* hello once again
* As per my last update I said life was busy but things have now cleared up * With chapter 2 now have been released too, I think it’s time to bring this place back *Even if it doesnt have much interaaction anymore * You heard it here folks its coming back.  * Time to get back to work with drawing
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*Yo, long time no see
*Guess it’s been awhile hasn’t it huh? *Life got more busy than I expected it too sorry haha. *So update for everyone thats stuck around, this place really has gotten bigger whoof! *My old laptop had gotten stolen back in September of last year, this means all the assets I used from before are gone with it, this also means I’d have to redraw everything. *Also I’m a senior in high school now aha. *Honestly despite me slightly falling out of this, I think about this place some times. *Maybe I’ll actually come back to it when things clear up more. * That’s all for now.
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*Not Dead!
*Hello! So sorry I suddenly like died outta nowhere, life is seriously smiting me right now. *I’ll try to get back soon!
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*It won’t be open for very long..
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Hey Ralsei! What are you scared of the most?
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* Being alone is pretty scary..
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So, Ralsei. Now that you've seen more of the dark world, where do you like best so far?
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* The fields are very calming now so it’s nice to go there..
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Answer the question again, but this time the human is kris and the monster is Susie, who would you save?
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* Ralsei didn’t seem to like choosing between his friends..*Shame on you Anon..
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Do you like Pokémon, if so, which is your favorite?
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* Pokémon doesn’t seems to exist in the dark world…
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Eggs, milk, sugar, flo- wait this isnt my shopping list! sorry.
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* I love making cakes!* Especially for friends! 
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... *kicks Ralseis shin in the hopes of at least a tier 1 swear*
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* There will be no swear words from this soft boi!
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*anon picks up ralsei and cradles him like a little baby*
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* All he can seem to do is blush!
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* Things have been quite busy so I apologize for that!
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Hey ralsei, do you think that you and the other darkeners ACTUALLY ARE figments of kris's imagination. I'd love to know.
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* Ralsei looks a bit upset while thinking about that..
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*Suddenly everything starts turning into cookies as cookies pop into existence, meanwhile I am outside just sitting*
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* Thats a lot of cookies..
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The other anons seem to be "egg"ing on the situation ay?
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* Egg puns..
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* Man you guys send asks like CRAZY! * It’s getting kinda hard to keep up with them so the ask box will be closed until I clear it up a bit! * Though I really like that you guys are sending asks a lot! It keeps me busy, I’ll announce when its open again!
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You weren't that much darker ralsei. Just looked tired lol
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* Ralsei seemed to not like being that way regardless..
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