#KR lore
ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
Uh... hey everyone! The names Rowan! Prince of Valourinth, but uh... I'd... rather not use that title... so just call me Rowan!
This is a blog I put together so that me and my friends can interact with those beyond our dimension! Pretty neat, huh?
Though I suppose I should explain a little bit about our own dimension... uh... you may have to bear with me then, this is gonna be a long post...
[Skip to the bottom for tags and rules, fair warning this is extremely long]
[Anything in these brackets is OOC]
[Currently available to ask: Rowan, Sajan]
If I am to give to some basic information about our world, we have a little colour system here that determines if one is a sin or a virtue, this being seen in one's eye colour.
For example with myself, I have purple eyes! That means I am either a virtue of Hope or a sin of Envy... uh... in MY case it's the latter...
Here's a little chart to hopefully make things a bit easier!
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My friend and I happen to make up many of these sins and virtues, actually thinking about it now, I think we have at least one of everything here! That's pretty neat to think about!
Uh... anyways, here's some basic descriptions of each of my friends! Uh... I'll maybe update this later if needed (or if my friends want to contribute themselves).
[This will also be particularly long, sorry 😭]
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Sajan - Sin of Lust
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, he/him
Occupation: Performer/Assassin
Personality: Cocky, reckless, dramatic.
Likes: Art and drawing, theatrics, dancing, singing, roses.
Dislikes: Bigots, perverts, cold weather.
Rowan's notes: I mean... he's my ex-boyfriend if that needs to be said? I dunno, we're on good terms though...
Helia - Sin of Pride
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, she/they
Occupation: Online influencer
Personality: Stuck up, pretentious, vane, materialistic, snooty.
Likes: Social media, fashion, sewing, tea, victorian/medieval history.
Dislikes: Dirt and mud, insects, just anyone who happens to annoys her.
Rowan's notes: She's probably going to kill me when she see's my description of her... but uh... a-at least her new influencer career is going well!
Radiance - Sin of Wrath
Sexuality/Gender: Unlabelled, he/him
Occupation: Prince
Personality: A little pompous, hot headed, easily annoyed, paranoid.
Likes: Books, writing, quiet spaces, tea (though only in a very specific way).
Dislikes: Complete solitude, dark rooms, anything that may set off his paranoia.
Rowan's notes: He still scares me a little after the whole uh... 'void incident'... we're still good buddies though!
Ide - Sin of Gluttony
Sexuality/Gender: Aro/Ace, she/her
Occupation: Baker
Personality: Bubbly, energetic, generous and kind-hearted.
Likes: Sweet treats (both eating and making them), gardening, bird spotting.
Dislikes: Unknown (does she hate anything??).
Rowan's notes: I gotta remember to ask about some of her recipes, they're just too good!
Mari (Maria Nerezza) - Sin of Greed
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, she/her
Occupation: Con artist (sorry Mari, but it's true)
Personality: Mischievous, sneaky, a total prankster.
Likes: Money, cool shiny items, pranks, anything circus themed, alchemy and spells.
Dislikes: People using her full name, being called on her bluffs, anyone she deems a 'party pooper' or 'lame'.
Rowan's notes: She's... interesting... gotta keep her away from my crystal collection though...
Rowan (me!) - Sin of Envy
Sexuality/Gender: Gay/Ace, transmasc he/him
Occupation: Prince (I suppose? Still working on that...)
Personality: Maybe shy, a little paranoid? I guess I just... like to help people!
Likes: Crystal's (I collect them!), magic, stars/space, music.
Dislikes: Certain textures and smells, glitter, feathers, just messy things in general really... butterfly's and moths.
Rowan's notes: Hah... kinda weird to describe myself... uh... not like I'm all that interesting honestly...
Igo - Sin of Sloth
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, he/him or any
Occupation: Detective
Personality: Stoic, brooding, lethargic, lazy.
Likes: Coffee, anything strawberry flavoured or themed, the colour pink, wearing dresses (he can actuslly rock a dress pretty well!).
Dislikes: Close-minded individuals, loud noises, strong smells, bright flashing lights.
Rowan's notes: His wolf form is kinda scary, but also kinda cute! He has very fluffy hair, I really gotta ask what product he uses for it.
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Azaezel - Virtue of Faith
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, he/she
Occupation: N/A (I need to ask honestly...)
Personality: Optimistic, positive, determined.
Likes: Animals, bright colours, rain, thunderstorms.
Dislikes: Warm weather, tension/drama, sticky things.
Rowan's notes: I guess we're both kinda ambassadors for our teams? Still don't really know the guy all too well though, his brother barely let's me speak to him...
Ezekiel - Virtue of Faith
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, he/they
Occupation: Adventurer
Personality: Pessimistic, hot-tempered, insecure, overly loyal to those close to him.
Likes: Playing the guitar, fighting, rock and heavy metal bands, swords, action films.
Dislikes: Any talks of his past, being grabbed or touched suddenly, being talked down to, any lose of control, dogs/canine creatures.
Rowan's notes: VERY protective of Azaezel, practically death stares you if he thinks you're doing something bad to him... it's kinda scary...
Damien - Virtue of Humility
Sexuality/Gender: Gay, he/him
Occupation: Adventurer
Personality: Generous, open-minded, empathetic, extremely grateful and respectful.
Likes: Astrology, mythology, puzzle games, origami, fireflies.
Dislikes: Airplanes, crowded areas, windy and damp weather, foggy weather, loud noises.
Rowan's notes: We both really like space stuff, it's pretty cool! He definetely knows a lot more about the stars than I do, I really need to read up on it more...
Vincent (Vinny) - Virtue of Prudence
Sexuality/Gender: Bisexual, he/him
Occupation: Musician
Personality: Hyperactive, optimistic, sunshine personality.
Likes: Classical music, dancing, 90's and early 2000's cartoons, silent films.
Dislikes: Being talked down to, crowded/claustrophobic spaces, large bodies of water.
Rowan's notes: And I thought Ide was high energy... he's just... he's way too hyperactive for me to handle...
Cilantre - Virtue of Temperance
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual, any pronouns
Occupation: Adventurer/Sorcerer
Personality: Anxious, squimish, fidgety, overly worried (not only for themself, but others I've found).
Likes: Things that glow, sparkly things, quiet spaces, set routine and schedules (honestly, same).
Dislikes: Talking to new people, socialising, loud and sudden noises, buzzing insects.
Rowan's notes: They're a nervous guy, I can respect that. I mostly see them whenever I'm having some quiet time to myself, it's just nice to be around them.
Vitani - Virtue of Charity
Sexuality/Gender: Unlabelled, transfem she/her
Occupation: Rockstar
Personality: Loud, shameless, boisterous, rebellious.
Likes: Anarchy, anything punk rock, singing, dancing, playing in her band, being loud.
Dislikes: Bigots of any and all kinds, law enforcement, propaganda, 'money hungry assholes' (her words, not mine).
Rowan's notes: She's so cool! Very high energy though, just a little too strong on the hugs...
Harmonia - Virtue of Hope
Sexuality/Gender: Omnisexual, she/her
Occupation: Librarian
Personality: Quiet, passive, stern and fierce if provoked.
Likes: Horror, mystery, history, folk lore, novels, the goth aesthetic, grimdarks.
Dislikes: Anything cutesy or 'tame', anything too sugary or sweet (hurts her teeth apparently), hot weather.
Rowan's notes: I don't know much about her, I just know she really likes horror and stuff? Vitani said she's cool, I'm more inclined to trust her word than what little knowledge I have on her. Though... if there's one thing I do know it's that Helia is mighty jealous of her.
Djal - Virtue of Fortitude
Sexuality/Gender: Unlabelled, he/him
Occupation: Bodyguard
Personality: Overly-protective, stoic, assertive.
Likes: Unknown.
Dislikes: Annoying people(???), small talk.
Rowan's notes: I know he's Vincent's boyfriend, but that's about it. I've always been too afraid to approach him... I don't think I'm the only one either...
Phew, that was long... but hopefully very helpful for you guys! Hmm now... maybe I should put a little chart together! Show you guys what everyone's relationships are like, that sounds like a good idea, right?
So how's about I do just that!
[Sins Chart:]
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[Virtues Chart:]
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So uh... yeah! That's about it I think! Me and my friends look forward to your potential questions! We'll try to answer them as best we can!
Hopefully my friends are available for questions aswell... uh... I'll try to let you guys know if any of them are unavailable for questions, maybe I'll even see if I can ask others to pass on certain questions? I don't know... we'll have to wait and see if that's the case...
[Okay this is the start of the more OOC section, the rules, potential notes, etc for those who want to interact with this blog]
For starters: my main account is @k1ng-r0wan for those wondering, it's where I post art of the ocs part of this blog and other stuff (feel free to send asks other there aswell if you want!)
Moving onto the rules for this blog:
1) I will not do anything NSFW, the furthest I'd likely go is maybe making sex jokes with Sajan.
2) If I suddenly go dark on this ask blog then either assume I haven't got any asks to reply to or I'm just busy (the latter is most likely since I'm busy with uni).
3) I can do some out of character replies or non-canon posts (I do love myself some shitposts every now and again lol), those posts will be tagged as such.
4) Other blog interactions are welcome here, even if they make 0 sense with my characters universe (hell, I got inspired simply by interacting with an ask blog in character).
5) Shipping is allowed, all of the characters mentioned here are over 18. I don't mind possibly responding to asks about ships.
6) If I don't respond to an ask then either assume I don't know how to respond or I don't feel comfortable responding to it.
7) I am possibly planning to allow certain characters take over the blog instead of Rowan on occassion (potentially some who aren't listed here), I may potentially take requests for certain characters to take over.
8) I might talk about sensitive topics, but I will try to actively avoid them. If I do discuss a more sensitive topic then I'll add trigger warnings in the tags (inform me if I potentially miss something that might require one).
9) Kinda just want to add this incase something pops up in future, but I am autistic, I might misunderstand certain asks and thus want to make that clear here incase that happens in the near future. Please inform me if I misunderstood an ask.
10) The main purpose of this blog is to simply explore and develop my characters better and to lore dump, if certain designs or lore get changed I will simply tag it to say its not canon anymore. This blog is mainly just for fun at the end of the day.
May add more if needed.
DNI: Pedos, proshippers, bigots, etc.
Side note:
I am planning some potential time jumping or flashbacks, so this is a simple reference for how you can tell whether something is in the present or the past:
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Tags I may use:
#Ask_Row&Friends - main tag
#Row&Friends_Chain - for rp responses and such
#OOC_Row&Friends - ooc posts
#[name of character]_Ask - for specific character asks/responses
#KR non-canon - the not so canon events (mostly shitposts)
#KR lore - lore tag I tend to use in general with my characters
I'll add more if needed, but I hope y'all enjoy this silly little blog :)
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k1ng-r0wan · 5 months
I did the thing again guys! This time with my favourite trauma child 🥰
Og image it's based on under cut
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Also a version without the cracked mirror (just cause it lets you see the full art)
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I know it's supposed to be AFTER trauma, but I technically did DURING trauma just to spice things up lol
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Cooking my own food between projects pt.2
Pt 1 feat Tycoon and Buffa
And context on the rambling tags of this past post lol
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akkivee · 2 months
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there was a time, esp after the 2nd drb ended, when everyone was holding their breath scared/excited that hypmic would introduce new divisions to their lineup and thank fck they didn’t lol, but i like to think in a roundabout way, they did give us a new one by allowing chuuoku to have a division like dynamic lol
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skajador · 1 month
the kitagoro fic!! it's silly it's sweet it's Finally Done!
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or you can click here too
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malichev · 7 months
Okay, I'm back. So much happened that I needed to take a few days off. And to begin with, I would like to raise a question: Do you think 춘식 is Egg A1? Because since QSMP's last official live and the introduction of the new egg, I'm in doubt. Another curious point is that A1 supposedly only has 1 life, while the Korean egg has 2, unless the Federation changed this. Another point is the possibility that he has no memory of when he was A1. And speaking of eggs, Tallulah has been talking to the spirits of her dead brothers/sisters, and she said there was a 5th egg that she didn't know about. Then she named one of her birds: Esperanza (Hope). I'm curious about how the Lore of the eggs will be developed, especially because, it's worth remembering that it's still difficult to understand what the groups that the Federation separated them mean, especially group 4, which is the most ambiguous and, interestingly, is the group to which Richarlyson belongs.
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yuseirra · 10 months
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Oh to be asked to be a hero for a fantasy world from a pretty girl from another dimension only to have her sacrifice all her memories and life as a human to become a transcendental being in order to save you and the whole universe and give you enlightenment to become the seeker of truth - of all mathematics and beyond
and realizing that you were in this all along because you were mesmerized by her pure eyes that saw right through you when you first met her and that you loved her all along while she did too only after all that took place, impossible to meet her again physically because her soul ascended into the realm of infinity that mankind will forever seek and try to reach as long as humanity exists
that's "판타지 수학대전"(fantasy math wars)for you.. a comic series found to educate young kr children about mathematics
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 month
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Final Chapter: Tomorrow's Legends
#gingaman lb#super sentai lb#umbrella.thoughts#umbrella.posts#that's a wrap people#it was nice and i really liked the effects and the designs were stellar#the bull black arc and galactic light arc in general were chef's kiss#the relationships were all really sweet and nice and i liked the inclusion of flashbacks to give more background since they've known each#other for their whole lives and i liked the tree network being used to navigate and how yuuta was like a little brother to the team and the#never discouraged him but were also clear about the dangers and risks they face as warriors but also taught him different aspects about#being a good warrior outside of physical strength#wish there was more development for things like shellinda and that the lore had been expanded upon more#also wish they leaned more into the elemental factors but i think sentai does have trouble with consistency when it comes to that#and just have a lot of questions about the life crystals that were never answered and overall just wish they didn't play it so safe for#a series with such a premise like we have mythical beasts and space pirates but dinosaur sentai lore is more wild#don't get me wrong i liked it i just know they could've gotten more creative with it#i think that it shares quite a few themes and similarities to goseiger and ryusoulger and i might just talk about some overlaps in the#future but if you like goseiger or ryusoulger you might like gingaman and vice versa#though goseiger and ryusoulger can both be hit or miss i do care for them dearly and they're favs of mine so it was nice to see some overla#overall another good season and i will be moving back to kr next and then we'll see from there :)
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serenadeofsunshine · 1 month
i feel so bad for my buddies in discord i just sent them an massive essay about gen that takes up the entire channel. but i’m having A Night. i’ve been having a DAY actually. this may be the bestworst day of my life. non stop thinking about my dearest wife that i need to pick up by the backside and kick them to therapy
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standardlilith · 11 months
these spot the differences are getting harder and harder
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ask-row-and-friends · 4 months
[Okay, I think I'm gonna maybe try and specify where this blog takes place in the KR timeline just to try and map it all out and make sense of it all for those who potentially don't know the lore. I'm going to try and be and be as brief with this as possible.]
[So this most definitely takes place AFTER what I'd call 'Act 1' of the story. To summarise Act 1, this would be: Rowan and his mom being separated, Rowan becoming prince of Valourinth, Rowan discovering how his mother died and leaving Valourinth to start his own personal journey, him instead being thrusted into his own 'hero's journey' against his will, befriending all the sins including Radiance after their 1v1 fight in the void, concluding in Persephone's 'defeat' and Radiance being both rescued and made part of the groups little found family.]
[With this in mind, I believe this blog would need to take place somewhere in between 'Act 2' and 'Act 3', Act 2 basically including a lot of the Virtues story and also the start of Rowan's outfit change to include more purple. Act 2 is also kinda the start of Rowan's personality shift that's present in this blog. This must be before Act 3, however, as that is what I'd call the 'Rowan villian arc', not gonna specify much here, but I can definitely tell you he's not close to that part of his story yet.]
[So to summarise I guess, this blog takes place after Act 1 is completed, but is somewhere in between Act 2 and Act 3. It's at the very least after the Virtues have finished their own adventure as the twins are reunited, but it's before Rowan goes off the rails.]
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k1ng-r0wan · 10 months
Radiance lore in a nutshell
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iristial · 2 years
The DGP's created by people from a dystopian future where eugenics is mastered and polished to a degree where people can choose anything they want, up to their personalities. The Jyamato are monsters grown in the soil of fallen Riders from the 'distant' past, hence why they take on the dead's traits, and the plants they mainly take inspiration from are peas, which were used in eugenic research...
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akkivee · 6 months
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eldritchcryptids · 2 years
fellas, my partner ASKED me to make a presentation on marble hornets so they can understand it better.
ive made it.
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vveirdnobdy · 2 years
My brain is starting to fall down crossover hell with Trash of the Counts Family, thanks to a singular Katekyo Hitman Reborn crossover fic I'm reading.
leading to fun questions like, how now I want to assign Flame types to all of the Tcf characters-
Also was talking with a friend about Twisted Wonderland which is leading to the 'What Dorm would Tcf characters be in' (Cale would be Octainville 100% ok Mr Scammer himself)
Also because of a Valorant obsession, now my brain is making like abilities for Cale based off his Aps if he was a playable character. (His character art would have to include Raon as well because I want Raon in that fucking style so bad hed be so pretty) Cale would 100% be a sentinal change my mind
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