[Okay yeah so I fucking lied, I've been a little caught up in other responsibilities (COUGH university prep COUGH), but I will say I'm not abandoning this. Maybe when I've got the last of my uni prep done I'll try and get some asks done, maybe add Helia to the asks, but with the fact I've literally gotta read BOOKS for my course. Yeah nah, I'm gonna need all the time I can get to have that done before my classes start.]
[Thank you all for your patience though, any "put your characters in this meme" things you maybe wanna send in the meantime though I should hopefully be able to fill without issue and also including all 15 characters if any of y'all wanna send those in. Either way, regular asks will hopefully come back as soon as soon as my schedule is freed up.]
[Okay so with Artfight coming to an end I think the ask blog will be back up and running within maybe a week? A few days? Idk, I'll get back to it during August at some point though, add Helia to the crew and so on and so forth]
[What I do want to mention though is that I'm open to taking requests to draw any of the characters of these blogs over memes, so if you'd like to request any memes I could recreate with my characters then that'd be cool]
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ask-row-and-friends · 2 months
[Okay so with Artfight coming to an end I think the ask blog will be back up and running within maybe a week? A few days? Idk, I'll get back to it during August at some point though, add Helia to the crew and so on and so forth]
[What I do want to mention though is that I'm open to taking requests to draw any of the characters of these blogs over memes, so if you'd like to request any memes I could recreate with my characters then that'd be cool]
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ask-row-and-friends · 3 months
[I will get back to asks at some point, unsure when, but fornow I suppose the ask blog is on an indefinite hiatus so I can concentrate on other things (like references, commissions, etc).]
[Again, I will return at some point, I even have a draft for one of the asks I have, just need to put this to one side so I can concentrate on more time sensitive tasks.]
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ask-row-and-friends · 3 months
[A rather close vote but Helia is the winner, I will attempt to make an intro post for her soon, more than likely after I've answered the last few questions in my inbox.]
[Might also possibly give her an intro before if they are character specific asks anyway.]
[Because asks have been a little slow (note: I am still working on certain asks, just trying to find the motivation to draw) I'm gonna offer up another character to be open to asks. Also doing so with the hopes it'll revive my motivation.]
[These are once again going to be based on who the current available characters are close with and possibly capable of convincing to join the roster, though now with some of Sajan's pals.]
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ask-row-and-friends · 3 months
"Hey Sajan, is that tiny little pistol all you got? Or do you have some more intense, dangerous, destructive, and fucking AWESOME guns on ya?!"
- Police Chief Creo
Good question! And the answer is...
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ask-row-and-friends · 3 months
[Because asks have been a little slow (note: I am still working on certain asks, just trying to find the motivation to draw) I'm gonna offer up another character to be open to asks. Also doing so with the hopes it'll revive my motivation.]
[These are once again going to be based on who the current available characters are close with and possibly capable of convincing to join the roster, though now with some of Sajan's pals.]
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ask-row-and-friends · 3 months
Hey, is your refrigerator running?
Running as in... turned on or..? With legs???
But they don't... they don't have legs so it... it's gotta be the former? Uh... yes???
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
[I am hopefully gonna answer some asks this week, just had a very hectic and busy few days so I haven't had time to do much at all. Will try and catch up with the asks I currently have, which luckily aren't a lot. Please keep do keep sending asks and hopefully I'll begin getting through the ones currently in my inbox later in the week :) ]
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
Hey rowan, considering you're wearing glasses,
How blind are you without them from 1-10?
1 being essentially not blind at all
10 Being that you're so blind you could explode
I'd say I'm pretty blind without them, not to the point I could explode, but... enough that it takes a whole lot of squinting and concentrating to try and see things. I think my eyesight more or less got progressively worse over the years? I honestly don't remember it being this hard to see without them...
Oh wait yeah, the scale thing, uh... I'd say maybe a 6 or a 5? As in... I can see a little, but I still definitely need them to properly take in my surroundings. I definitely wouldn't be able to read very well at the very least...
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
To both, who are your favourite members of the group?
R: Favourite member? I mean... I like everyone really... well... mostly everyone... I don't really have a best friend or a favourite friend... I mean... I guess I'm closest to Sajan, but... I've also known him the longest so... I-I don't know... I guess Igo and Azaezel are cool? Radiance is... he's nice... just... a little hot-headed sometimes, I... I dunno... I don't think I can really pick a favourite...
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S: A favourite? Now that's a difficult ask... I mean, me and Vitani are besties, but we don't exactly get much time to hang out with her tourin' and what not. Me and Igo are also cool with each other, though... he's practically cool with everyone. Maybe... Radiance? Guys a total hermit, but he's cool I guess... honestly I might be the one guy he actually hangs out with... kinda makes sense since we're normally paired up for missions. Not sure how he feels 'bout me though...
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
Favorite ice cream flavour 🤨🤨 (yous will be forever judged if yous answer incorrectly)
R: Wait... is there a wrong answer to this???
S: Apparently so, but to answer it, my favourite is salted caramel. It's the perfect mix of sweet and salty.
R: Salty ice cream???
S: Eh don't worry 'bout it, what's your favourite anyway? Pretty sure I know the answer.
R: Oh well... it's not really changed much, it's still kinda... basic...
S: Vanilla and chocolate?
R: Yeah... heh... they're just really tasty, even if I'm not a fan of cold food...
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[Other characters below cut.]
Helia - Mango
Radiance - Vanilla (he hasn't tried many flavours)
Ide - Cookie dough
Mari - Birthday cake
Igo - Strawberry
Azaezel - Rocky road
Ezekiel - Chocolate brownie
Damien - Strawberry cheesecake
Vincent - Banana
Cilantre - Vanilla (similar to Radiance, hasn't tried enough flavours)
Vitani - Bubblegum
Harmonia - Blackcurrant
Djal - Neapolitan
[Just kinda thought of these randomly based on their personalities.]
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
In terms of combat who'd win
R: Uh that's... rather vague... like... hand to hand? With weapons? Well... I think either way Sajan would-
S: Rowan would win.
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R: Wh- but you by far have the most experience-
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S: Rowan would win, also includin' the rest of the gang? Rowan would win.
R: ...
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
Dear Sajan - How are you so attractive? What's your secret?
Oh, look at you, ya lil' flatterer! Though I can't say I blame you... incubi such as me are simply born beautiful...
Though... a little make-up doesn't hurt either... just makes what's already perfect absolutely flawless!
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
Uh... Hi, Rowan and Sajan! What do you guys do during storms? -C. Forrest
R: Storms? Oh yeah! We have our own little way of handling them as a group! Almost like a tradition in the house! It's... actually rather fun!
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[-☆- Flashback -☆-]
R: We all just kinda... cozy up in the living room and wait for it to pass. I don't really mind storms that much, but Igo... he really struggles with them so... we all try and help him through it! Help each other deal with it... Ide always makes us snacks... too many snacks... but it's just... it's really nice to spend time with everyone like this...
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R: Actually... now that I think about it...
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R: Sajan, you... you always end up... wandering off... but... why?
S: Oh, uh...
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S: I just... got my own little 'tradition', y'know?
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R: Like what?
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S: Like...
S: Helpin' a friend out...
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
[Just to give a quick update ig, I am working on the next ask but it's started to become rather ambitious story telling wise. Still gonna keep to my ambitious idea, but I'd just like to let people know that I am still working on answering current asks in the inbox.]
[Tbh I'm kinda torturing myself by keeping to a chronological order with these asks when I could handle the easy and short ones first, but idk, I just like doing things in order so people don't think I'm just skipping their asks (though it's not like people can see the order they're in anyway???). But yeah, uhhhh, here's a small snipit of what's to come, cropped so I don't just reveal EVERYTHING about it.]
[Sneak Peak under the cut.]
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[Sad Sajan Hours.]
[Also Sajan casual wear reveal ig!]
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
Can I put either of you in plastic tupperwear and aggresively shake you around but like /aff?
R: I mean... I don't think I'd particularly enjoy that???
S: I'd be down for that.
R: Of course you would...
R: Is there even a plastic container big enough to fit a person?
S: Heh, either way not a problem for me... I can fit into some pretty tight spaces...
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[Bonus doodle undercut]
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
[Okay, I think I'm gonna maybe try and specify where this blog takes place in the KR timeline just to try and map it all out and make sense of it all for those who potentially don't know the lore. I'm going to try and be and be as brief with this as possible.]
[So this most definitely takes place AFTER what I'd call 'Act 1' of the story. To summarise Act 1, this would be: Rowan and his mom being separated, Rowan becoming prince of Valourinth, Rowan discovering how his mother died and leaving Valourinth to start his own personal journey, him instead being thrusted into his own 'hero's journey' against his will, befriending all the sins including Radiance after their 1v1 fight in the void, concluding in Persephone's 'defeat' and Radiance being both rescued and made part of the groups little found family.]
[With this in mind, I believe this blog would need to take place somewhere in between 'Act 2' and 'Act 3', Act 2 basically including a lot of the Virtues story and also the start of Rowan's outfit change to include more purple. Act 2 is also kinda the start of Rowan's personality shift that's present in this blog. This must be before Act 3, however, as that is what I'd call the 'Rowan villian arc', not gonna specify much here, but I can definitely tell you he's not close to that part of his story yet.]
[So to summarise I guess, this blog takes place after Act 1 is completed, but is somewhere in between Act 2 and Act 3. It's at the very least after the Virtues have finished their own adventure as the twins are reunited, but it's before Rowan goes off the rails.]
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