ask-the-parasite · 2 years
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(finish later hopefully, underwater shot so I can play with the lighting (from yet another rp scene))
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
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(Another art post for rp thread here with huntsman Eli, soft fools I care them sm)
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
How'd he end up right here, Hunt cannot say for certain. When he was settling down to rest, Eli lay on his back and Naib was roughly an arms width away, comfortably curled in his own space. They were close enough then to enjoy the warmth they each generated to battle the way the autumn chill has been nipping at them as of late, but still giving them each an acceptable space to inhabit alone. Now however, Eli finds that distance entirely gone, his left cheek rested on the parasites breast, rising and falling with every deep breath he draws.
Hunt may not see the other at present, Brooke is likely off on a hunt, but perhaps that is for the best. If he were to see his current predicament up close, Eli isn't certain how he could handle it. Especially when the warmth he feels pressed to his cheek and the heart beating somewhere beneath him, make Hunt acutely aware of how his own begins to thrum a few beats faster.
Carefully he feels for his arms to find them in his sleepy haze, mindful not to stir the other too much. One he finds tucked into his own chest and the other rests upon Naib's left arm, his bicep gently cupped in Eli's palm. Still blinking the sleep away, he can't stop the action before his thumb slowly runs over Naib's skin. The muscle is lean, certainly not as prominent as when the other transforms, but it's very present regardless, better defined than Eli's own at least.
It was but a single, innocent brush and still, the gesture leaves him frozen a moment, breathing as steady as he can manage while his thoughts wholly catch up. He does not remember moving closer nor does it seem plausible Naib would have moved him so either, the other seems to be in deep sleep even now and he himself feels well-rested. The only conclusion that makes sense is he'd crawled there in his sleep in search of more warmth, the chill in the air as clear as it is and--
It's then that his vision begins to clear with the familiar call of his feathered companion from somewhere outside. A few blinks are all it takes for the fog to lift entirely, their small haven coming into focus along with Naib whom he's been using as a headrest while he is unaware-- or is he? This entire time Eli couldn't see so there is no telling, but the parasite isn't too subtle in his reactions either. To something like this especially, he figures. Surely his heartbeat would have revealed the other being conscious, too.
Eli's gaze slowly lifts from the tufts of blue on Naib's shoulder, trailing over the expanse of muted blue to where a thick cuff of metal envelopes the other's neck. It looks uncomfortable to sleep in, but Naib must be used to it by now. It still makes Eli look upon it somberly; trying to remove it by themselves could be very risky, but perhaps they could seek help. If the wolf within could allow it.
His thoughts stir with a sudden, faster inhale from Naib, gaze immediately darting the distance from his neck to his face and luckily it seems the wolf is still fast asleep, looking every bit as peaceful as Eli himself feels. Despite how casually he's tucked into the other's side and how they've only shared this proximity in the face of need, the huntsman doesn't feel any uncertainty. It's rather nice to be this close, in all honesty..
With a deep inhale of his own and a mind lulled by the comfort, Eli observes Naib as he carefully inches his hand higher to his shoulder and where the bits of blue fur begin. Ever so gently, his fingers press into the pelt, brushing a little way in to test it. It always surprises him, on the rare occasion he has felt the fur, how soft it can be when Naib has had a chance to care for it. It's often coarse from the elements and daily wear, but now it runs easily in his fingers, the texture present but not unpleasant in the slightest. Perhaps it's too self-indulgent and would send the wolf reeling were he awake to see, but mayhaps the gentle action brings him better dreams. So Eli justifies it at least before the action slows to a halt.
Sleep doesn't even try to haunt him anymore, his heart rate is settled, but thoughts not so much. It must be nearing nightfall and soon they'll rise and head out to seek breakfast. For now, perhaps he can afford a few more moments to rest here before he'll shimmy off the other and let Naib awake unawares. Considering how easily the other's been flustering as of late, this much contact may be a little much to bear and--
Eli can't even finish the thought as another faster breath jostles him. He barely catches how Naib starts to blink above him before Eli is squeezing his own eyes back shut, falling as still as one would in their sleep, fingers still left gently curled into the wolf's warm pelt. Why'd he felt the need to conceal being awake? Was it about sparing Naib the situation or couldn't he look the other in the eye after what he'd just done? Eli can't say for certain nor does he care to think too deeply, at least not while he's being aware of every slight, waking shift in the other.
( @ask-the-huntsman )
The first thing Naib becomes aware of is the warmth pressed up against him as he awakes. Through the sleepy haze he doesn’t register the unfamiliarity of the point of contact, not before he blinks the sleep from his eyes and they land on Eli’s sleeping form. Immediately the parasite freezes up, muscles tensing as his eyes dart about in confusion. Had he moved in his sleep? Hunt’s head is resting against his chest so at the very least Naib thinks it safe to assume he hadn’t simply barged into the other’s space unbidden. 
Slowly the shock of tension begins to melt from his shoulders, limbs relaxing once more and his gaze settling on Eli’s peaceful expression. He takes note of the fingers gently curled into his fur, but the feeling isn’t unpleasant- Maybe Hunt had simply come closer in search of warmth: Autumn was well on it’s way and the days and nights had gradually begun to turn colder. Naib himself wasn’t bothered by the chill, but perhaps Eli was more honest in his sleep despite claiming he wasn’t cold during their time awake. 
Naib knows he could slip out, letting Hunt continue his sleep. It’s true he isn’t cold and if Eli were awake, Parasite definitely couldn't keep his composure as well as he now has been able to calm his thoughts. The small mercy of the huntsman still deep in his slumber however, allows him the time to consider what to do next.
As vehemently as he has avoided human contact ever since falling victim to the curse, he has missed the closeness of another. It would be in vain to try to convince himself, that he would be content with simply anyone who did not mind his company. Naib might never know for certain if his ack of experience in relationships was genuine or if he was only robbed of the memories, but he is not a fool. The parasite isn’t oblivious to the way being in Eli’s company has started to mean more to him, the moments spent apart less a relief and more waiting to cross paths with the other again. 
There was no worded agreement made between the two, but Naib is glad for how the shared meals and hunting trips have become the constant rather than the exception. And he is well aware of the racing of his heart and the warm swelling in his chest whenever Eli shows him kindness. He’d thought it impossible for another person to afford him their company and trust again- Delusion or out of simple desperation, Naib can’t bring himself to pull away. 
Taking a deep breath, the parasite concentrates on the feeling of the warm hand resting across his chest, the fingers curled into the tufts of navy fur; The dear face of his companion with such serene expression, gently pressed up against his breast- And Naib indulges to his whim, brining his arm up and gently, so very carefully resting his left hand over the huntsman’s hip. The parasite tilts his head to press his nose to the top of Eli’s head -He knows it isn’t the right thing to do- He shouldn’t do something he could not with the other fully awake, but the affection that’s been slowly building up over the years speaks to him louder than the quilty conscience Naib knows will plague him later.
The angle makes moving closer without jostling the other too much a but of a struggle, but softly, Naib presses his lips to the top of Eli’s head. He pulls back slowly, almost reluctantly, but doesn’t remove his hand from where it’s resting over the other’s hip. The night fall isn’t upon them just yet and if Eli was still asleep, it must be alright for him to close his eyes for a short sweet moments longer. 
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
Naib doesn’t quite catch the meaning of Eli’s words, before the other is already stepping into his personal space. He isn’t sure what he expected, but Hunt reaching out to gently touch the back of his hand to the parasite’s forehead certainly wasn’t it. Blinking in stunned silence, Naib stands frozen in place as a thoughtful expression crosses over Eli’s face. Briefly, he is afraid the other will feel his skin heating up, the back of his neck and tips of his ears beginning to burn up once more at the sudden closeness- But eventually Eli takes a step back, a small smile on his lips but making no comment on the change to his temperature. 
Was he... teasing Naib?
The huntsman ask if he would like to return to the haven of his earlier occupation and Naib finds himself hesitating- The lack of sleep does in the end win over the temptation to see, how Eli would react if he were to ask to join him instead. But Naib is well aware he would hardly be able to sleep if the huntsman did indulge to his odd request. Especially with how as of late, his heart and thoughts are so often left racing in Eli’s presence.
Naib suppresses a yawn, only half succeeding as his eyes water, ears pressing up against his head.
“I should go back,” he admits, catching himself coming through little more sullen than he meant to let on, “Left the fur behind.”
The promise that no reason is too small to call on him almost leaves Naib reeling. He- hadn’t realized the other considered them so close, but the thought makes his chest tingle with warmth. Naib holds back the urge to avert his eyes demurely and instead looks Eli straight in the eyes; he’s noticed the huntsman cover his eyes less and less, leaving the imposing mask off when it is only the two of them.
It’s a small thing, but the discovery makes Naib glad nevertheless. An extension of their shared trust, gesture of growing closer as the time flows by them. He holds Eli’s gaze, steady and a small smile comes to his own lips easier than he would ever have thought possible for himself.
“I won’t,” he reassures the huntsman, “And you shouldn’t either.”
So agreed on parting ways, they both turn to return to shelter for few more hours of rest before sundown. Before Hunt can get out of earshot, however, Naib turns back and calls out to him. 
“Eli-” the name feels right on his tongue, no matter however rarely he’s felt the need or the courage to use it. 
“If you want- I wouldn’t mind company hunting, later.” 
The Parasite wakes up early into the morning. He feels slightly disoriented, blinking in the bright sunlight and trying to get his bearings about him. The summer sun is persistent, its light crawling in through the smallest of gaps and making the wolf feel a little bit too warm even in the shade of the safe haven. He's only slept for a few hours since the sun-up and the bleariness is a bad combination with the humid heat of the hideout, quickly souring his mood.
Not often one for moving around in the daylight, the parasite is reluctant to get up but he pushes himself up and climbs out of the haven, knowing he won't be able to fall back asleep before dipping into a river or stream. He desperately needs to wash away the clamminess sticking to his skin, if he is to have any hope of getting a few more hours of rest before sundown.
Emerging into the light of the day, Parasite blinks furiously, shielding his eyes against the brightness while his eyes adjust. His clothes feel too hot under the glaring sun and begrudgingly, Parasite removes the wolf pelt, shaking his ponytail free to unstick the hairs the heat has glued to his neck. He is reluctant to leave the hat behind, but finally, the parasite decides it is well enough hidden at the haven and he'd rather not drag it around while he looks for a place to bathe.
Leaving the safe place behind, Parasite takes off towards the closest spot of running water he knows. It doesn't take long for his ears to pick up the lively sounds of a stream and although he moves slowly, warier traveling the forest in the daylight, it's a relief how quickly he reaches the riverbank.
The heat of daytime is a little more bearable above ground where the wind picks up from time to time. However, it’s unfortunately not enough to keep the huntsman from stirring now and again when a warm beam of light catches him from between the swaying foliage.
The spot he picked to rest was a tree close to one of the running streams, favoured by Brooke for how easily she could go take a dip if need be. For him it would be more of a hassle climbing down and up again, but at least the soft babbling of the waters below is a soothing distraction from the blaring heat.
The distraction however turns to a temptation when a surprisingly brisk breeze sweeps by and sunlight reaches his face, beaming all too hotly for him to remain still. Even Brooke trills from her perch above his but defiantly the falcon tucks her head back in and continues her slumber.
With a tired sound Eli sits and blinks himself awake to take in the area; though not completely unfamiliar, the daytime woods look quite alien with the lush greenery and all the light bouncing to-and-fro. The stream runs bright and there are more sounds of life about, and while he can appreciate such a lively scenery, he could appreciate it plenty more were it not for all the sweat at his nape.
Hunt slips down from the tree, leaving behind his cloak on the branches as the base of his makeshift ‘nest’. He’ll just have a quick dip to cool off then resume resting, hopefully until dusk next time…
The cool stream water on his skin is a welcome change before he’s even fully dipped in, still slowly wading into the deepest part reaching barely to his waist, Hunt lets out a content sound and simply basks for a moment. That brief passing of silence however carries the sound of approaching footfalls to his ears and wary immediately, the huntsman tenses and peers about, feeling just a tad defenseless in the waters as he is, until-
“.. Hm? Oh, the heat drove you from your rest, too, I see,” his expression turns sympathetic and light when he shifts to greet Naib stepping fully into view. With a look he could tell Parasite is all but happy about having to be out in this heat and light, clearly quite disgruntled. Their shared predicament is annoying for certain but luckily the remedy is right there.
Whether Naib needs the privacy or no, Eli turns to shift about in the waters, wading with his back to the other for a while to give him a moment. They’ve never bathed in the same area so he can’t say what the other would prefer or if he’d rather move further along the stream entirely but Hunt himself isn’t all too bothered being in the waters already.
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
Naib shuffles through the foliage to where he had left his clothes, waiting a while to dry before putting them back on. The persistent heat on his cheeks leaves the parasite a confused mess of emotions, pacing back and forth on the forest floor. In the end, he dares not take terribly long to dry himself, shimmying the clothes back and ignoring the furs remaining slightly damp still. The clothes would dry quickly enough in this heat.
He hears Eli’s tentative call of his name coming from the direction of the stream and he tries and fails to keep his heartbeat steady. Naib presses a palm over his left breast, feeling the brisk beating of his heart. The parasite takes a deep breath, willing a neutral expression on his face. He- doesn’t wish to worry the huntsman needlessly. No doubt Eli had already picked up on his odd behavior, and Naib can’t blame him if the huntsman mistook it as cause for worry.
Naib snaps out of his thoughts only when the other’s voice comes from much closer and the concerned tone almost makes him feel guilty. He shakes his head hurriedly at the question, ignoring if the gesture might seem too fervent to be exactly reassuring.
“All is well,” he rasps, slightly vexed to hear how his voice catches in his throat but ignoring it in favor of gauging Eli’s countenance. Naib looks over to try and make his stance more convincing- he feels ridiculous and doesn’t quite know what came over him but it is difficult to look the other straight in the eyes. His gaze strays from Eli’s face, only to fall on his disrobed chest.
The low cleavage of his robes mean the tattoos on the huntsman’s skin are always exposed, but it is not equally often that his whole upper body is bare and Naib suddenly doesn’t know where to place his attention. They had just shared the stream to bathe, both entirely unclothed, certainly, but seeing Eli like this within the shade of the forest feels- different. Without the running stream or the vigilance called for keeping an eye on his surroundings in such an open area, Naib finds his eyes lingering longer; On the blue ink running across Eli’s skin, the surprisingly tones lines of muscles on his lithe body- and the deep blue eyes that return his stare but with much too great amount of worry etched into them.
“No need to be worried,” he clarifies clearing his throat. “Just… Got a bit light-headed there.”
What a shoddy excuse to give- Naib had hardly ever been ailed with such inconveniences but perhaps Eli wouldn’t think too deeply on it. At the very least, it was true that the parasite wasn’t accustomed to being awake during the peak of the day when the temperature was at its highest. On the other hand, something so rare could well just add to Eli’s worry.
“I’m better now,” he hurries to add, “The shade… helped.”
A droplet of water falls on his shoulder, his locks still damp from the dive- since he scurried into the cover of the trees with such haste, he can’t say he is terribly surprised. Naib pulls the makeshift hair tie off, shaking his head a little to let his hair fall freely over his shoulders to dry. His ears tilt towards the huntsman attentively.
“The soak sure helped,” Naib says with a relieved expression, trying to think of something to guide Eli’s attention elsewhere. He doesn’t quite allow his eyes to return to the huntsman, however, feeling the way the sight of Eli’s shirtless form has his thoughts wander slightly untoward.
The Parasite wakes up early into the morning. He feels slightly disoriented, blinking in the bright sunlight and trying to get his bearings about him. The summer sun is persistent, its light crawling in through the smallest of gaps and making the wolf feel a little bit too warm even in the shade of the safe haven. He's only slept for a few hours since the sun-up and the bleariness is a bad combination with the humid heat of the hideout, quickly souring his mood.
Not often one for moving around in the daylight, the parasite is reluctant to get up but he pushes himself up and climbs out of the haven, knowing he won't be able to fall back asleep before dipping into a river or stream. He desperately needs to wash away the clamminess sticking to his skin, if he is to have any hope of getting a few more hours of rest before sundown.
Emerging into the light of the day, Parasite blinks furiously, shielding his eyes against the brightness while his eyes adjust. His clothes feel too hot under the glaring sun and begrudgingly, Parasite removes the wolf pelt, shaking his ponytail free to unstick the hairs the heat has glued to his neck. He is reluctant to leave the hat behind, but finally, the parasite decides it is well enough hidden at the haven and he'd rather not drag it around while he looks for a place to bathe.
Leaving the safe place behind, Parasite takes off towards the closest spot of running water he knows. It doesn't take long for his ears to pick up the lively sounds of a stream and although he moves slowly, warier traveling the forest in the daylight, it's a relief how quickly he reaches the riverbank.
The heat of daytime is a little more bearable above ground where the wind picks up from time to time. However, it’s unfortunately not enough to keep the huntsman from stirring now and again when a warm beam of light catches him from between the swaying foliage.
The spot he picked to rest was a tree close to one of the running streams, favoured by Brooke for how easily she could go take a dip if need be. For him it would be more of a hassle climbing down and up again, but at least the soft babbling of the waters below is a soothing distraction from the blaring heat.
The distraction however turns to a temptation when a surprisingly brisk breeze sweeps by and sunlight reaches his face, beaming all too hotly for him to remain still. Even Brooke trills from her perch above his but defiantly the falcon tucks her head back in and continues her slumber.
With a tired sound Eli sits and blinks himself awake to take in the area; though not completely unfamiliar, the daytime woods look quite alien with the lush greenery and all the light bouncing to-and-fro. The stream runs bright and there are more sounds of life about, and while he can appreciate such a lively scenery, he could appreciate it plenty more were it not for all the sweat at his nape.
Hunt slips down from the tree, leaving behind his cloak on the branches as the base of his makeshift ‘nest’. He’ll just have a quick dip to cool off then resume resting, hopefully until dusk next time…
The cool stream water on his skin is a welcome change before he’s even fully dipped in, still slowly wading into the deepest part reaching barely to his waist, Hunt lets out a content sound and simply basks for a moment. That brief passing of silence however carries the sound of approaching footfalls to his ears and wary immediately, the huntsman tenses and peers about, feeling just a tad defenseless in the waters as he is, until-
“.. Hm? Oh, the heat drove you from your rest, too, I see,” his expression turns sympathetic and light when he shifts to greet Naib stepping fully into view. With a look he could tell Parasite is all but happy about having to be out in this heat and light, clearly quite disgruntled. Their shared predicament is annoying for certain but luckily the remedy is right there.
Whether Naib needs the privacy or no, Eli turns to shift about in the waters, wading with his back to the other for a while to give him a moment. They’ve never bathed in the same area so he can’t say what the other would prefer or if he’d rather move further along the stream entirely but Hunt himself isn’t all too bothered being in the waters already.
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
Naib simply flicks his ears cheekily at the other’s comment, too preoccupied to pay attention to how Eli makes to splash him with water. The handful of cool water straight to his face makes Naib splutter minutely, taken aback by the huntsman’s reaction before a smile paints over his features again. He shakes the droplets from his face but the continuous paddling of water to stay afloat is already beginning to make him feel sluggish and Naib swims closer to the shore until his feet reach the bottom. 
“You can always try,” he teases, “But you’ll have to try harder than that.”
The water now up to his stomach, Naib glances up to the sky, where sun has finally found a slim cloud cover to create a ceasefire in the sweltering heat. A sigh escapes his lips unbidden, the wolf not caring to mask his relief for appearances’ sakes. He soaks in the stream a while longer, letting the water wash by him with eyes closed and simply feeling and listening to the gentle sounds of the nature around them.
Although the worst of the heat has passed, the temperature is warm enough that he doesn’t feel chilly even above the surface. Instead, Naib brings his focus on the sunlight dapping over his skin, already beginning to dry the soaked fur. Content and knowing himself safe in Eli’s company, the parasite blinks his eyes open with no haste. He expects to see the other washing up or perhaps taking a swim but unexpectedly, he finds the huntsman standing near where Naib had last seen him, barely moved and gentle eyes on the parasite. 
The unanticipated attention makes him shift, eyes averted in confusion. Eli’s gaze has never made him feel ill at ease and neither does it now- But Naib finds himself perplexed by the odd tingling that comes over his abdomen seeing the other’s attention fixed on him. He has the urge to clear his throat, or to clarify that he didn’t meant to stare if Eli had hoped for privacy to wash up. But his words come out low and perhaps too quiet for the other to even grasp properly.
To give himself a break to pull himself back together, Naib turns around and begins to waddle towards the shore. 
“I’ll- get going first,” he murmurs and climbs up from the stream, rivulets of water running down his skin. Naib pretends he doesn’t feel the way the skin of his neck is heating up. Throwing a glance in the huntsman’s general direction, the parasite musters:
“Take your time, I won’t be far,” before disappearing through the bushes.
The Parasite wakes up early into the morning. He feels slightly disoriented, blinking in the bright sunlight and trying to get his bearings about him. The summer sun is persistent, its light crawling in through the smallest of gaps and making the wolf feel a little bit too warm even in the shade of the safe haven. He's only slept for a few hours since the sun-up and the bleariness is a bad combination with the humid heat of the hideout, quickly souring his mood.
Not often one for moving around in the daylight, the parasite is reluctant to get up but he pushes himself up and climbs out of the haven, knowing he won't be able to fall back asleep before dipping into a river or stream. He desperately needs to wash away the clamminess sticking to his skin, if he is to have any hope of getting a few more hours of rest before sundown.
Emerging into the light of the day, Parasite blinks furiously, shielding his eyes against the brightness while his eyes adjust. His clothes feel too hot under the glaring sun and begrudgingly, Parasite removes the wolf pelt, shaking his ponytail free to unstick the hairs the heat has glued to his neck. He is reluctant to leave the hat behind, but finally, the parasite decides it is well enough hidden at the haven and he'd rather not drag it around while he looks for a place to bathe.
Leaving the safe place behind, Parasite takes off towards the closest spot of running water he knows. It doesn't take long for his ears to pick up the lively sounds of a stream and although he moves slowly, warier traveling the forest in the daylight, it's a relief how quickly he reaches the riverbank.
The heat of daytime is a little more bearable above ground where the wind picks up from time to time. However, it’s unfortunately not enough to keep the huntsman from stirring now and again when a warm beam of light catches him from between the swaying foliage.
The spot he picked to rest was a tree close to one of the running streams, favoured by Brooke for how easily she could go take a dip if need be. For him it would be more of a hassle climbing down and up again, but at least the soft babbling of the waters below is a soothing distraction from the blaring heat.
The distraction however turns to a temptation when a surprisingly brisk breeze sweeps by and sunlight reaches his face, beaming all too hotly for him to remain still. Even Brooke trills from her perch above his but defiantly the falcon tucks her head back in and continues her slumber.
With a tired sound Eli sits and blinks himself awake to take in the area; though not completely unfamiliar, the daytime woods look quite alien with the lush greenery and all the light bouncing to-and-fro. The stream runs bright and there are more sounds of life about, and while he can appreciate such a lively scenery, he could appreciate it plenty more were it not for all the sweat at his nape.
Hunt slips down from the tree, leaving behind his cloak on the branches as the base of his makeshift ‘nest’. He’ll just have a quick dip to cool off then resume resting, hopefully until dusk next time...
The cool stream water on his skin is a welcome change before he’s even fully dipped in, still slowly wading into the deepest part reaching barely to his waist, Hunt lets out a content sound and simply basks for a moment. That brief passing of silence however carries the sound of approaching footfalls to his ears and wary immediately, the huntsman tenses and peers about, feeling just a tad defenseless in the waters as he is, until-
“.. Hm? Oh, the heat drove you from your rest, too, I see,” his expression turns sympathetic and light when he shifts to greet Naib stepping fully into view. With a look he could tell Parasite is all but happy about having to be out in this heat and light, clearly quite disgruntled. Their shared predicament is annoying for certain but luckily the remedy is right there.
Whether Naib needs the privacy or no, Eli turns to shift about in the waters, wading with his back to the other for a while to give him a moment. They’ve never bathed in the same area so he can’t say what the other would prefer or if he’d rather move further along the stream entirely but Hunt himself isn’t all too bothered being in the waters already.
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
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(This was just mun brainrotting with art and not ‘canon’ to the blog so I’m not going to make a proper reply but I had to doodle the likely reaction real quick anyway- it was too funny in my head)
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(Kiss already you pining fools)
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
Naib makes his way through the forest, pushing foliage aside as he reaches the water’s edge. His ears perk up, eyes widening as he sees someone else has already taken a dip into the cooling waters- The parasite almost turns on his tail but then the stranger speaks up and Naib realizes it’s not a stranger at all; the overbearing heat has made his thoughts slow and sluggish, almost embarrassingly so, taking so long to recognize Eli. 
The parasite simply offers Hunt a tired smile, his guess spot on as to the reason Naib happened intending to bathe at the same time as himself. The turning of his back is almost surprising gesture in the clear invitation for Naib to join Eli if he would so like- Under other circumstances the parasite could have hesitated, but he wastes no breath for such modesty in wanting to rid himself of the uncomfortable sheen of sweat.  
With the wolf skin left behind at the haven, there are only so many layers of clothing for parasite to remove but he does so regardless, not wishing to return to rest with his only change of clothes wet. Or better yet, not wishing to walk around the forest bare of clothing altogether.
Naib doesn’t consider himself a shy person, but he appreciates the offer of privacy nevertheless- He finishes stripping down and drops into the waters with an unceremonious splash, sighing contently as the cool water of the stream makes contact with his skin. The shore is steep enough to allow Naib the room to crouch and sink into the water up to his chin. He soaks there for a good while, before his legs begin to protest and Naib eventually stands up. 
He walks deeper, slowed by the running stream but he is in no hurry now that the discomfort from blaring sun is balanced out by the cool water. Glancing over at the other, Naib finds it almost comical how much further Eli has had to walk to be submerged as wholly as himself much closer to the shore. He blinks lazily, but his lips quirk into a mischievous smile as Naib kicks off from the rock bottom and dives under the surface.
Even with his eyes closed, Naib knows where Eli was standing well enough to find and tackle the other, pulling the huntsman under. He can hear the yelp of surprise even underwater, before Eli falls over with a splash. Naib swims to the surface with just a few kicks, laughing by the time the other breaks through. The huntsman’s hair is soaked and sticks to his face but Naib can’t help but smile at the sight. Rarely does he see such genuine, untailored emotions on Hunt’s face. 
Somewhat begrudgingly, Naib makes note of how Eli can still stand in the stream, the water reaching up to his neck- Meanwhile the parasite himself is left paddling the water to stay afloat. 
The Parasite wakes up early into the morning. He feels slightly disoriented, blinking in the bright sunlight and trying to get his bearings about him. The summer sun is persistent, its light crawling in through the smallest of gaps and making the wolf feel a little bit too warm even in the shade of the safe haven. He's only slept for a few hours since the sun-up and the bleariness is a bad combination with the humid heat of the hideout, quickly souring his mood.
Not often one for moving around in the daylight, the parasite is reluctant to get up but he pushes himself up and climbs out of the haven, knowing he won't be able to fall back asleep before dipping into a river or stream. He desperately needs to wash away the clamminess sticking to his skin, if he is to have any hope of getting a few more hours of rest before sundown.
Emerging into the light of the day, Parasite blinks furiously, shielding his eyes against the brightness while his eyes adjust. His clothes feel too hot under the glaring sun and begrudgingly, Parasite removes the wolf pelt, shaking his ponytail free to unstick the hairs the heat has glued to his neck. He is reluctant to leave the hat behind, but finally, the parasite decides it is well enough hidden at the haven and he'd rather not drag it around while he looks for a place to bathe.
Leaving the safe place behind, Parasite takes off towards the closest spot of running water he knows. It doesn't take long for his ears to pick up the lively sounds of a stream and although he moves slowly, warier traveling the forest in the daylight, it's a relief how quickly he reaches the riverbank.
The heat of daytime is a little more bearable above ground where the wind picks up from time to time. However, it’s unfortunately not enough to keep the huntsman from stirring now and again when a warm beam of light catches him from between the swaying foliage.
The spot he picked to rest was a tree close to one of the running streams, favoured by Brooke for how easily she could go take a dip if need be. For him it would be more of a hassle climbing down and up again, but at least the soft babbling of the waters below is a soothing distraction from the blaring heat.
The distraction however turns to a temptation when a surprisingly brisk breeze sweeps by and sunlight reaches his face, beaming all too hotly for him to remain still. Even Brooke trills from her perch above his but defiantly the falcon tucks her head back in and continues her slumber.
With a tired sound Eli sits and blinks himself awake to take in the area; though not completely unfamiliar, the daytime woods look quite alien with the lush greenery and all the light bouncing to-and-fro. The stream runs bright and there are more sounds of life about, and while he can appreciate such a lively scenery, he could appreciate it plenty more were it not for all the sweat at his nape.
Hunt slips down from the tree, leaving behind his cloak on the branches as the base of his makeshift ‘nest’. He’ll just have a quick dip to cool off then resume resting, hopefully until dusk next time...
The cool stream water on his skin is a welcome change before he’s even fully dipped in, still slowly wading into the deepest part reaching barely to his waist, Hunt lets out a content sound and simply basks for a moment. That brief passing of silence however carries the sound of approaching footfalls to his ears and wary immediately, the huntsman tenses and peers about, feeling just a tad defenseless in the waters as he is, until-
“.. Hm? Oh, the heat drove you from your rest, too, I see,” his expression turns sympathetic and light when he shifts to greet Naib stepping fully into view. With a look he could tell Parasite is all but happy about having to be out in this heat and light, clearly quite disgruntled. Their shared predicament is annoying for certain but luckily the remedy is right there.
Whether Naib needs the privacy or no, Eli turns to shift about in the waters, wading with his back to the other for a while to give him a moment. They’ve never bathed in the same area so he can’t say what the other would prefer or if he’d rather move further along the stream entirely but Hunt himself isn’t all too bothered being in the waters already.
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
The seer's selfless attitude to his loss made Naib stop- It made him realize just how different they were as people, and reflect on his own reaction to having been parted from Hunt. Perhaps there was hope for him to similarly one day be happy that the huntsman was spared a similar fate, instead of greaving their untimely separation.
The way Eli smiled at him after the playful repeat of his introduction as an attempt to turn over a new leaf in the manor left Naib with a small smile of his own, and relief in knowing the seer had taken well to his attempt at pulling himself together- Eli was much more tolerant of his presence than Naib was used to, to begin with, but his easy attitude and encouraging words only enforced how at ease the parasite felt around the other. Like a breath of fresh air, tension melting from his shoulders the more time he spent getting to know the seer.
Eli went as far as to return the introduction, even including his owl in the light-hearted gesture. The composed bow on top of it all drew a huff of laughter from Naib- enough to turn into a disbelieving chuckle as Brooke repeated the motion. The laugh was by no means a rude expression on his part, quite the opposite the parasite was almost startled himself by how openly he found he could display his emotions. There were no feelings of reservation or anxiety he had grown so used to around the survivors and Naib decided to bite the bullet and not attempt to wipe the smile off his face at the first opportunity.
Instead, he listened to the seer's inclination to even become friends and Naib realized he wasn't as opposed to the idea as he once might have been.
"I'd like that," he admitted with a muted smile of his own. The silence and occasional word exchanged over the rest of the trek through the forest, became perhaps one of his fondest memories in the manor. By the time he and the seer returned to the manor, Naib noticed he felt much more relaxed than he did before the walk. It came as a surprise to him that a social interaction hadn't simply been a draining experience. It was most definitely a pleasant discovery, one that he hoped to repeat sometime in the future- Perhaps he could even start finding out what the other liked, or try some of the things he hadn't really been able to while living out in the woods.
Naib wished Eli and Brooke a good night and departed to his chambers with a heart little less heavy than the seer had found him with.
Silently, the parasite stares daggers at the woods surrounding the manor. The seer *had* indeed offered to accompany him if he decided to venture out there. Parasite hasn't seen Eli around in a while but then again, he's kept mostly to himself since they last spoke.
Ears flattening against his head in defeat, the parasite swallows his pride and sets out to find the seer. Perhaps he is up and awake this night as well. Reluctantly, he admits to himself he misses the company.
(from @ask-the-parasite)
It was, indeed, another sleepless night for Eli. He stood in the kitchen, holding a warm cup of tea as he slumped against the window frame, gazing out the window with a distant expression behind his blindfold.
The moon was glowing beautifully, surrounded by a galaxy of stars. The seer remembered reading a story which mentioned that each star was the soul of a person who died on earth, and while it was clearly a myth, it was comforting to think about how, one day, he’d join the beautiful night sky once his time comes. “What type of star do you think I’d be, Brooke? Do you think I’d glow faintly, or glow brightly?”
The owl on his shoulder hooted softly.
“Faint? I suppose you’re right.” Eli let out a sigh. “I’m just a simple seer, nothing more, nothing less. I’m sure the stars that glow brightest are important people who changed the world, for better I presume.”
Eli heard faint footsteps coming from outside of the kitchen, both him and Brooke turning their head towards the door. He stood there, questions running through his head. Who was up this late at night, aside from him?
He opened the door and slowly stepped out with little sound, making out his surroundings at first before spotting the Parasite wandering around the halls of the manor. “Naib?” He called out in surprise. What was Parasite doing here? “Er, good evening. I didn’t expect to see you here at this time of night.”
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
The offer to see go see the sunset comes as a surprise- but not an unpleasant one. In silent agreement, Naib takes a last steadying breath and pushes himself off of the wall, heading in the direction of the cliffside he knows bare of any trees that would block off the sky view. 
They walk in silence, both undoubtedly processing the earlier events- and the emotions that inevitably followed. To notice Hunt walking next to him, instead of following a step behind or leading in the front, evokes a warm feeling in his chest. Naib is aware of how their shoulders brush at times, walking side by side but he finds it doesn’t make him want to increase the distance between them. 
Brooke having stayed behind at the haven, Naib glances at the huntsman: Knowing Hunt’s vision knows dimmer with every step they travel further from his companion, the parasite takes care to stay by his side. He knows the other capable of relying on his other senses to navigate once the darkness takes over, but with Hunt having supported him every step along the way, Naib wishes to return the gesture, even if only in such small measures.
When the other starts to talk again, Naib keeps his eyes ahead to steer clear of wayward roots and rocks, but can’t help the occasional glance towards Hunt. His chest tightens at the sudden change in the air around Hunt, the voiced will to share his name with Naib making his heart skip a beat. It isn’t something he expected or would ever have felt entitled to knowing. He had learned to know the man walking by his side by the name Hunt- never wanting more or needing a reason.
But with the impact of his own name returned to him only moments prior still so fresh in his mind, the notion makes Naib stop for the fraction of a moment. He can’t help but sense the air of hesitation, even before the word leaves his mouth.
When Eli speaks his name out loud, Naib finally halts in his steps completely- He doesn’t intend to do so, but the moment catches him of guard. 
Naib tries the name on his tongue, eyes never leaving the huntsman’s face even as the other keeps his gaze steady on the horizon. He doesn’t think the name makes him feel differently about the other, but he does feel the name is a stark difference to the traits he instinctively connects to Hunt. 
Eli sounds- a lot softer but at the same time, Naib did not expect anything at all. It is ink on an empty canvas- an addition to the title the other had picked for himself, by his own volition. He doesn’t know what exactly it was that made the huntsman seemingly abandon this name he now spoke out loud for the first time in Parasite’s presence.
Perhaps it was sense of obligation, now being privy to the parasite’s name to return the favor but Hunt did explicitly say the revelation was as he himself willed it. Naib- wants to believe he is right in thinking of Hunt as someone proud and strong enough to not share something so private if it wasn’t what he truly wanted.
“...Eli,” he repeats again quietly, almost more to himself than for anyone else to hear. Naib finally looks away to give the huntsman more space but he stays standing where he is to not leave the other standing on his own in the dark.
They never quite ended up reaching the cliffside but Naib can still see the sun sinking lower in the sky, leaving a trail of blazing colors in its wake. To learn Eli’s true name left him with an impact he hadn’t known to brace himself for- But it was a sign of trust, one he knew to cherish dearly.
He felt like after the years they spent together out of necessity or for convenience’s sake, the walls between them were finally showing cracks. He wants to ask whether he could use the name or if the other still preferred Hunt. but for the moment he was content to let the revelation soak in, allowing Eli his time in silence. 
The parasite wakes to the restless movement somewhere nearby, sitting up to blink until his eyes focus on Hunt tossing and turning in his sleep. It doesn’t happen often enough to be a pattern, but in the time they have known each other Parasite knows it is not nightmares the huntsman is fighting. It must be another vision, of pasts lived or futures yet to be seen, he can never know. The only thing Hunt has been able to share with him is that he is not able to speak of the visions, lest terrible things happen to him or those he saw in the vision.
Carefully, he shuffles closer, touching a steadying hand on Hunt’s shoulder. The other jolts, eyes flying open. The parasite can’t read the expression on his face but when Hunt’s eyes focus on his face a feeling of unease makes it home in his chest- Before he can speak the huntsman’s name, the other whispers out uncertainly but clear as day:
The name leaves his lips before the freshly awakened huntsman can even sit, blinking slow as he takes in the parasite’s worried features with utmost care. A moment passes in that silence, Hunt’s lips a thin line as he deciphers the others face.
“Naib,” he tries again with no further explanation, eyes honing in on the parasite’s who, in a word, now looks entirely blindsided. 
Hunt takes a moment longer to gather himself next, swallowing thickly but gaze never wandering off the other’s. What was shown in his vision still lingers at the back of his mind; there was a community, friends and family, a place to call home. They were pieces of the parasite’s past that he could never again talk about himself.
They are his memories, he is certain, for the parasite he saw was but a human; a man no less a part of his home than the next. A man such a far-cry in appearance from the half wolf before him now, but still recognisable after all the time they’ve shared.
Blinking, Hunt slowly sits up, his mind now calm enough from the fleeting visions wake. Still, it leaves an ache in his chest; the weight of a memory not his own nor for him to share with the righteous owner, both a guilty burden and a blessing.
It carried with it a piece of Parasite he feels confident enough to share after all.
“That is your name, isn’t it?”
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
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(Kiss already you pining fools)
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
Naib focuses on the gentle touches running across his face, clenching his jaw as he refuses to let the curse take its hold of him. Not here, not in front of Hunt. Not again.
The huntsman’s closeness soothes him like a pool of water in summer heat and the parasite leans into his touch, ashamed he spiraled so easily but leaving no room for thoughts of the kind to fuel his panic. Instead, Naib listens how Hunt’s voice joins his own in the assurances that everything will be alright and eventually he ceases muttering what almost sounds like pleas to some entity; ‘I will be aright; You can’t hurt me’.
His breath still hitches on the way in on occasion, but Naib feels his heart stutter for reason entirely different from the curse when Hunt speaks up once more. When the huntsman spells out what Naib has only just begun to realize feeling himself towards the other; ‘you are important to me’.
He wishes he could muster the words back but he finds no such courage, or strength amidst wrestling down the fear. Naib doesn’t resist when Hunt lifts his face to have their eyes meet again. The ache in his chest grows tenfold and his eyesight blurs, robbing his sight of Hunt despite retaining the eye contact- only until the tears spill over and he blinks away the haze.
His breathing stutters, but is it now almost solely to blame on the immense relief, and an emotion equally strong, a name of which Naib hesitates to place. Throat clogged enough to prevent attempts at forming words, the parasite leans in the remaining small distance between them, pressing his forehead against Hunt’s.
‘I believe you’ he wants to say to the only person who offered him such deep empathy and understanding. After being chased out, for a time Naib lived believing he would never again find another willing to accept him as he was- But not once had Hunt deceived him or shown fear of him- not even when it would have been right.
Hunt doesn’t flinch away from the contact so Naib allows himself to stay until his breaths grow even, looking into the deep blue eyes, listening to their steady heartbeats. He can’t remember ever once retaining his senses after the panic started to take over but as he started to lose himself into the ocean of Hunt’s eyes, a calm settled over him like a blanket.
“I’ll be worthy of your trust,” Naib murmurs, finally pulling himself together and he fights to show Hunt a small, grateful smile. The bedding rustles as he begins to stand up, refusing to wobble on his feet but leaning on the cavern’s wall for support. He takes a minute to feel confident in holding his own against the curse, it’s wicked claws resolutely pushed to the back of his mind. Then he turns around, wanting to be free of the haven that after the episode has started to feel too suffocating to wish to remain.
“Won’t you… walk with me?”
The parasite wakes to the restless movement somewhere nearby, sitting up to blink until his eyes focus on Hunt tossing and turning in his sleep. It doesn’t happen often enough to be a pattern, but in the time they have known each other Parasite knows it is not nightmares the huntsman is fighting. It must be another vision, of pasts lived or futures yet to be seen, he can never know. The only thing Hunt has been able to share with him is that he is not able to speak of the visions, lest terrible things happen to him or those he saw in the vision.
Carefully, he shuffles closer, touching a steadying hand on Hunt’s shoulder. The other jolts, eyes flying open. The parasite can’t read the expression on his face but when Hunt’s eyes focus on his face a feeling of unease makes it home in his chest- Before he can speak the huntsman’s name, the other whispers out uncertainly but clear as day:
The name leaves his lips before the freshly awakened huntsman can even sit, blinking slow as he takes in the parasite’s worried features with utmost care. A moment passes in that silence, Hunt’s lips a thin line as he deciphers the others face.
“Naib,” he tries again with no further explanation, eyes honing in on the parasite’s who, in a word, now looks entirely blindsided. 
Hunt takes a moment longer to gather himself next, swallowing thickly but gaze never wandering off the other’s. What was shown in his vision still lingers at the back of his mind; there was a community, friends and family, a place to call home. They were pieces of the parasite’s past that he could never again talk about himself.
They are his memories, he is certain, for the parasite he saw was but a human; a man no less a part of his home than the next. A man such a far-cry in appearance from the half wolf before him now, but still recognisable after all the time they’ve shared.
Blinking, Hunt slowly sits up, his mind now calm enough from the fleeting visions wake. Still, it leaves an ache in his chest; the weight of a memory not his own nor for him to share with the righteous owner, both a guilty burden and a blessing.
It carried with it a piece of Parasite he feels confident enough to share after all.
“That is your name, isn’t it?”
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
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”The wolf’s hulking form shifts to wrap around the huntsman, limbs cradling the other against his chest."
(I wanted to doodle a scene from here because my arm was busted at the time so I couldn’t draw for the RP itself. A very tender moment ;-;)
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
”I’m not sure yet,” Naib admits quietly, cracking his eyes open. He was bold to impose himself on the huntsman but selfishly, he is hanging onto their point of contact in hopes of reassuring himself nothing has changed integrally. He could always have picked a new name for himself but it had never felt of importance. It was enought that Hunt had found a way to adress him and beyond that, he hadn’t longed for a deeper connection to a particular set of sounds.
Having his name back and so suddenly at that, certainly leaves him reeling. It is his- he knows so without a shadow of doubt- but that is the extent to which the revelation offered him any clarity.
”It makes me feel… More human,” he ruminates in the low rumble of his voice, before furrowing his brow. Having something that before felt so insignificant returned to him it also makes it much more difficult to ignore the rest: Everything else that had once been attached to his past, along with the name. He’d never understood how he ended up like this but it had been easier to distract himself not knowing anything at all. Living his days as a shell of a human, only focusing on his survival and the most immediate troubles that would threaten his life in the forest- their life, he realises.
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”It’s not just happiness, but…” Naib sighs and straightens his back, giving up the warmth of Hunt’s shoulder against his forehead, ”It’s somewhere there, too.”
The parasite swallows and shifts around so he is sitting next to the huntsman, not quite breaching his space but close enough. It’s comforting, even if he doesn’t dare to invite himself much closer. To his understanding Hunt is a very private person, not much unlike himself- he is grateful for having been allowed the closeness before but Naib would rather not risk making the other uncomfortable now, on top of recovering from the vision. He glances at the huntsman next to him, watching his expression.
”I don’t know what you saw, but…” he thinks about his next words, eventually glancing away but eyes not really returning to the meet the other's properly before he can bring himself to continue; the hesitant edge to his voice nigh impossible to miss. ”I hope- it doesn’t change how you see me.”
He’s always thought no good person would be punished to spend their life like him- He never adressed the topic, but he has killed even after coming to the forest. He knows Hunt tries to soften the impact everytime it happens, knows that it has probalby happened even when he was on his own. The thought paves way to the terrifying idea of how much still happens that he doesn’t know of- What he has done that he has no memory of. What kind of life did he lead to earn such bitter fate.
Hunt’s vision could well have shown him something worth deciding that being damned into living on the border of losing himself day after day, was what he rightly deserved- That he didn’t deserve another’s company after what he had done. Naib doesn’t realise how terrified the possibility of Hunt leaving makes him feel, before his breath hitches with effort and the foreboding flares of pain shoot down his jaw. The parasite concentrates on his breathing, palm pressed to the side of his face. He doesn’t think if it is to cover up how his mouth tears open from its corners or to will the seams of the eyes on his cheek bones from opening but he grunts with effort, repeating like a mantra:
”I’m alright, I’m alright,” over and over.
The parasite wakes to the restless movement somewhere nearby, sitting up to blink until his eyes focus on Hunt tossing and turning in his sleep. It doesn’t happen often enough to be a pattern, but in the time they have known each other Parasite knows it is not nightmares the huntsman is fighting. It must be another vision, of pasts lived or futures yet to be seen, he can never know. The only thing Hunt has been able to share with him is that he is not able to speak of the visions, lest terrible things happen to him or those he saw in the vision.
Carefully, he shuffles closer, touching a steadying hand on Hunt’s shoulder. The other jolts, eyes flying open. The parasite can’t read the expression on his face but when Hunt’s eyes focus on his face a feeling of unease makes it home in his chest- Before he can speak the huntsman’s name, the other whispers out uncertainly but clear as day:
The name leaves his lips before the freshly awakened huntsman can even sit, blinking slow as he takes in the parasite's worried features with utmost care. A moment passes in that silence, Hunt's lips a thin line as he deciphers the others face.
“Naib,” he tries again with no further explanation, eyes honing in on the parasite’s who, in a word, now looks entirely blindsided. 
Hunt takes a moment longer to gather himself next, swallowing thickly but gaze never wandering off the other’s. What was shown in his vision still lingers at the back of his mind; there was a community, friends and family, a place to call home. They were pieces of the parasite’s past that he could never again talk about himself.
They are his memories, he is certain, for the parasite he saw was but a human; a man no less a part of his home than the next. A man such a far-cry in appearance from the half wolf before him now, but still recognisable after all the time they've shared.
Blinking, Hunt slowly sits up, his mind now calm enough from the fleeting visions wake. Still, it leaves an ache in his chest; the weight of a memory not his own nor for him to share with the righteous owner, both a guilty burden and a blessing.
It carried with it a piece of Parasite he feels confident enough to share after all.
"That is your name, isn't it?"
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
The parasite made no mention of it, but the sudden outburst of excitement somehow made Eli seem more human, even if the reaction was quickly hidden again, clearly an accidental slip of his mask of composure. Naib pretended he didn’t notice- even if they both knew he did, but in hsi own way it was a gesture of good will.
To offer their company to the lonely forest- a sweet thought, one that the parasite was’t terribly opposed to. Now especially that he had discovered the root on his initial unease and could start little by little coming to terms that this was not his home where Hunt would be waiting for his return. He’d only just realised that all along, he had been afraid of acknowledging that this was the case but now, there was no more running from it.
But he wasn’t alone anymore, at the very least. Naib glanced over at the seer, who walked a step or two ahead of him. At his question Eli takes a moment to think, before he begins to answer. The parasite listens silently, sharing forlorn a moment of sympathy for the loss of someone important the seer had had to endure as well- It gave him a twisted sense of closure, to know that at least someone else knew what it was like, although bitterly, he doubted they were the only two.
To have been forced to leave her side when they had been meant to share the rest of their lives with each other- Naib couldn’t think of anything to say that would properly tell the seer how deeply sorry the parasite felt for him. The mention of living in denial made Naib stop. Not long enough for the other to pick up on, but the notion of accepting the truth and not closing one’s eyes from it left him with mixed feelings. It wasn’t as though he deliberately forgot- but at the same time Naib couldn’t help but feel that in the static of his muddled memories was something he should never have been allowed to be blinded to. He shook himself out of the dark state of mind before he could spiral further, instead focusing on Eli’s recolletion of his early days at the manor.
He knew the empty void of where were only faces of strangers and no foundations to build trusting bonds on- Naib was in awe hearing that even Eli had struggled to feel part of the survivors, at first. When the parasite first met the seer, he’d instantly struck him as the kind of person who others were naturally drawn to. But nothing was as simple as it might first seem- Eli had his own battles, struggles only he had been privy to that tha parasite knew nothing of.
Naib hummed, when Eli finally admitted that in his mind the good experiences and his bonds with the other survivors were enough to leave the terrors of the manor in their shadow. It was… A hopeful observation. Naib couldn’t quite see himself minglig so easily with the others but perhaps he had simply never been so averse to socialising. Still, he gathered he could always begin by staying longer after the games, learning about the other survivors and slowly think more about how to get to know them on his own.
Eli laughed again, before catching himself and attempting to regain his composure. Almost without meaning to, Naib smiled again, a small tug at the corner of his mouth. It was refreshing to see the other break his mold a little.
”I might take time but- I’ll try,” he promised, the smile evaporating. ”And I’m sorry for your loss.” The words fell short, insufficient to express the echo of pain he’d sensed and felt he understood, to some extent at least. He didn’t know what had happened between Eli and Gerturde or what they had been like, but he didn’t doubt for a moment the beauty of a soul who had been so important to the seer. And the pain that Eli was left with now that she was gone- not of this world, but of his life.
Wanting to leave the discussion on a lighter note, the parasite caught up to the seer, making eye contact with Brooke.
”Nice to meet you again,” he murmured, throat beginnig to turn sore but not enough to dampen the genuine joy of a new bond forged, at long last starting to take root.
”I’m Naib, hope to get along with you,” he said, now looking directly at the seer. There was a hint of a smile on his lips again, humoured by the introduction re-done half in jest or something else he didn’t even know for sure for himself. But it felt- right. Like there was a silver lining to the way his life had turned out, after all. He still felt odd about the name but it was what everyone called him- and what the manor itself adressed him with, after all. He wasn’t sure if it was what he had always been called, but he’d adopt the name from this day forth and try his best to live up to it; Naib Subedar, a rescuer in the Oletus manor.
Silently, the parasite stares daggers at the woods surrounding the manor. The seer *had* indeed offered to accompany him if he decided to venture out there. Parasite hasn't seen Eli around in a while but then again, he's kept mostly to himself since they last spoke.
Ears flattening against his head in defeat, the parasite swallows his pride and sets out to find the seer. Perhaps he is up and awake this night as well. Reluctantly, he admits to himself he misses the company.
(from @ask-the-parasite)
It was, indeed, another sleepless night for Eli. He stood in the kitchen, holding a warm cup of tea as he slumped against the window frame, gazing out the window with a distant expression behind his blindfold.
The moon was glowing beautifully, surrounded by a galaxy of stars. The seer remembered reading a story which mentioned that each star was the soul of a person who died on earth, and while it was clearly a myth, it was comforting to think about how, one day, he’d join the beautiful night sky once his time comes. “What type of star do you think I’d be, Brooke? Do you think I’d glow faintly, or glow brightly?”
The owl on his shoulder hooted softly.
“Faint? I suppose you’re right.” Eli let out a sigh. “I’m just a simple seer, nothing more, nothing less. I’m sure the stars that glow brightest are important people who changed the world, for better I presume.”
Eli heard faint footsteps coming from outside of the kitchen, both him and Brooke turning their head towards the door. He stood there, questions running through his head. Who was up this late at night, aside from him?
He opened the door and slowly stepped out with little sound, making out his surroundings at first before spotting the Parasite wandering around the halls of the manor. “Naib?” He called out in surprise. What was Parasite doing here? “Er, good evening. I didn’t expect to see you here at this time of night.”
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
(How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?)
Some could argue that his clothing right now resembles a skirt enough as it is- At the end of the day he wouldn’t see the point of wearing a skirt or dress to look pretty. As far as Naib is concerned he couldn’t pull something like that off as he is now. Most dresses would be inconvenient and he’d worry about getting stuck on low hanging branches or overgrown bushes so purely from practical view point, the parasite simply prefer clothes that don’t restrict his movements or make moving around in the forest more difficult. From society’s perspective on whether it would be acceptable? In Naib’s mind he couldn’t be less accepted by society as it, so really he woulnd’t give a damn in that regard. He thinks that wearing a skirt or dress couldn’t get someone to look at him sideways if they hadn’t already done so because of his appearance in general.
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ask-the-parasite · 2 years
Parasite stares, hearing Hunt call the name a second time but still it feels odd- distant. But for anything resembling a memory of his forgotten past, the echo of nostalgia in those four letters is the closest he has ever felt to remembering. How the huntsman learned the name and what he saw will never be for his ears but for the moment Naib is too staggered to feel any sense of loss over the fragment of his past.
It is his name, on some level the parasite knows this but he has grown so disconnected from it- and yet when Hunt called out to him, he instinctively looked towards the source. The parasite is flooded with emotions, pulling him every which way but any that he tries to chase lead him to a dead end. He knows there is myriad of memories connected to that name- His entire life spun around it- but all his attempts at recollection of anything lead only to a pounding headache and the man curling in on himself to hold his head in his hands.
Naib takes a deep breath, sitting cross legged across from the huntsman but then leaning his forehead to rest on the other’s shoulder. He has seen the kind of toll the visions can take on Hunt.
”Are you alright?” He’s holding his eyes closed, trying to ward off the looming headache but he contentrates on the feeling of the huntsman’s shoulder pressing up against his head, close enough that Naib can hear his breathing.
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The parasite wakes to the restless movement somewhere nearby, sitting up to blink until his eyes focus on Hunt tossing and turning in his sleep. It doesn’t happen often enough to be a pattern, but in the time they have known each other Parasite knows it is not nightmares the huntsman is fighting. It must be another vision, of pasts lived or futures yet to be seen, he can never know. The only thing Hunt has been able to share with him is that he is not able to speak of the visions, lest terrible things happen to him or those he saw in the vision.
Carefully, he shuffles closer, touching a steadying hand on Hunt’s shoulder. The other jolts, eyes flying open. The parasite can’t read the expression on his face but when Hunt’s eyes focus on his face a feeling of unease makes it home in his chest- Before he can speak the huntsman’s name, the other whispers out uncertainly but clear as day:
The name leaves his lips before the freshly awakened huntsman can even sit, blinking slow as he takes in the parasite's worried features with utmost care. A moment passes in that silence, Hunt's lips a thin line as he deciphers the others face.
“Naib,” he tries again with no further explanation, eyes honing in on the parasite’s who, in a word, now looks entirely blindsided. 
Hunt takes a moment longer to gather himself next, swallowing thickly but gaze never wandering off the other’s. What was shown in his vision still lingers at the back of his mind; there was a community, friends and family, a place to call home. They were pieces of the parasite’s past that he could never again talk about himself.
They are his memories, he is certain, for the parasite he saw was but a human; a man no less a part of his home than the next. A man such a far-cry in appearance from the half wolf before him now, but still recognisable after all the time they've shared.
Blinking, Hunt slowly sits up, his mind now calm enough from the fleeting visions wake. Still, it leaves an ache in his chest; the weight of a memory not his own nor for him to share with the righteous owner, both a guilty burden and a blessing.
It carried with it a piece of Parasite he feels confident enough to share after all.
"That is your name, isn't it?"
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