ask-natty-onai · 4 months
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
*takes your face in my hands, gently smooshing your cheeks (if you're into it)*
I love your OC.
I want to know everything about them. I want to read your HCs. I want to see your drawings and read your fics. I want to hear about their history and their relationships with canon characters. I want that.
Never stop posting.
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ask-natty-onai · 5 months
Tradition does not stay buried where you left it. It follows to guide and remind us that no matter how scary change is, some things will stay the very same.
And my future Animagi children will absolutely get to run in fields with me one day... 👀
One of my personal canon about Natty is that you can give her all the wands in the world, she will always stick to wandless magic. She will hold up to her traditions even in a foreign land. And also teach her children, because you know, wandless magic is just too cool ;)
She will try to make them Animagi as well, but her partner may not agree XD
And she will cherish her inscribed stone, like all the kids cherish their letter from Hogwarts.
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ask-natty-onai · 5 months
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ask-natty-onai · 10 months
Natty, hi!
The closer we get to Halloween, the prettier the castle looks! All those pumpkins and candles really set me in the mood for some pranks! I already charmed one of the smaller pumpkins to fly around Leander in circles until the end of today, I wonder if he knows the counterspell... But I digress. Do you know what costume you'll be wearing this year for Halloween?
Always curious, — The 5th year with fluffy hair
Dear 5th year with fluffy hair,
While I apologise for being oh so very late to reading your owl, you’ll have to excuse me. My studies have really consumed me lately. But, if it still interests you, I had a matching costume with my dear friend Kathleen. We dressed as Quidditch players! Catch was, I dressed as a Slytherin and Kathy dressed as a Gryffindor! It was hilarious! She believed wearing the Lion’s mane on her uniform would get her a chance with Garreth Weasley. …I’m definitely not supposed to tell you that. …you’re not Garreth Weasley, are you, mystery fluffy person?
…anyway! Wishing you the very best of nights, days, and evenings! Have a blessed day :)
lots of love,
- Natty <3
p.s, if Kathleen asks, I said nothing.
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ask-natty-onai · 10 months
OOC post
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
@ask-garreth-weasley can you believe this? Spies, all around!
…we still look cute though. ✨
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Happy Weasley Wednesday!
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
You're swiping right, right? *elbow nudge*
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Thank you to the The Chaos Gremlins (@adallegra, @kiwiplaetzchen, and @lil-grem-draws) for this gem.
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
This is why you’re my best friend.
However if this is true I will hurt a fellow Gryffindor today, and I apologise in advance-
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
Natty, hi! A question to ponder: if it weren't a gazelle, what other animal form do you think you think you would've taken as an animagus?
I think… a tigress! No apologies, I do love my dramatics ;)
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
It’s been a while.
(I feel like I should start off with a note, this is not an in character post. And it’s a very serious topic beyond this point that some people may not like to indulge themselves in. Don’t feel the need to read anymore if you wish.)
I'm back! In a way. I’m very sorry for disappearing randomly, but I had cause to do so.
My dearest friend Drew, who ran the Amit account, ended their life over a month ago now. I’ve been taking time, and still need a bit of time to process. I even let my twists grow out, which I knew they’d scold me for if they saw it.
This world was cruel to them, but I’d like you all to know they loved every second of every interaction with everyone of you. Whenever we spoke they’d bring up something they talked about or something they were asked and their smile was always the realest I’d ever seen.
They’d been struggling with a few loses, and they were getting very ill. they stated in the note they’d left for the family that they didn’t want to feel that pain anymore.
Drew, I still miss you everyday, more than anything. I don’t think anything will be the same without you here to tease me about my eyeliner, or my work uniform, or the way I make my tea. I still have dreams about you, then wake up and remember that those dreams are the only ways I’ll ever be able to speak to you again.
The Amit account will not be deactivated in their memory, they really loved all things Wizarding World, and loved every follower with all their heart.
Rest easy, my darling. You’re in a better place now.
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
A perfect 5c! Golden and crispy, and not quite burnt!
How Do You Like Your Toast?
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
79? … I don’t understand-
Seeing as you take Arithmancy, 34 + 45?
(But also, Ariana)
A good time, by my calculations.
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
*slowly hands you a Gryffindor robe*
one of us, one of us, one of us-
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
G A R R E E E E E T H H H ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
*running very quickly at you*
- Natty <3
[ opens up arms and braces himself for the biggest ever reunion hug!!!!!!!!!!! ]
N A T T Y ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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ask-natty-onai · 1 year
Excuse me Natty, but are you looking for a wife?
always 😉
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