ask-serenavdw-blog · 10 years
i rlly wanna start replying to all my questions in the inbox again sigh should i?
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
OOC: Gossip Girl Blog Awards
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to thank whoever the lovely people were who nominated me for a Gossip Girl Blog Award for Best RP Blog.
I honestly didn’t expect this nomination, so it’s such an honor and a very sweet and nice surprise and what makes it even more special is that some of the other members of our RP Group (our amazing Chuck and Serena) are as well nominated in the same category.
If you would like to vote for me, Chuck or Serena rper, you can do it HERE until the 31st of March.
Please, consider supporting all your favorite blogs and, once again, thank you so much for your nomination! ♥
xoxo N
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
Who's your inspiration?
One of my inspirations is definitely Marilyn Monroe.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
kvo prai chuck?
English, please?
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
You haven't been answering questionssss
ooc: that's because i have a real life hollllla
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
Which was the biggest fight you and Blair ever had?
I believe it was when she held me responsible for everything that happened with her diary pages and all this stuff which was one of the reasons why New York back then. If you mean violently, then I guess the one when we were visiting Yale.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
When did you know that you were truly in love with Dan?
I guess I realized that in the moment when he looked at me like nobody's ever looked at me before. I doubted it a lot of time after we broke up for the first time, but at the end of the day I knew that he was the only person I truly loved and of course still love.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
It's there any chance of you having a fight with Juliet covered in whipped cream?
Excuse me?
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
Which family has more money?! Blair's or yours?! And from where did all this money come from?! I never saw lily working...
We don't actually count our money and compare which family has more and I usually avoid this topic. However, the money comes from my father and my mother's countless ex-husbands.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
Socialite is not actually a job. It's a fancy word for "I have a lot of money and don't need to work." but I love you anyway.
Well, I have to disagree there. A socialite organizes events or is a member in different clubs and commitees like I was a member of the Central Park Conservancy while I was with Steven and a Socialite attends to a lot of events. It's not hard working but it's not "no working at all" either.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
Serena, my darling, I don't want to offend you or anything like that, but every friend of yours has a job, but you don't have any. What do you plan to do in your professional life?! Do you think that maybe you could colaborate with Blair's design, like a "S for Waldorf" thing?!
Maybe I'll go my mom's path and be a Socialite. But I could also imagine working for a production company again like I did in Los Angeles and a few weeks here in New York.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
Serena by your hair I mean how you get your perfect curls!? I wish I had your hair! Your beautiful again
Everything's possible with a good curling iron! xo
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
im so confused, so your pretending to be a fictional character in gossip girl? this is so weird your answering them like your actually serena ahahaah
ooc: It's called roleplaying, my dear. It's like acting just on the internet. Shall I take your last sentence as compliment or...? :p xo
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
what would you do if dan started acting like chuck?
Chuck has turned into a great, responsible and loving man over the years, so I wouldn't do anything besides asking myself why Dan would start acting like Chuck in the first place.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
Serena I think you are such an amazing, strong , and beautiful person! You are definitely one of my role models. How do you do your hair so perfect
Thank you, that means a lot to hear. As for my hair, shampoo and conditioner is the key. And if you're talking about some of my hairstyles, Google is always able to help you how to do them.
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
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ask-serenavdw-blog · 12 years
i don't understand why he published their location to begin with. he indeed was the one who led them to each other. he knew that Blair would have a lot of troubles when Louis and his mother find out about their escape. and he still published Ivy's blast. it's just creepy. and what about this? media(.)tumblr(.)com(/)fd2dc20717a22529de4c877897c3df40(/)tumblr(_)inline(_)mf7yp4e3rk1rqe3gq(.)jpg
Honestly, I don't even want to think about that anymore. The past is in the past and we should all move on. And if you really want answers to your questions as to why Dan published Ivy's blast or wrote all that stuff or was Gossip Girl, then maybe you should send him a message! xo
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