hellsitegenetics · 3 months
Dear Hellsites Genetics,
I love all the hard work you do and I really appreciate it. I'm currently learning biology and I'm starting to get really into it. I hope that you are well all the time, and that you have all the luck and happiness in your future. You inspired me to study biology, and I'm really grateful for it. Thank you once again!
With love and respect,
An anonymous amino acid creature
String identified: a t Gtc,
a t a a a acat t. ' ct ag g a ' tatg t gt a t t. tat a a t t, a tat a a t c a a t. t t g, a ' a gat t. Ta c aga!
t a ct,
A a a ac cat
Closest match: Plasmodium sp. DRC-Itaito genome assembly, chromosome: 10 Common name: Unclassified Malaria-Causing Parasite
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(image source) Note: this image is not of the same organism, but of P. falciparum, which is of the same genus.
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 27 days
I feel that often, people really disregard bivalves (and other sessile animals absolutely) as just a little more than background objects, somewhere between a plant and a rock, when they’re fellow animals just like us. I mean I get it, a mussel siphoning in water all day is less engaging than like a songbird darting about the woods or a sheep that walks around and that you can pet. But they really aren’t at all just machines!
Last year I had the pleasure of meeting adult freshwater pearl mussels, who were being showcased to raise awareness about their endangerment and ecosystem services. They had a few mussels in these small tanks to show how quickly they can clean the water — I’m sure you’ve seen the setup, there’s one really cloudy tank and a clear tank that used to be cloudy a few hours ago, but is now clear thanks to the filtering made by the mussels! One of the tanks had a strange sight in it: two still mussels and one… flailing one. Its light leg was fully out and waving about, and its shell was sort of lodged in the corner, upside down. When my friends and I asked what the matter with the mussel was, it had apparently been unsatisfied with its place in the sand that the scientists had put it in, and while trying to figure out a nicer position it had accidentally flipped itself over! Poor guy couldn’t quite get out from the corner for a while ToT
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azulock · 17 days
what about hybrid cat!nagi in heat .... please I'm on my knees
I know precious little about cats in heat because 1) in the big cities here in Brazil almost all cats are indoor cats, 2) I'm allergic to cats so I'm not a cat person, 3) whenever I lived with cats they had already been neutered. But I tried my best nonnie, hope you like it
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cat hybrid!Nagi in heat
⊙ Are you ready for one annoying piece of shit? Cause that's what you are getting, one annoying and clingy piece of shit, he won't straight up say what's going on, but there will be signs
⊙ He wants attention, ALL THE TIME, wants physical contact all the time too. Does not care that you need to work, or that someone has to make food in this house, he wants to stay glued onto you and will let you know by groaning and whining whenever you leave him
⊙ He is usually very lazy and the type to not leave his spot on the couch for nothing, but while in heat he will be coming after you, will be getting up to find you whenever you are in the house
⊙ If you have to leave the house for some reason when you come back either there will be drama, and he will find some dramatic way to let you know he was pissed that you left, or he will just straight up pounce onto you and start rutting against you
⊙ Gets easily pissed off and territorial, sometimes for nothing, gets real hissy too, will hiss at people out of the window, hiss at the mailman at the door, hiss at his own fucking reflection cause his one brain cell isn't working during heat
⊙ If you don't close your bedroom door and lock it, he will try to get in your bed while you sleep and start rutting into you, if you do lock the door he will grunt and whine for hours until eventually falling asleep sitting in front of the door
⊙ If you don't give him the sexual release he wants from the start he will soon start asking for it. However, he doesn't really ask, he starts stalking you looking for a chance to push you against a wall when you least expect it. He's just gonna start rutting his bulge into your hips and try to pull off your clothes - if desperate enough he might just rip them (have a water spray at hand if you wanna get rid of him)
⊙ You can get him to calm down by jerking him off, but that only goes so far. Eventually that also loses its effect, and he will go back to looking for what he really wants - to be balls deep into you, fucking you violently
⊙ Again, he has only one brain cell and it doesn't work during heat, so he will just go all out if he gets a chance to fuck you, completely forgetting how massively big and strong he can be. Also forgets normal humans get tired way more easily than him, so you'll probably be tapping out while he is still trying to go more. And to top it all off he bites during sex, he bites hard enough to draw blood.
⊙ vet's advice: just get him neutered
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Parasite Whistleblower - All Women's hospital.. Most diseases are really parasites!? 🤔
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bunnis-monsters · 16 days
So I was thinking earlier during my uni class about parasite bf and how good he would treat his fat mate - he would be really kind and loving, but also have that haunting look to him, y’know? This man would make sure to hold you so tightly that he could see your rolls squish against his body. Also he loves to squeeze your fat as like a destressor - and LOVES to hold onto your rolls when he fucks you in any position! I have so many more thoughts about parasite!bf 🥹🥹
Oh wow! Thank you for sharing 👀
I’ve been asked about parasites for a while and if I write for them. I do! Just gotta get some good inspiration.
Kinda like the idea of a parasite who’s taken over the world. He’s in everything now, and you’re his queen. He can shift his appearance, sometimes looking monstrous or taking the bodies of humans.
He can infect you too, sometimes using it to pleasure your body and keep you docile, but prefers having his own body to feel and touch you with.
Idk… I don’t know a ton about parasites and what would make them hot. Feel free to just yap away in my inbox!
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great-and-small · 26 days
do you like platyhelminths? :) flatworms are some of my favorite animals, particularly planarians (<33) and tapeworms. i know they really scare some people but i adore them and think they're really underappreciated!
I love platyhelminthes! Totally underrated group of critters. Fun fact the word “Platyhelminthes” can be rearranged into “Lethal Penis Myth” (I have a thing for anagrams and was bored in marine bio once).
I love how much balls to the wall insanity is present in the phylum. They really just do whatever the hell they want and it rules. Here are my top five crazy platyhelminthes behaviors
1. The tapeworm that somehow triples the lifespan of an ant in order to facilitate its own life cycle.
2. The marine flatworms that engage in penis fencing to decide who has to carry the offspring.
3. The tapeworm with such a complex life cycle that it is capable of influencing the brains of two wildly different host species (crustacean copepods and bony fish).
4. The fluke that turns a snail’s eyes into pulsating caterpillar-like sacs for a bird to eat.
5. The tapeworms that are being studied for their immunomodulatory properties that could someday lead to treatments for everything from colitis to arthritis.
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dipperscavern · 2 months
theres these pictures of tom taylor and harry collett eating together and you can barely see but tom has his hair up in a man bun… and i think we have to discuss something crucial. Stark men with man buns. CREGAN STARK WITH A MAN BUN AND A BEARD 😭 I musn’t continue. Thoughts are being thunk.
I NEED FO SEE THESE POCTURES IMMEDIATELY. but yes… stark men with man buns is of worthy discussion….
jon’s hair gets pretty long & starts wearing it in a sort? of man bun after season five. guys to be real i loved the half up half down but i missed his hair when he let it roam free :( mourning curly head jon every day of my life. those very curls that would be falling in your face during…. during…. *i go into anaphylactic shock* *i rise again momentarily* HIS ARMS CAGING YOU IN AND HIS HEAD DROPPING DOWN TO LOOK WHERE HIS [REDACTED] MEETS YOUR [CONTENT DELETED] AND THE CURLS TICKLE YOUR CHEST AND U CANT RESIST RUNNING YOUR FINGERS THROUGH THEM AND HE GROANS- *i go stiff as a board, falling over*
AND CREGAN W A MAN BUN AND A BEARD?? DOUBLE WHAMMY. don’t ask me why my thoughts got immediately lewd but.. cregan… cregans hair getting in the way when his head is between your thighs. him… him getting frustrated and… and tying it back into a bun…. mmmmm. and u don’t even have time to process that because you immediately feel the scratch of his beard against your inner thigh as he…. AS HE…. *flatline*
honorable mention: father cregan always sporting a man bun because the babe keeps grabbing & pulling on his hair. he only likes it when you do it 🙄
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alientoastt · 8 months
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in which marius' mechanism is like an angry parasite and burrows its roots further into his body when removal is threatened.
[imade id: a digital painting of marius von raum from the mechanisms. his metal hand is clutching a bar and the arm has been ripped away from his body just below the elbow with an eruption of blood, tissue, and silver cables. the stump of his remaining arm is drenched in blood and the same silver cables snake in and out of his skin from his elbow to his neck; his whole right side is also bloodied. most of his face isn't visible, as he strains and leans away from the carnage. His eyes are shadowed. the background is nearly black with a jagged and gritty stroke of red lancing through, and the whole thing has a gritty paper effect applied over top. end id.]
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miasmat · 10 months
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✨ Happy Birthday to the old man!! ✨ 🎉🎂🎉 Scribbleless version under the cut
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kwillow · 1 month
will theo ever be happy
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Maybe in another life.
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hellsitegenetics · 7 months
alright, if I was an animal, what animal d’you think I would be. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY.
A rooster. A rat. A... a rat. A rat, a rat. You’d be a rat. Jerma, you’re a rat. you’d be a rat... I think you’d be a rat.
(Gayly) I think I’d be a wolf. I think so too... I would be a wolf-lion-hybrid-mix. King of the junjle- junjle but still social, and with it and ferocious
String identified:
agt, a a aa, at aa ’ t . A .
A t. A at. A… a at. A at, a at. ’ a at. a, ’ a at. ’ a at… t ’ a at.
(Ga) t ’ a . t t… a ---. g t - t t ca, a t t a c
Closest match: Schistosoma margrebowiei genome assembly, chromosome: 3 Common name: Blood-fluke
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reality-detective · 6 months
Worms, parasites and more… 🤔
The man's name is Wayne Rowland 👆
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t00thpasteface · 5 months
I have not much clue who the priest and hawkeye guy are but they are incredibly endearing to me and I have the strong urge to watch m*a*s*h
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iguanodont · 11 months
You know how baby birgs like to ride on others backs?
Would mothers ever have handles on their clothing to help them hold on or is their grip strong enough for it to not be a worry?
Wouldn't that damage the material if their grip or claws were so tight?
And if their grip is usually that tight then what about baby birgs who have health issues that might cause a weaker grip than average meaning they're unable to hold on properly?
Would there be tools or methods used to accommodate their needs?
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The larva is normally born during winter hibernation, though it continues to grow for a couple of months after emergence, at which point it has become pretty large and unwieldy. In the northern hemisphere the caretaker may don a sort of “saddle” that contains the larva on either side, with heavy cloth or leather straps for it to hook its claws into around the neck/chest area. The larv can also be conveniently padded in with extra bedding to keep it warm and safe, as well as soak up any waste. A simpler alternative is a blanket and cloth sling to secure the larva. In the south the larva may be placed in a basket fixed to the back (lower left sketch).
After eclosion the youngsters can usually walk just fine on their own, but if they are weak or tired there is another sort of modified saddle for them to rest on. You can see young swooce riding on one in this old drawing
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dungeonrabbits · 5 months
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i think bout this panel alot and how chilchuck was the only one not surprised overall, in fact, exasperated. did laios show him his 'super cool original monster do not steal™' before? just how much has laios told chilchuck bout his history and interests and vice verse.
laios never shows any particular surprise bout the information (besides the age thing and even then was tactful) we find out bout chilchuck later on too. and while the half-foot claims the party "keeps personal history private" there must be more going on here if laios of all people is allowed to call chilchuck 'chil', y'know?
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dipperscavern · 2 months
“jon snow robb stark and cregan stark would have period sex with you send tweet”
as a friend of mine once said, whats the point of having a sword if you dont get it bloody?
cregan could never fathom not having period sex. it’s just blood. he literally does not bat an EYE when he undresses u & sees blood (moons blood obv, not injuries chat). he doesn’t even pause, just slides into you like normal.
jon’s first time was with ygritte. you can’t convince me he cares about a little blood, his first time was dirty. he’s never been able to do much good/fix anything in his life, ever. let him fix your problem.
& robb. oh and robb. just being a northman aside, man is at war. he’s coated his steel sword with more blood than he likes to think about, he has no issue coating his other sword (LMFAO). things are always so terrible all the time, he just wants to make you both feel good.
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