“If you haven’t followed the new one, I suggest you do so if you want to continue rping with Sakura and her family. This blog is no longer active, and only remains as an archive”
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“If you haven’t followed the new one, I suggest you do so if you want to continue rping with Sakura and her family. This blog is no longer active, and only remains as an archive”
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"If you haven't followed the new one, I suggest you do so if you want to continue rping with Sakura and her family. This blog is no longer active, and only remains as an archive"
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"I've moved accounts, this one will basically be an archive, no longer in use. The new one is where all RPs will continue"
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"I'm in the middle of setting it up, but Ask-Sakura-and-Friends will be moved to a new account. That why I have a bit more freedom with it. Any RPs I had going on will be moved to the new account. As of now, this one is shut down. I realize the awkward timing of this announcement, what with today being April Fool's Day, but I'm dead serious. It's something I've been contemplating doing for a while now, but never got around to doing it. To all of my followers, I will follow you on the new account, and will move all RPs to the new one as well. Should make keeping track of things much easier now.
Unfortunately since I had no way of saving the Asks, those who listed the Fatalities, will sadly not be kept. So this ain't a goodbye, but just moving is all. See you guys on the new page!"
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So I've been thinking
“I really enjoy being able to rp with people here, and tell my stories. But one thing bugs me about this blog. It’s a sideblog. I can’t follow others, I can’t send asks or submissions or anything like that. My muses have a hard time starting an interaction with another muse, due to that fact. The only thing I’m able to do is send Fanmail. Honestly, that just bugs me. So I was thinking, what do you all say if I made this as its own blog? Like, if I archived what’s already here, and made a new blog under its own account? What do you guys think?”
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Swift: Bah. *sends his spare shot, only to hit one pin*
Agro: You didn't get it. I'm up!
Guys Night Out (an RP with ask-sakura-and-friends)
Wayne: *in the middle of a wing, sauce all over his face* Do I gotta? I’m likin’ these here wing things too much… *whispers to Jett* Besides if’n Kyle makes an idiot of himself (which is likely) I don’t wanna miss anything…
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Jett: I'm sure you can set the plate down long enough for one or two throws. As amusing as that would be to see
Swift: *grabs a ball, and launches it down the lane*
*winds up with a 6-7 spilt*
Swift: ...
Guys Night Out (an RP with ask-sakura-and-friends)
Wayne: *in the middle of a wing, sauce all over his face* Do I gotta? I’m likin’ these here wing things too much… *whispers to Jett* Besides if’n Kyle makes an idiot of himself (which is likely) I don’t wanna miss anything…
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"Ash, sorry I didn't see your reply. I'll get to it in the morning"
I'm off to bed
That little struggle with my project gave me a headache. Took an Advil, gonna go to sleep. Goodnight
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So I've been thinking
"I really enjoy being able to rp with people here, and tell my stories. But one thing bugs me about this blog. It's a sideblog. I can't follow others, I can't send asks or submissions or anything like that. My muses have a hard time starting an interaction with another muse, due to that fact. The only thing I'm able to do is send Fanmail. Honestly, that just bugs me. So I was thinking, what do you all say if I made this as its own blog? Like, if I archived what's already here, and made a new blog under its own account? What do you guys think?"
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Jett: That is fine, since there was only room for 6 in one lane, Wayne will bowl on this lane. The order is Swift, Agro, Blake, Bryon, Wayne, and myself.
Blake: This sounds like a good idea
Bryon: I think I'll grab one more wing, they are pretty good. *grabs another, eats it, his flames flaring again*
Swift: He's taking after you, Blake.
Blake: I know
Guys Night Out (an RP with ask-sakura-and-friends)
Wayne: *reappears with a mountain of chicken wings  covering half of his face* Howdy agin, y’all… What’d I miss?
Kyle: We’re getting our la—WOW CHICKEN WINGS!! I WANT SOME!! Wayne: You sure, little buddy? I like ‘em spicy as you know… Kyle: Lemme try! Danny: This won’t end well… Steve: Dan the man, you’re learning quickly…
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Bryon: Oh I think I can handle it *grabs one, takes a bite*
Blake: And how is it?
Bryon: *his flames flare out* Wow! *eats the wing entirely*
Agro: A masochist is someone who enjoys, for whatever insane reason, being physically hurt. Ever since I met you, you've done so much that ends up with you getting hurt, even KNOWING you're going to get hurt. So because of that, I'm guessing you're a masochist.
Guys Night Out (an RP with ask-sakura-and-friends)
Wayne: *reappears with a mountain of chicken wings  covering half of his face* Howdy agin, y’all… What’d I miss?
Kyle: We’re getting our la—WOW CHICKEN WINGS!! I WANT SOME!! Wayne: You sure, little buddy? I like ‘em spicy as you know… Kyle: Lemme try! Danny: This won’t end well… Steve: Dan the man, you’re learning quickly…
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Bryon: Can I try one?
Swift: *watches*
Jett: *setting the names on the scoreboard* Since there's 12 of us, we'll be using two lanes for each game. Ash, you should set yourselves up for the second lane while I work this one
Agro: *to Kyle* Kid, you're a masochist, aren't you?
Guys Night Out (an RP with ask-sakura-and-friends)
Wayne: *reappears with a mountain of chicken wings  covering half of his face* Howdy agin, y’all… What’d I miss?
Kyle: We’re getting our la—WOW CHICKEN WINGS!! I WANT SOME!! Wayne: You sure, little buddy? I like ‘em spicy as you know… Kyle: Lemme try! Danny: This won’t end well… Steve: Dan the man, you’re learning quickly…
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Jett: I'm registering our names on the scoreboard
Agro: I call shotgun
Jett: ...Right.
Guys Night Out (an RP with ask-sakura-and-friends)
Steve: I’m not going to even ask how that happened…
Danny: I’m amazed that the lovely folks here actually have a shoe that fits me… I might just keep them… I won’t… *he smiles* Wayne: My first time bowlin’… Kinda excited… Hey, Vlad… jus’ realized… How’re ya gonna bowl, man… I mean, like… no arms… no…uh… Vlad: Слушай, мой друг … свиньи Мы знали друг друга довольно долгое время, да? Если бы я был на этот бренный для этого времени, и я делаю это хорошо до сих пор … Я думаю, что боулинг является наименьшей из моих проблем … Кроме того, они имеют рампу, что катит шары для вас.Огненный дракон может мне помочь, да? (Listen, my porcine friend… We have known of each other for quite a while, yes? If I have been on this mortal coil for this length of time and I have been doing this well thus far… I think bowling is the least of my concerns… Besides, they have the ramp that rolls the balls for you. The fire dragon can help me, yes?) Danny: Er… yeah… I am a fire dragon, aren’t I? Feel really powerful now, like I could do all sorts o’ awesome things…*he roars mightily* I could get used to this… *he smiles*
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Swift: Technically Wayne, we don't have hands either. I use my Psychic to give the ball a push, but other than that I let it roll. Agro kicks it down the lane
Agro: A double back kick, to be specific
Guys Night Out (an RP with ask-sakura-and-friends)
Steve: I’m not going to even ask how that happened…
Danny: I’m amazed that the lovely folks here actually have a shoe that fits me… I might just keep them… I won’t… *he smiles* Wayne: My first time bowlin’… Kinda excited… Hey, Vlad… jus’ realized… How’re ya gonna bowl, man… I mean, like… no arms… no…uh… Vlad: Слушай, мой друг … свиньи Мы знали друг друга довольно долгое время, да? Если бы я был на этот бренный для этого времени, и я делаю это хорошо до сих пор … Я думаю, что боулинг является наименьшей из моих проблем … Кроме того, они имеют рампу, что катит шары для вас.Огненный дракон может мне помочь, да? (Listen, my porcine friend… We have known of each other for quite a while, yes? If I have been on this mortal coil for this length of time and I have been doing this well thus far… I think bowling is the least of my concerns… Besides, they have the ramp that rolls the balls for you. The fire dragon can help me, yes?) Danny: Er… yeah… I am a fire dragon, aren’t I? Feel really powerful now, like I could do all sorts o’ awesome things…*he roars mightily* I could get used to this… *he smiles*
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Angie; Oh! We've been walking for a while. Maybe we should find a spot to get some rest
Armaldo's Depression
“To wash it every two to five days and make sure to keep it clean as to avoid infection.”
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Angie: Ohhh I see. Well that's good, you don't need it to get infected
Armaldo's Depression
“To wash it every two to five days and make sure to keep it clean as to avoid infection.”
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