ask-the-infiltrators · 9 months
No problem friend, keep up the good work :) Look forward to the next stream.
need these two for my living dex but apparently i just missed the event :/
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🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
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"My overseer is too busy with holiday festivities to answer. So I will accept this instead."
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"Thank you..."
And from the others on this blog who are also busy... thank you for being awesome, friend.
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He sealed his next words with a kiss, "I would hear anything you have to say..."
It's been far too long since the two of them last spoke. So much to say, so much to do. Catching up is going to be a major pain in the tail, but now he actually had the time to do it. After a moment. He pulled away and said with mild excitement, "Come, come! We can talk as I work. I want you to see this."
The changeling's excitement only grew as he took her by the hand to another room. He has been busy, sculpting important figures in his life in tiny chunks of ice. It was like a little village all along the table.
Spotted here~ by @purewhitewolf
Abstract would be seen on the other end of the portal, resting in what seemed to be some sort of lodge. He was reading a book a the moment, so he did not see Kaitlyn open up a portal to see him. He was talking into a stone, ever the multitasker as he stood up and started to pace, "Yeah, I got here safely. Honestly, it's been wonderful, sweetie. I never thought I would ever actually retire..."
He nodded at some invisible thing as he beamed, "My son is more than capable. There is nothing to worry about... Yes, I have told a few other people about this. Don't worry, it's not like I told any of my enemies where to find me."
The changeling sat the book down and laughed, finally noting Kaitlyn and acknowledging her stealthy presence with a small wave, "I know dear. Just trust me. I'll be fine out here. I have always wanted to go sledding with the hounds, and the nevermelt ice is perfect for sculpting... Yes, I love you too. Talk to you later~"
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He gave her a small shrug as he turned to her, "I love to travel. And now, I don't have to worry about any wars or conflicts getting in between me and really SEEING the worlds."
The changeling openly and affectionately nuzzled her as his communication stone slipped into his inventory and out of sight. He wasn't going to need it now, hough her sudden visit did catch the elder changeling by surprise. She must have just gotten his message.
"Sorry for being distant. You know how hecktic war can be... I wanted to talk to you, talk to anyone, but I was one. Strict gag order for quite a long time."
Spotted here~ by @purewhitewolf
Abstract would be seen on the other end of the portal, resting in what seemed to be some sort of lodge. He was reading a book a the moment, so he did not see Kaitlyn open up a portal to see him. He was talking into a stone, ever the multitasker as he stood up and started to pace, "Yeah, I got here safely. Honestly, it's been wonderful, sweetie. I never thought I would ever actually retire..."
He nodded at some invisible thing as he beamed, "My son is more than capable. There is nothing to worry about... Yes, I have told a few other people about this. Don't worry, it's not like I told any of my enemies where to find me."
The changeling sat the book down and laughed, finally noting Kaitlyn and acknowledging her stealthy presence with a small wave, "I know dear. Just trust me. I'll be fine out here. I have always wanted to go sledding with the hounds, and the nevermelt ice is perfect for sculpting... Yes, I love you too. Talk to you later~"
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Spotted here~ by @purewhitewolf
Abstract would be seen on the other end of the portal, resting in what seemed to be some sort of lodge. He was reading a book a the moment, so he did not see Kaitlyn open up a portal to see him. He was talking into a stone, ever the multitasker as he stood up and started to pace, "Yeah, I got here safely. Honestly, it's been wonderful, sweetie. I never thought I would ever actually retire..."
He nodded at some invisible thing as he beamed, "My son is more than capable. There is nothing to worry about... Yes, I have told a few other people about this. Don't worry, it's not like I told any of my enemies where to find me."
The changeling sat the book down and laughed, finally noting Kaitlyn and acknowledging her stealthy presence with a small wave, "I know dear. Just trust me. I'll be fine out here. I have always wanted to go sledding with the hounds, and the nevermelt ice is perfect for sculpting... Yes, I love you too. Talk to you later~"
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Have ya'll ever made and worked on a muse you are sure somebody may like, but given how esoteric thier interactions would be you don't even know if they can have thier own blog?
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Masquerade hummed softly as he pondered what exactly to say, how he should answer this. But, eventually he did come to an answer, "I cannot say her true name. No one has that right but mother. Queen Chrysalis will have to suffice. My apologies."
He wished he could say more, that he could actually answer his wife, but there were some things not even the queen’s relatives could do... so, instead of fretting about it, he elected to continue the tour, "How about I keep showing you around a little. Surely there are places that aren't classified I could show you. Like the common area, or the quarters..."
"I must apologize for my absence. Though I must say it's been a much-needed escape that made this return all the more enjoyable~" The tall white queen says as her yellowish green catlike eyes scanned the changelings around her. The hive she once visited years ago felt familiar. Yet almost like it has changed in many ways. Herself included as she was flanked by two of her guards instead of being alone. "Now who would be so willing to show me around?~"
Masquerade hummed audibly as he drew close, bowing before the queen, "Its been far too long... Forgive the others, most are not old enough to remember old allies and other hives."
The Princeling rose and offered her a kiss on the hoof, "We missed you..."
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He paused, his steps halting as she mentioned his mother. The pain was evident on his face as he asked, "You don't remember how things happened in our world, do you?"
The infiltrator sighed and gently moved her along, taking her to the hall of Queens, "I cannot say the same for other worlds, but there have been many Chrysalis' here. Each passing on the mantle for generations, the endless illusion of an everlasting queen. Although, there did come a point where everyone knew this secret. Hard to hide it when your queen pulls a 180 in terms of goals and motivations three times. I was among the clutch of eggs the latest was, born to be an infiltrator, yet still of high birth..."
He stopped at his mother's stone marker and bowed respectfully for a moment before continuing to Address Aurora, "Asside from my queen, there are only a few of us left now that can even remotely be called 'prince'. Not like I would use it in that sense. If anything I am more a prince consort in your case. That’s how that works, right?"
"I must apologize for my absence. Though I must say it's been a much-needed escape that made this return all the more enjoyable~" The tall white queen says as her yellowish green catlike eyes scanned the changelings around her. The hive she once visited years ago felt familiar. Yet almost like it has changed in many ways. Herself included as she was flanked by two of her guards instead of being alone. "Now who would be so willing to show me around?~"
Masquerade hummed audibly as he drew close, bowing before the queen, "Its been far too long... Forgive the others, most are not old enough to remember old allies and other hives."
The Princeling rose and offered her a kiss on the hoof, "We missed you..."
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so... to which queen do you serve and how much do you feed upon others?
Masquerade blinked at the boldness of the question, "wow, straight to the point, huh? If you must know, Hive Chrysalis, and enough."
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*hits with a tiny fly swatter* bug
Masquerade counters in kind with an even smaller one, swatting right in the face, "Anon..."
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He nodded and took her by the hoof. It was a simple thing really, just showing her around the hive, but he couldn't help but feel nervous. What if he said something embarrassing? What if he shows her something he shouldn’t? What if's floated about in his mind like a bee does their Hive, and they made each of his steps just the tiniest bit hesitant. Even around folks he knew, he never really was all that good at social matters. He stage was where he belonged, an eternal actor, not a prince, or even a political figure. It does not suit him...
"I must apologize for my absence. Though I must say it's been a much-needed escape that made this return all the more enjoyable~" The tall white queen says as her yellowish green catlike eyes scanned the changelings around her. The hive she once visited years ago felt familiar. Yet almost like it has changed in many ways. Herself included as she was flanked by two of her guards instead of being alone. "Now who would be so willing to show me around?~"
Masquerade hummed audibly as he drew close, bowing before the queen, "Its been far too long... Forgive the others, most are not old enough to remember old allies and other hives."
The Princeling rose and offered her a kiss on the hoof, "We missed you..."
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He returned the hug warmly, if a bit apologetic, "unfortunately, we are a little short staffed at the moment, so I hope a tour from me will do. Our Queen is away in Canterlot, Lucid is off on his infiltrator business... And well, you can imagine how boring it can be around here alone."
In fact, he might even say he himself hadn't done anything in a long time either. Nothing of note... Just sitting around, waiting to be useful to someone again, his past nearly long since been abandoned. It saddened him, but perhaps now that will change?
"I must apologize for my absence. Though I must say it's been a much-needed escape that made this return all the more enjoyable~" The tall white queen says as her yellowish green catlike eyes scanned the changelings around her. The hive she once visited years ago felt familiar. Yet almost like it has changed in many ways. Herself included as she was flanked by two of her guards instead of being alone. "Now who would be so willing to show me around?~"
Masquerade hummed audibly as he drew close, bowing before the queen, "Its been far too long... Forgive the others, most are not old enough to remember old allies and other hives."
The Princeling rose and offered her a kiss on the hoof, "We missed you..."
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"I must apologize for my absence. Though I must say it's been a much-needed escape that made this return all the more enjoyable~" The tall white queen says as her yellowish green catlike eyes scanned the changelings around her. The hive she once visited years ago felt familiar. Yet almost like it has changed in many ways. Herself included as she was flanked by two of her guards instead of being alone. "Now who would be so willing to show me around?~"
Masquerade hummed audibly as he drew close, bowing before the queen, "Its been far too long... Forgive the others, most are not old enough to remember old allies and other hives."
The Princeling rose and offered her a kiss on the hoof, "We missed you..."
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Hello? Are we still there?~
There was a buzz of activity as an old voice made itself known once more. Years had gone by, changelings long thought dead have returned. Stranger things have happened still. Even so, one Masquerade was ecstatic by the day's turn of events...
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A plain looking cardboard box has been left near Void's home with a card attached that reads "Hey Walker, had a feeling you could use a helping hand out in the field so I built this for you, it's a personal tripod dwarf gecko I hope it proves to be a good tactical ally for you" ~Toka
Queue panicked changeling screeching for no apparent reason. No reason at all...
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Lucid growled softly as he finished polishing his last gun... he knew something was up, and nothing was going to stop him from seeing this through to the end.
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Leave a like if you would want to interact with any of my fandomless/dnd OCs.
I have:
Char, an albino kobold assassin that has issues with connecting with others no matter how hard he tries.
Chic, a gold kobold Paladin that is char's sister and is on the hunt for him for his crimes against his home.
Freya, a prismatic Dragonborn cleric with serious daddy issues and an even harsher mental state.
And Shade, a scrawny black fairy dragon with a penchant for mischief and chaos.
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