How did Tinkerbell end up on Neverland? And is she the only fairy on the island? (Hugs for the mun!)
Tinkerbell has always been on Neverland. I do know that she isn’t the only fairy on the island.
I often see others from time to time flying around and going to hide in flowers or small indents of trees. Tinkerbell has really been the only fairy I’ve communicated with.
We hardly really talk at all, the last time I’ve communicated with her was... years ago to settle a deal with her.
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Admin here
Amber:Hello guys!
This account is not dead I promise you.
Pan will be back. He will return.
Admin just needs some time to herself. She’s been really stressed lately due to the thought of school.
Admin has also been kind of going through an emotional rough patch but it’s getting somewhat better.
Promise I will return to you all.
I love you x
~Admin & Pan
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Do you separate lost Boys and girls into different camps to avoid lost babies or is a 'hope for the best' situation?
 Lost Boys and girls are separated. what they do with one another though is none of my business unless it gets in my way. Although, I do like to have a close eye on my boys. They aren’t allowed to leave the camp site unless I instruct them to, or they can give me a valid reason to leave. 
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How old do you need to be to become a lost one?
Age does not matter. As long as you don’t partake in anything adult related, you are fine. The age group of the lost boys is pretty big. I have young boys and some old boys.
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also is 19 too old to come to neverland and if so what kind of magic can i use to make myself young enough?
19 May be too old. Don’t be so glum though.. If you truly believe, perhaps I can spare you and give you a chance in Neverland.
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Have you ever heard tales of the god Pan in our world, either in Greek mythology or the Wiccan religion? It's one of the names for the Great God, who represents wild nature, virility, passion, masculinity/male sexuality etc. and is frequently depicted with panpipes. Is that merely a coincidence or is there something more to it? Yours, Persephone
Oh yes, I’ve heard! ;) To be honest, I believe that it was somehow coincidence. You never know though. Perhaps I am perceived a different way in some tales..
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are there any lost girls?
There are some! We don’t have many lost girls here though.The boys aren’t so fond. Some girls can be annoying..
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Are their any drawbacks of being so deviously handsome?
Well, well. That sure is a good question. I can’t think of any draw backs. I know most people can’t handle how attractive I am ;)
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Would you teach me magic?
Well, It depends. I could teach you dark magic. Certainly you know that all magic comes with a price. I’m not one to tell someone to be careful in terms of magic, but my teachings can be brutal.
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what's your favorite food
Food? Uhh.. Well. I like anything really. I’ll eat anything. Cooked meat and fruits are especially my favorite. Although I’ve tried this thing called a pancake before and.. it’s actually pretty good. The lost boys find it hysterical that part of my name is in it. I don’t understand why.
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I know love is weakness but what if you did fall in love? Would you get rid of your 'weakness'?
I assume so.. I’m not intending to fall in love anytime soon. I don’t want to.
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“Was the hat seriously necessary? I mean c’mon. Whats the point in celebrating my birthday when I don’t even want one? I hate you all.”
[Amber: HEY GUYS!! Apparently, according to le internet it’s Peter Pan’s birthday! (June 13th) I thought, ‘what better way to celebrate than to put the Birthday King in a party hat?’ Well here you have it! Happy birthday Peter Pan!]
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Is their anyone allowed to call you peter?
Hmm. Only people that are close to me. For instance, Felix. I really trust him.
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How's Felix and the lost boys?
Ah. They’re doing pretty good, I believe. Most lost boys on the island like to keep to themselves.
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What sort of rules does a lost child need to break to be kicked off neverland or killed?
Well.. There’s the most obvious one; betraying me in any shape or form.. stealing from me.. and not following my orders. I can’t have anyone here being disobedient. Which I don’t have to worry about much because the lost boys have much learned not to cross me.
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Pan, why only boys on Neverland? Would you take girls and start the lost girls? Also what about non-binary people or gender-fluid people?
Anyone and everyone is allowed on Neverland as long as they are truly lost and can hear my pan-flute. Lost is lost no matter what you identify as.
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Pan, are you capable of love? I mean actually loving someone?
Hm. Love? Love is weakness. I don’t love anyone. Never have and I don’t think that I ever will.
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