side hussle though I sell thneeds primarily but if u need to get rid of someone, I'm always up for the job. I like your style by the way.
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WHY. -🥀
Inaccurate I'm incapable of crying -🗡
So here’s an emoji I (re)made for a discord server, enjoy💖
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Ted is so cute! I just want to hung him and give him a thneed! He deserves happiness!
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No offense ted but you're totally cute- well in a wet cat sort of way he he
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Thanks for your service Dr. med-ler! Gives a lot less paper work for the people downstairs if you know what I mean..... -🗡
Unfortunately I think I have a fair idea of what you might be referring to.
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I just moved back to the area, and it seems like I might have my work cut out for me!
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Fair, when I was an angel I was always expected to be perfect and great, responsibility can be quite annoying! Also morality, it's more fun to be a "soulless monster" :) -🗡
So....you're a sock....do socks even have souls? If not maybe I could get ya one! ←~(o `▽´ )oΨ -🗡
I…..honestly don’t know if I have a soul? I try to not think about stuff like that too much bc if I do, I get all weird and existentially. How would you get me a soul? What does having a soul feel like?
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Well one of the perks of being a demon is that not only can you take souls you can also give souls and though most demons don't, i am a caring, loving, amazing, thoughtful demon and willing to give out souls to those in need (because I am great) and to answer your second question, having a soul is like a sign of holiness, something thats made from god, and as someone who's lost a lot of holiness, not having it feels a bit....empty at times but also freeing so maybe that's what NOT having a soul feels like! but I also didn't technically have a soul even as an angel so...who knows! X) -🗡
So....you're a sock....do socks even have souls? If not maybe I could get ya one! ←~(o `▽´ )oΨ -🗡
I…..honestly don’t know if I have a soul? I try to not think about stuff like that too much bc if I do, I get all weird and existentially. How would you get me a soul? What does having a soul feel like?
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Why so pissy, punk?
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Actually its goth and shouldn't you be begging for money somewhere right now "hobo"?
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Ohhh I haven't been called that before! When I was in hell people usually just called me a snake! Anwayssss I've been trying to turn goth into a demon (as per our deal) but honestly i don't know if he can! You have to do something reallll bad to become a demon,trust me I know -🗡
HELLOO HANDSOME! It's always nice to see another demon onceler BD -🗡
Why hello there, gorgeous! I have heard some stirrings coming from people about you. Do keep me updated on what you’re doing, yeah? I’m quite fascinated by you, Luci-ler, and your deal with the youth goth.
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Awwwwwww ;(( -🗡
Lucky me! I can't get infected at all because I'm technically already dead! So can iiiiiiii have a hug? :3 -🗡
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At least the towers heavily guarded and blocked off so no zombies can get in...
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Of course of course! I'm sure you're just DYING to know the things I've been up to hehe!!! - 🗡
HELLOO HANDSOME! It's always nice to see another demon onceler BD -🗡
Why hello there, gorgeous! I have heard some stirrings coming from people about you. Do keep me updated on what you’re doing, yeah? I’m quite fascinated by you, Luci-ler, and your deal with the youth goth.
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Oh hey you two!! What brought ted to summon a demon?
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Well I wanted to summon a demon so they could turn me into one. Then I could be like.... the ultimate goth.
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But luci hasn't turned me into a demon yet. all i got so far are these stupid green eyes.
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My name is luci-ler~
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And this depressing young gentleman is Ted aka Goth!
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Welcome to the ask blog! Feel free to ask me, him or both of us anything!
preferably just him....
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