ask-raspy · 4 years
Hello Raspy. Do you have any interesting tomes or grimoires of eldritch, apocryphal knowledge that you like to read?
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“However, the next day Mr. Pop returned it.. Maybe it was so great that he decided to leave it for others to read?”
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ask-raspy · 4 years
AAH!.. Thanks for the invitation. Also I think I heard Handy's and Russell's voices. And they sound pretty close..
Can you make a tea party with the plushes? I think Ms. Lammy would be down for it.
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“sure hun, you’re invitêêêd! there’s Russêêll and Ha- where are thêêy..?” -Lammy
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ask-raspy · 4 years
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“Hello I’m Raspy and if you have some questions for me, go ahead. I won’t mind to answer..”
Here some info and rules through:
- NO NSFW. Slight suggest is ok I guess..
- Gore and blood is fine too, cause it’s Happy Tree Friends to ya.
- Multiship, but I suppose most of them are friendly. Raspy isn’t romantically attached to anyone from the show, so if there was a certain someone then it’d be an OC too.
- Raspy is 20+ (she’s not a kid, she’s just really short)
- Can’t promise really good art and nice and funny answers, so it’s mostly just doodles, but sometimes maybe exeptions. The ask blog is for fun and chill!
- About Raspy. Raspy is a small crimson-pink bat that wears black collar and red gem around her neck. She has a cold and calm personality and she usually seems as boring and having no interest in life, but she’s pretty friendly to everyone. She does have other emotions deep inside, but rarely shows them because she thinks they gonna “hurt” her eventually. She has an interest for occult and usually spent most of her time at home reading and trying “dark magic”. Aside from that, she sometimes likes to go outside, but she mostly enjoys flying around and it helps her to feel relaxed and free inside. She works as librarian at local town library, but on weekends she works night shifts at grocery store. She isn’t very sociable, but has a few friends. Her closest are fox guy Tattle and raccoon girl Lippy (I’ll talk about them more in future as this ask blog will go). Usually she’s killing someone (unintentionally) than gets killed.
And I think that’s all it for now!
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