ask-snowfall-kingdom · 4 months
Welcome! This is an ask blog centered around the people of Snowfall (Dark Parables)! It is set around the time of The Thief and the Tinderbox, in an AU where TTatT did not happen.
Characters currently available: Gerda, Gwyn, Kai, & Snow
Nothing NSFW
Be polite
Just... be respectful, please
I'll add more if this gets big & I need to
Mod Info:
I don't know that anyone actually cares, but oh well. You can call me 🦉 or Cel, and you can just kinda use any pronouns except she/her for me.
Ballad of Rapunzel is my favorite Dark Parables game, and The Thief and the Tinderbox is my least favorite. Kai is my favorite character. I'm a young adult, and I first played Dark Parables when I was really little.
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