ask-the-young-ones · 5 months
Dear Rick, was it your dress?
NO!!! you pervy!! why are you even asking, you interested??
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
Rick, have you ever considered that you might actually just stink? And don't you yell *more* than Vyvyan?
Also love how this is becoming bully Rick blog because honestly? He deserves it. Sorry ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
i do not deserve it! wait until the kids hear what you're saying about me, the people's poet! you'll have a right storm coming your way, that's for sure. anyway, i don't stink! its just that spg kept stealing my deodorant and now it has his DISGUSTING hairs on it.
and i only yell in anticipation of vyvyan's worse yelling - i yell about things like peace and love. not that you would know anything about those. hmmf
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
Rick in fairness I'm pretty sure you stink too 😭
honestly, i am BEY-OND offended that you would DARE suggest that. I smell like roses. and daisies. and no, that is not POOFY!
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
Dear Rick...Why...Why do you hate Vyvyan so much??? He's an annoying punk sure but what's up with all the hatred?
clearly you've never had to live with him! he stinks!! not as much as neil, but still. and he's always bloody yelling about something or other.
And he never leaves me alone, either. never a moment of bloody peace in this house. he is anti-peace!! he's a fascist! yeahhhhh, fascist!
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
so what DID you get for your o levels and do you remember about crop rotation in the 14th century ...?
WHAT I REMEMBER ABOUT CROP WOTATION IN THE FOURTEENTH CENTURY IS COMPWETEWY IWWELEVANT!!!! and as a matter of fact i got the best score in the whole class on ALL of my o levels. i'm just smart like that!
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
favourite cliff richard song?
now THIS is a good question!!1!!11! his old stuff is bloody righteous, the stuff of lenin and the wevolition! his new stuff is all about peace and love- wight up my alley. i like devil woman- it's got some groovy and funky guitar- nothing like that gross punk wock vyvyan listens to
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
can you rank ur housemates from most to least fascist (and why)
vyvyan. blOODY bastard!! always stealing my biro
neil. stupid hippie
mike. too cool to be a fascist but still right annoying
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
What do you actually think about Mike?
well he's bloody bwilliant isn't he! the only one in this house who gets any birds- besides me of course
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ask-the-young-ones · 6 months
hey! welcome to ask the young ones, an ask blog with 4 mods - one for each character.
if nsfw or triggering pls tw accordingly
no dms. send thru ask box
be respectful please!
no slurs/bigotry, obviously
i'm crow (@foxy--stoat, @sunscreenblowtorch, @poethippiepunkperson) and i'll be answering as rick. my pronouns are he/him and my posts will be tagged with "rick pratt", "ask the young ones", and "⚡️"
HELLO I’m seagoon, I’ll be answering as Mike the cool person I go by all pronouns but use he for this I’ll Tag my Posts with “mike the cool person” “ask the young ones” and “🕶️"
other introductions to come soon!
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