Is Remillia over?
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“That she is.”
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reimu, do you like fall?
“Yeah, I like this season. It’s not too hot or cold, which I enjoy.”
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marisa can you go fast
“Heck yeah! Speed’s my game, da ze!”
Reimu in the background: “What if you get hurt though?”
“Shuddap, Reimu! Let me enjoy the spotlight!”
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marisa how to i stop mosquitos from eating me alive help
“Swat ‘em away! Or, do what Reimu does. Blast ‘em with yer colorful lazer beams.”
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so, marisa, have you stolen anything recently?
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Reimu ( reluctantly ) goes to the Fall Festival.
Reimu trudged slowly to the train station. She wasn’t in the mood to go partying, but she guessed it was the hip thing to go to this “Appleglen” and see what’s what. The shrine maiden sighed as she approached the train master. 
“I needta go to Appleglen, is there a train going there?”
“Yep! Coming in right now, eek eek!”
“...Thanks, pal.”
Reimu waited for the train to stop and she got on. ...She instantly regretted it. There were a lot of noisy animals and humans on the train, chatting away, and making so much noise that Reimu’s head hurt.
“....Yukari, please help me.”
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hey reimu? are you gonna go to the prom?
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“There’s a PROM?”
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reimu? What do you think of Yukari?
“She’s a good friend, sure, but she’s so lazy. I think she’s lazier than ME, and that’s saying something. She’s probably hibernating right now…”
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Okay, so I donated... what do I get?
Reimu tapped her chin in thought. "Okay. Well, since you did a GOOD thing for me, I may have to give back some of the donation money to you. Not all of it, but a portion."((Tfw this has been in your ask box for a long time and you just now respond to it OopS 🙃))
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Hey, Reimu!
Reimu waved. ‘Hi! How’re you doing?”
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Dear Diary, I'm in a good mood today. Everything is normal, just the way I like it. Yukari ended up hanging out with me. I'm surprised she even managed to stop sleeping. You know how she is. -Reimu
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Dear Diary,
Remillia Scarlet came over today. We talked about philosophy and things, I found the deep talk kind of boring, but to be polite, I pretended to listen and care. The maid wasn’t here, this time. Remillia said that she was off somewhere doing poetry.
I had no idea that Sakuya was into poetry. But then and again, she is the “perfect and elegant maid” for a reason. And maybe what’s why? ‘Cause she’s doing elegant things like writing poetry? You know, it’s funny, I didn’t know that Sakuya of all people writes poetry, I thought it was more of a thing that Patchouli does, but I guess I’m wrong.
Oh, and Marisa showed up. She flew around on her broomstick for a while to impress us, I guess? ...And Aya was there, taking pictures the whole time. I swear, she’d better not turn a casual chat with myself and Remillia into a gossipy rumor.
I’m really not in the mood to deal with another incident.
PS. I’m gonna shut this diary and hide it. Who knows when Yukari will decide to stop sleeping and find it and write in it? This is MY diary, it has my name on the front for goodness’ sake!
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Reimu, you know the gap youkai?
“Yep, I know Yukari! She often comes to my Shrine to talk.”
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“W-wow! Thank you so much for this donation!” Reimu was basically squealing with joy at this point. “Thanks for being so generous! Remillia comes to my Shrine all the time, but she never donates. And don’t even get me started on Marisa…”
Now… I hope that a certain someone doesn’t come here and steal the money Sven gave me. I’m allowed to complain to Yukari if Marisa tries anything, right…?
Sven: Miss Hakurei, so I've heard your shrine doesn't really get donations? That's a real shame. I do have a few bells to spare, if you want.
Remiu tapped her chin. “Mhmm, people don’t really donate to my shrine’s cause. It’s a - wait, did you say you had some bells? Oh, thank you!”
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I drew my muse, Hakurei Reimu! Ignore all the erase marks please, okay? Okay!~
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Sven: Miss Hakurei, so I've heard your shrine doesn't really get donations? That's a real shame. I do have a few bells to spare, if you want.
Remiu tapped her chin. “Mhmm, people don’t really donate to my shrine’s cause. It’s a - wait, did you say you had some bells? Oh, thank you!”
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📝 (with Sven)
Their first impression: “Shrine talks? Good enough for me.”
Their current impression: “Did your shrine have a miko like me?”
What they like the most about your muse: “You seem pretty cool, we only talked once though.”
What they dislike the most about your muse: “I dunno.”
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.): Acquaintance
A general opinion of their relationship: They could talk about shrines and stuff and be reallly good friends?
If applicable, something they wish to reveal: “I’m curious.”
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