MUN picture :3?
Slendy-mun: As requested. Jane-mun said no. But I promise, she's a beaut.
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Hello again, lovelies
Shockingly, for the time being, both Slenderwomanmun and I are back. We are both together right now, so it's easier to answer asks and what-not. Feel free to ask us questions, start a thread, etc etc.
Go nuts.
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Hi um jane you now that my CreepyPasta Heartless Heather(no story posted yet) hates Jeff too? You should work with her( she's on my DeviantArt BananaGirl2000)
I work with no one except my mentor. And even then, we’re not really… working together. She’s teaching me. In an odd way…
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Jane , did you know that Keith ( former bully ) had a crush on you?
He did?!
I mean… Ah hah…
I wish I got to him first. He wouldn’t just have gotten stabbed.
I would have pulled his eyes out, too.
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Hello Jane And Slenderwoman! Jeff is on my street jane..Help me.. Also Slenderwoman Please take care of Slendy..
((janemun: guess who’s back?))
Oh dear… Tell me, little anon, where do you live? I would so much love to see my dear Jeff again. But you should not be too scared of Slenderman, he’s not too bad. He just has no sense of humor.
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Slendymun: So, I have been up all night watching creepypasta narratives on Youtube by Creepymcpasta. He is has a great voice. (I like scaring myself. The adrenaline is fun. #guiltyascharged). But, it wasn't until I stumbled upon the Top ten creepy dolls that I became more...concerned. I looked at all of them. Even Rodger hadn't done a number on me. Then, there was Annabelle. Now, in case you don't recall, there was a movie recently called, "The Conjuring". Yeah, it's that one. But what the movie alters is two things. 1). Appearance. Annabelle is a raggedy Anne type doll. 2). The severity of events. For the movie's sake, they made her escape at the end of the movie. That never happens. Now, you're probably wondering why I am taking time to inform you. Le's take a trip to my childhood. As a little girl, I was pretty gullible, and scared easily. But noting has ever stuck with me, and still occasionally haunts me like the reoccurring nightmare when I was around 6 or 7. This is the dot people. I would be at a party with people I knew. And immediately, everyone would crowd this raggedy Anne doll. She would giggle and talk to the other party guests. It looked fun. Harmless. So, I'd saunter over. And touch the doll. But as soon as I did, I'd notice something was wrong. The doll would start whispering to me things. Things that made my skin crawl. To this day, I do not remember what they are. I doubt I want to. The doll would continue giggling as I tried to fling her off of me, but to no avail. And pretty soon everyone would disappear, and the room would become darker as the giggles became malevolent laughter. Then...I'd wake up. Either from screaming loud enough to hear, being shaken awake, or of my own accord. In cold sweat. I've never own a raggedy Anne doll. I've never held one. I didn't even see one until I was ten, watching a cartoon about it. Coincidence...? It's currently 7 am, and I don't plan on sleeping.
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am i the only one who does this
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"No homo" is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a human. This is my second favorite way to reply - the first, bloody retribution.
Like and comment on Tapastic!
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Hi girls! call me Ana! I have a question for you two. If they made a Creepypasta book or movie who do you think should be in it? And would you guys be in it? (Jeff is an ass to you Jane so he's not allowed to be in it.)
Slendy-mun: I apologize for the lapse of time. But to answer your question: I am sure if there was a story behind each main creepypasta character, then we would surely appear. 
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Are you guys still here? :)
Slendy-mun: Yes. We still exist. Maybe not as anyone else sees fit, but we needed to take a break. Life needed to run it's course. And we've drifted from this account, I know. I apologize for the both of us disappearing, dear. I have my original blog I go on more often, and Jane-mun converted to homestuck. Not an entirely unexpected turn of events, honestly. So, to answer your question as best I can. We still live. But this account has become a bit abandoned in our rush to live a teenage life. My apologies. (I went to check on it by chance, actually. It's 5 am, and I am sorry if I make little sense).
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See this clown? He looks pretty funny, lame, and harmless, until you find out that man in the picture was a serial killer named John Wayne Gacy who raped and murdered approximately 34 young boys. He dressed up as a clown and went to children’s birthday parties as a JOB. And this is why children, you can never trust fucking clowns.
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in which the Doctor is very heterosexual
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the complete marble hornets children's book
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Reblog if you love your muse!
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It's been quite some time...
Hello, little ones..~ It has been a long time since I have made an appearance, and I suppose it will be that way for a while longer...my apologies... I will have a job soon and then I can get myself a laptop or a phone that can access the internet. If you think that's a good idea to come back here...Just give this post a like or at least a comment. Thank you to the loyal followers, and sorry for the ones who got tired of me and my dear friend. I made some mistakes that caused me to be separated from seeing her often...but do not worry, we are inseparable when it comes to our friendship and loyalty. I hope someone takes notice of my rare presence... If not...well...mer.. :U
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