ask-prof-smirk Ā· 2 years
After some thought, and reading through everything I made for this blog, I donā€™t think it would be right to delete it. Even if itā€™s tied up in some really crappy memories, and if I donā€™t want it to be something that Iā€™m tied to moving forward, Iā€™m still proud of a lot of my art here, both visual and storytelling.
Itā€™s clearly an immature work in a lot of ways, and I donā€™t think itā€™s nearly as clever as I thought it was when I was making it, but itā€™s something I poured a lot of heart into.
Plus Iā€™m still pretty happy with pages like this:
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Honestly Iā€™d be proud if I drew that today.
As such Iā€™m not going to deprive anyone else for whom this strange little corner of tumblr had any meaning of its continued existence, so Iā€™ll leave this account up as an archive.
Sadly, tumblrā€™s automated purge had inexplicably tagged several posts as containingĀ ā€œadult contentā€. Iā€™ve submitted those for appeal for the sake of completeness, but I wonā€™t take the time to figure out how else to fix this if that doesnā€™t work out.
Thanks again to everyone who made making this blog a positive experience for me. I made a great many friends, most of which Iā€™ve sadly fallen out of contact with (actually I think @ask-wigglesā€‹ is the sole exception now), but I still think of pretty much all of you very warmly. Despite my comments elsewhere about this representing a low point in my life, my involvement in this bizarre little community was a product of that, not a cause.
I hope you remember me fondly, and feel free to reconnect if you have any wish to do so. I can probably best be reached on Discord at BrainedBySaucepans#7139
considering deleting this blog, would anyone object to its absence from the internet?
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 2 years
considering deleting this blog, would anyone object to its absence from the internet?
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
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Mod notes:
Itā€™s been a while, but as you can see this blog is NOT DEAD. Iā€™ve just slowed down its metabolism while I continue to work on my new metalwork business.
Incidentally, those of you still needing to get your special someone a gift this Valentineā€™s Day should check out the Leaky Crucible, my jewellery business on Etsy.
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
While you wait for the proper update this weekend, perhaps check out this side blog!
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ā€œWow I look like crapā€¦.ā€
So yeah, since Iā€™m reviving @ask-prof-smirk may as well revive this side project too. Especially as it only takes 15 minutes to update.
Send some questions!
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
Mod is musing on the fate of this blog right now. I donā€™t want this hiatus to become permanent, but Iā€™m not sure whether Iā€™m the only one who cares either way.
EDIT: It became clear instantly that I am apparently not the only one who cares. You know what, Iā€™ve already taken tomorrow off from work on my business. Letā€™s see if I can crank out an update by Friday.
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At least half of the tumblr pony blogs I follow have last updated half an year ago or more. Itā€™s like the mod forgot the blog. And Iā€™m not talking about blogs that announced that theyā€™re on a hiatus, cause then I know why they donā€™t update, and can patiently wait until the hiatus is over.
Ā But the blogs I refer to, I feel like they donā€™t update anymore. Thereā€™s no new art, nothing talking about what happened. And it really confuses me, cause pretty much all of them had great stories/great art/great characters.
- Submitted by forest-star
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
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Mod Notes:
Sorry for the delay folks. Iā€™ve been very wrapped up in offline business lately. Iā€™ve been working on relaunching my metalworking business with a good friend.
If youā€™re interested in what I do when Iā€™m not drawing colourful ponies, make sure to check out the Leaky Crucible Foundry. Weā€™re on tumblr, facebook, twitter, and selling on Etsy, and youā€™ll probably notice the ads for our products on the sidebar of this very blog. Stay tuned for our upcoming new range of products!</shamelessplug>
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
I really must do something more substantial with askthescarecrowponyā€˜s mod sometime. Fantastic blog, and Smirk and Crane would definitely have a lot to discuss.
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
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Mod Note: Due to tablet issues updates will be traditionally drawn until further notice.
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
Welcome back askthescarecrowpony, and thanks for the feature! Seriously though, I do need you to start covering your own tutorials again... Iā€™m rather preoccupied lately.
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
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Thatā€™s right folks, we are now commencing Act 2 of Ask Prof Smirk. To commemorate the occasion, Iā€™ve decided to doubleĀ the standard resolution of my updates, meaning I can waste even more time on backgrounds make the comic look even better!
Also, since my good friend Scribbler was kind enough to get me premium membership to deviantArt for my birthday, Iā€™m going to make more of an effort to use that site too, so starting from today, all future Ask Prof Smirk updates will be uploaded to my deviantArt too, so you can all look at them at full resolution.
Finally, Iā€™d like to say a big thank you to the 1,177 people following this modest little adventure of mine. I hope you continue to enjoy the blog throughout Act 2!
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
A reminder that I have a new side blog dedicated to the supporting characters from Ask Prof Smirk. Simply because I have so many ideas for them that just wonā€™t work in the main blog but I still want to explore them.
Remember to send in your questions, folks!
Would the pretty pony like a sugarcube?
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
Did you ever get curious about that cheerful yellow unicorn who appeared back in the Reunion arc? Or about any of Smirkā€™s other friends (and Memoranda)? What about the staff of the Gryphonsā€™ Canterlot Embassy? Well now thereā€™s a place to ask any of them questions where the mod can be a lot more fast and loose. Make sure you check it out folks!
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Thank you regal-horse and askremsleep, for your questions!
EDIT: Added colour to the eyes too.
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
So yeah, who here likeā€™s spinoffs?!
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Ā Welcome to my new blog!
The idea behind this is that I had a problem. Iā€™ve ended up creating so many characters for ask-prof-smirk giving them detailed personalities and conflicting motivationsā€¦. but a lot of the ideas Iā€™ve had arenā€™t really relevant to Smirkā€™s story. I love my characters though, especially this cheerful little Unicorn. Isnā€™t she adoreable? Her name is Cinder Forge, and sheā€™s probably my favourite character.
So yeah, Iā€™ve decided to create a new blog where I can answer questions for these other characters, with a simplified, trimmed down art style to let me put out more content without sacrificing anything in the main blog.
If you want to know more about any of my characters, Iā€™ve written a short bio for all of them, along with links to the APS updates where they feature.
So, shall we get this started? Does anyone have any questions for Cinder?
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
Definitely relevant to this blog.
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Just realised I forgot to post this yesterday. Itā€™s the lineup of all the OCs Iā€™ve created for ask-prof-smirk, so people could pick them out for the crackship spawn I was drawing. That was a LOT of fun, so Iā€™ll almost definitely be doing more in future streams.
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
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Ooops. Mod got drunk and forgot to post the update he finished on Monday because he was too busy streaming.
That concludes Act 1 of Ask Prof Smirk. Stay tuned for Act 2!
Thank you to fetch26291ā€‹, shadowamongstshadowsā€‹, whitefoxartā€‹, ask-rye-dimar-dragonā€‹ and the anonymous questioner for your questions!
Keep the questions coming folks!
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
Poor little Icarus...
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Second and final crackship offspring. My tablet is starting to lag and Iā€™m feeling the effects of 5 bottles of ale.
This is Icarus, the spawn of Memoranda and Major Ironbeak who were selected as parents by otteroflore solely because theyā€™re my two most bigotedĀ ā€œracial puristā€ characters. As Otter correctly surmised, both parents would regard little Icarus as an abomination. Maybe thatā€™s why he looks so sad.
I am a monster.
See you all next time I stream, folks. Happy Birthday to me! :P
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ask-prof-smirk Ā· 9 years
All of my OCs from Ask Prof Smirk are up for being shipped to see what happens. Pop in soon if you want a say in what happens next!
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Crackship time in the Birthday Streamtacular!
Cerk was up first and asked for the child of my Coral Bloom and his equally lanky pegasus Arctic Storm.
Iā€™m pretty happy with the adoreableness of the final product.
Iā€™m going to take a quick comfort break, then Iā€™ll pick another stream chat person to choose a crackship with one of my OCs, so pop in if you want a say in what happens next!
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