awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
Business Finance
Although class has not come to a complete end just yet, I feel as ready as I will ever be to write about my experience in this course. That first sentences tone sounds a bit “I give up” in reality I definitely did not give up. Everyone has their weaknesses and some of mine I’m not as in control of them as I’d like to be but I make it a point to strive for better, which is what I would like to aim for in everything I do and not just for the remaining amount of time I have left. I believe this class has made me realize that you do not necessarily have to be a numbers person to make sure your business succeeds. Of course, it has thought me to always protect my self and my business, but the best advice is getting an accountant! Even with an account I will be sure to go over whatever financials my business and I accumulate, that way I wont be fooled or ripped off. As a designer I know I think more outside the box using my right hemisphere, a logic free thought process is what I have although in courses like business finance getting to use my left hemisphere to think rationally and logically was a nice change. I most certainly took some getting used to and I guarantee I do not have the hang of it yet, but it has prepared me for my future and my remaining courses in this degree program. Overall there are so many things I can do with what has been learned in this course and I only hope I continue those skills, as an artist its like a long life goal to be as happy with what you do everyday despite the torture you receive from all obstacles of life. The most important goal for me is to never let go of my dream because it is my reality; from the very day, I decided what dream I wanted to come true I have never stopped working towards it. So why stop now. 
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
Where do I start?  I have enjoyed all my classes so far, but this was the first time I connected to the class and it curriculum.  The main reason why is because it’s the first time since I graduated from my undergrad that I have truly felt like I knew what I was doing.  Of course over the past months since I have graduated I have been doing freelance to continuously build my skills, its just that even then I never felt fully connected as if I wasn’t sure that I could be considered a true designer.  This class has brought me back to realizing that designing is what I honestly love and that I am good at it, this course showed me that I have always been on the right track and that I just need to step up my “game”!  Re-learning the techniques of building and staying on top of your brand and the fact that is what will fuel your business along with the services you offer and the quality of those services.  Knowing that has brought me closer to remembering that I have the control to build and keep my business afloat because maintaining my brand is a strong suit I hold and I am determined to keep it that way.  Thinking of my objectives when I first started this class, I got a lot more out of it then I thought.  I went in thinking okay I got most of this stuff done how difficult could it be.  It was not difficult it was a wake up call on the knowledge I tucked away when I graduated.  Thinking that I was not going to need what I learned previously during this degree but I was most certainly wrong.  Ken’s class has thought me one thing I hope to never lose sight of that every bit of knowledge the you absorb will always be capable of use in any situation whether it was just losing sight of your talent or forgetting that you are more than capable of running a successful business because your occupation is an artist. I'm proud to move forward and start a wonderful business, my studio D12 Atelier will be open to all in need of art!
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
Project & Team Management
My objective for Project & Team Management as a class was to see how well I worked in a group project.  My team skills improved while creating an event that can possibly be something incredible. Although while working in a group everyone sticks to what they know best which does work, if there was more time everyone could expand themselves by trying out other roles.  This project has allowed me to think of how I will run my studio and the team building activities I will suggest all my employees and clients do if willing to participate.  It was fun coming up with this idea for an event, although I had this idea for awhile now when I told everyone in my group they were excited to help me out.  In the end, we all knew that not everyone would be able to stay on the project but everyone said that if I needed them they would do their best to help.  My favorite part of this course was learning disc styles.  Finding out that my dominant disc style was influence didn’t come as a surprise once we learned the traits that express your disc style.  Doing character studies help you pin point disc styles as well which will be useful to me from now on.  It will help me when I have clients that aren’t sure what they want or if they do this specific knowledge will help me give better service to my clients.  All the skills learned in this course will be applied to both my personal and professional life.
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
Accidentally posted to other tumblr site, had to reblog on the correct one today.
In all honesty, there are signs that I am both Greene and Maxwell. I believe that everyone should have a consistency of both considering that yes you can have a more dominant Greene or Maxwell side just as long as you maintain both sides. I am still viewing myself as having a Maxwell dominant side...
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
The beauty within!
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
Mastery- Personal Development and Leadership
Course Goal: Get a better understanding of a mastery and how I can take this concept and create a deeper connection.
Read Robert Greene’s book “Mastery” and watch interviews about the book to get an even better understanding.
Network with other classmates and people around the school, build up a potential list of future clientele.
Research about a master using research databases from the library.
Executive Leadership
Course Goal: Understand the qualities of becoming a leadership in the entertainment business field. I would take them and apply them to myself when in a group projects Strategies:
Contact mentors that would help me in the field, but for design and business.
Read and take notes on Robert Greene’s “The 48 Laws of Power”. Look into some of his other books and see how they may help me with my future goals
Join Full Sail’s Entertainment Networking Society.
Project and Team Management
Course Goal: Creating a team plan, budget and creating group projects. It will improve on my team skills.
Continue to work and calibrate with students on projects around school.
Research on communication skills using the library research database.
Learn how to identify each team member’s strengths and weakness and to help each other throughout our project making us stronger as a team.
Business Storytelling and Brand Development 
Course Goal:  Learn how to further my brand and keep up with trends so I can stay current in the industry.
Research how to strengthen the business using storytelling. 
Watch tutorials on Lynda.com on how to keep my own personal brand trending.
Read Storytelling about Your Brand: Online and Offline by Bernadette Martin.
Entertainment Business Finance 
Course Goal: Finance group projects and learn how to budget. I would gain decision-making skills and use financial planning. Use any current projects I work on to help build budgeting skills. 
Watch tutorials on Lynda.com and learn how to budget for projects.
Read Wall Street Journal online to keep up with business trends. 
Read Forbes Magazine on different trends and successful leaders (hopefully I will one day be in it).
Negotiation and Deal Making 
Course Goal: Make better decisions and weigh out all the outcomes. I would gain self-awareness skills and deal structuring skills to help me in any scenario that may come about.
Apply my skills and use it towards projects around school.
Read Negotiation: Closing Deals, Settling Disputes, and Making Team Decisions by David S. Hames. 
Going on Lynda.com and watch a tutorial video on negotiating.
Product and Artist Management 
Course Goal: -  Advance my tools to manage artists and products that way I would be aware when it comes to business projects in the future.
Get in contact with a local artist manager and get tips on managing artist.
Read Design + Environment: A Global Guide to Designing Greener Goods by John Gertsakis to get an outside look on things.
Research successful stories about artist managers on the library research database.
Advance Entertainment Law
Course Goal: Understand more about contracts and intellectual property.  
Join Pre-Law Society club at Full Sail to learn more about the legalities.
Research and take notes on laws from the library research database.
Read Entertainment Litigation by Charles J. Harder, possibly buy if I can find a suitable price.
Entertainment Media Publishing and Distribution 
Course Goal: Understand more about publishing and would create strategies for protecting an artist’s work such as my own.
Join Creative Student Networking Group.
Research issues within the industry such as piracy, social media and digital rights on the library research database. 
Read The Definitive Guide to Entertainment Marketing: Bringing the Moguls, the Media, and the Magic to the World by Al Lieberman.
Digital Marketing 
Course Goal: Promote digital entertainment by using marketing plans.  
Use my Photoshop and Illustrator skills.
Research digital marketing strategies on the library research database.
Connect with Marketing Directors on linkedin.com and get notes on how to market your business and just overall tips.
Business Plan Development
Course Goal: Learn how to create my business plan professionally. Learn how to create concepts and research thoroughly. 
Continue adding to my professional portfolio.
Research business plans and concepts on the library research database. 
Read Grow Your Handmade Business by Kari Chapin, its from a more creative viewpoint.
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
I wanna reach new heights in my career someday and always be happy!! this is just a little fun inspiration for the week to come.
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
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Feedly account
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
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Diigo Site
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
The beauty and elegance art allows you to see along with the craziness that you can't live with out if your an art lover!
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There’s a reason Hi-Fructose keeps tabs on Tokyo artist Shohei (aka Hakuchi) Otomo(featured in Hi-Fructose Vol. 20). The only son of great manga artist Katsuhiro Otomo, the acclaimed writer and director of the anime cult classic Akira, Hakuchi carries on his father’s legacy with his own graphic illustrations that combine Japanese iconography with a dark, retro-punk edge and a healthy dose of sardonic humor. Read more on Hi-Fructose.
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
My Inspiration of the week! Ambition is what keeps me going, at least its one of them. 
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by josephine pryde
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
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My personal branding logo!
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
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My Studio Logo!! D12 ATELIER
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
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I'd have to begin with the obvious statement being that in my next 12 months in achieving my Entertainment Business Masters I’d like to open up my own studio, of course to conduct all aspects of art including teaching the elements I’ve mastered at that point in my life. Getting my Bachelors of Science in Digital Arts & Design was seriously tough but my everyday mantra was I love doing this! Although my new degree is slightly off path of designing awesome print pieces or web layouts and even finding relaxation in exploring a new place and photographing it, doesn’t mean I can’t continue to master those talents while enhancing my newest skills on the more serious side regarding contracts and business proposals. The beautiful lake you see attached,
I owe finding this place to a few of my friends and the inspiration that flooded me from this place was incredible.Basically my key end goal once I graduate is to combine all my knowledge and skills I’ve mastered to build a business that’s considered a home for all employees and for those who visit and become clients. When it comes down to it I’m ultimately prepared to learn everything that comes my way, but mostly I’m interested on learning how to handle the legal side of my business and of course how to keep my business alive. I’ve always been the one who’s helped my mother with contracts here and there, some for renting the banquet hall, catering, wedding planning and much more. I found it to be tedious but at the same time enlightening because I felt somewhere in my future I’d need to know the basics of what a contract needs, so as I further on my journey in my masters I can see more than one thing that lead me to this start in life. I think to myself everyday that if I can come up with amazing projects and handcraft most of them within a few months what would be so different in slowly hand crafting my business as if it were a life long piece.    
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awesomesaucejournal · 10 years
I love this Photographer, he catches all the essence any one person can offer to the world.
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“She speaks more languages than anyone in the family. Because she plays with all the children in the street.” (Erbil, Iraq)
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