ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
I know this is a long shot, considering just how much I’m asking for, but despite working 2 jobs I don’t make nearly enough to pay what I’m being asked in rent, half of my car insurance(mother pays the other half since we’re both on the policy)a car payment and a half(my own and half of my mothers[she doesn’t make enough money to pay her half of car insurance and her full car payment]) and save up for a down payment within the foreseeable future.
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
Not sure if anyone even follows this blog but, I’ll post it, I’ll try..
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
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Everyone, relax, see? Told you so. LOL. They aren’t going to detail an entire city for the idea of Pentakill. It was a setting minor for fun and for the release of the skins. Found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/6r60l7/pentakill_mortal_reminder_official_music_video/dl37kbf/
(Thank you Ququ for sending me this LOL Love ya fam <3)
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
// Next we’ll get Arclight Morgana.
New Pentakill Member, Pentakill Kayle!
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
// If Brand doesn’t scream “BURN BURN TO THE GROUND BURN” every other second, I’m going to be very dissapointed.
PBE Preview: Battle Boss Brand, Malzahar y Ziggs
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
hello, i from vietnam, i want to ask! Did u have boyfriend or girlfriedn yet?
I already have a marvelous wonderful boyfriend, and we’ve been together for years now.  Well not exactly together -- we met via tumblr (back when I had an active League of Legends rp blog), and have remained in communication as time went on.  We live in different states, but we’re still together :)
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
" Kailooon Kailoon! " Izaya run to friend holding a box with cookies that he made with his parents, but that wasn't why Boy showed up. In his hairs was sitting a small void crow that he was rising and near his leg a cat that was living in house " Do you have time to play? Oh, hello Halvard... Can we? "
“Izaya!” Kairon’s spirit-flames leaped up in excitement.  He was taller than before, not just because of the spirit-flames on his head.  He looked up at his older brother, standing like a resolute sentinel.
“Yes, you may,” Halvard nodded, keeping an eye on the crow.
Kairon’s eyes smiled as he knelt down to look at the cat.  “Hi!  What’s your name?”
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
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ask-thechainwarden · 7 years
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Good number - good things!
You can win art with full body of your character! 2 prizes! Cell-shading and painted!
Have to follow my blog
Only reblog counts
Giveaway will end on 17th of May
GOOD LUCK! \ (*o*) /
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
//So I started playing Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate yesterday (3DS version).
// I haven’t stopped.  Send help.
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
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To celebrate being done with another quarter of finals, I decided to draw a new icon picture featuring little spook.
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
// Boosting this as well!
Another one
Well there was another Person who stole my art / oc  https://twitter.com/DumbAxeCDR It would be nice if this guy gets reported too.
Thanks for reading.
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
// I may be inactive, but this ought to be signal-boosted.
Stop using my art!
I just found out someone is using my art for an Twitter account, I would really appreciate it you guys could support me and report this person. That would be pretty nice of you! Thank you for helping me out here! https://twitter.com/WizardYordleCDR/followers
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
// Okay, back from the dead on this one, but this... isn’t Galio?
// I know it says Galio Update etc, but there’s too many differences:
He’s changed from a Hunchback of Notre Dame looking- figure to stereotypical buff jock jackass.  Which, to be fair, is very typical of Demacia, so kudos on that.  Hell, they even cast Lux as a stereotypical damsel in distress which pisses me off.
What’s with those dinky little wings?  Don’t get me wrong, size isn’t everything as our favorite scout always says, but I love huge-looking bat wings!  That was one of Galio’s defining visual features!  Now he gets dinky angel wings?  Ech.
His face.  His souless eyes.  Oriana has more potential for facial expression!
I’m always a sucker for dark blue/purple and bright/light yellow/gold.  It’s a great and visually distinct color scheme.  and we go to bland, uniform marble with gold trim.  Really?  Stereotypical good guy?  Which, again, is in line with Demacia, but your sculptor really needs to branch out more.  He looks like a poor bloke’s facsimile of Aatrox.  Speaking of which--
// Nor do his abilities look anything like his current skillset:
He’s not taunting anyone.  He’s just flying up into the air and landing with an impact.  Like Aatrox.  Only bigger.  But still not Galio.  Granted that ability needed some work & fixing, but still, an AOE taunt which then damages enemies!
And what’s with this rubbish dash?  What happened to his Righteous Gust, which damaged enemies and gave a speed boost to allies?  Offensively, you could use it to damage an enemy and create an opening for an ally (bonus points if you use Rylai’s).  Defensively, you create a getaway route for you and/or your ally.  What’s this dash, and how does it help anyone else?
The two-wing thing looks cool, don’t get me wrong, and as long as it still functions like Resolute Smite it won’t be all that bad.  But it’s not Resolute Smite.  Nor is it Righteous Gust: no trail is left behind.
Enhancing basic attacks to dash and/or deal bonus damage... Galio was never a fighter.  He provided tanky CC and long-range damage.
Also where’s Bulwark?  That was a really neat ability!  Buff the ally’s defenses, and then you heal them when they wander off into the enemy jungler take damage.
// Visually, with Gangplank, he still had the red coat, the beard, the hat, his pistol and sword.  When a radical change was made, there was a whole lore point about it, and the original became a skin.  With Taric, it was essentially upgrading him from his base model, and we still got what we wanted out of him.  With this, it could essentially be a new champion and we’d be none the wiser.
// Gameplay-wise, Gangplank definitely needed some tweaks, as did Taric.  Gangplank still had a basic attack buff for his passive, his Parrrley, his oranges, and his barrage: the powder keg was a unique mechanic used to replace a rather mediocre one.  Taric’s passive was tweaked, his healing buffed, his armor bonus ability was tweaked, his stun retained, and was given a much better ultimate.  From what they’re showing here, it’s a completely different skillset -- again, it could be on a completely new champ and we would be none the wiser.
// The previous reworks were alright (I’m still iffy on the Ryze one), but this is just too different for me...
// It’s time.
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
Little spook is taking very good care of the little baby bat.  He rocks her to sleep, gives her small grapes to nibble on, and she’s constantly clinging to his chest.
On a related note, Halvard is being very patient with Kairon taking over his favorite rocking chair.
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
Kairon woke up this morning, and instead of going to the presents under the tree he went to look out hte window at the blizzard.  “Kairon?  What is it?”  Halvard knew his little brother wasn’t ignoring him: rather, he looked like he was waiting for something.
“Kairon!”  Kairon had hopped off the window seat and was out the door in a flash.  In another second Halvard was also outside in the raging storm.  His little brother wouldn’t last long out here, what was he thinking?  He could see him just standing there in the storm, then without warning he fell over backwards.
Halvard was there in two strides and had scooped up the smaller spook, his body acting as a barrier from the wind.  Several more long strides and they were back in the house.  “Kairon, what were you thinking?”  It was only then Halvard realized his little brother was holding something.  Kairon took his arms away from his chest to reveal a little baby bat clinging for dear life and shivering violently.
Halvard sighed.  “Alright, we can keep it until it gets better.”
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ask-thechainwarden · 8 years
First, Kairon wanted to be there early.  Then, once they got there, he had to run back and returned with a big bag of bird seed.  After insisting that he put some in his hands, Halvard was left there again as Kairon ran back to get more pet food.  By the time his little brother returned, Halvard was surrounded by birds, squirrels, rabbits, young deer, and one bear cub.  And he couldn’t move or else he’d make his little brother very sad that he scared all the animals away.
How the Isles still had these animals was beyond Halvard, but he was sure Kairon was helping them to survive with his special gift.
“Izyaya!” Kairon gleefully called back, running to meet his closest relative.
Halvard only dared to move his head slightly.  He was not good with animals, and he was almost certain the only reason the animals were tolerating him was because Kairon was there.  And while he didn’t dare speak, the expression of his mask conveyed he was unhappy about the situation as well -- but he was glad to see his brother interacting with others.
It was hard to convience Izaya that going to Shadow Islands to just say ‘hi’ to his friend was hard and impossible becouse they were tend to be alive not dead. Being a mage made it… Easier for those two to met. She took Izaya just to Kairon spotting him… with a whole bunch of diffrent domesticated animals and not so happy Halvard. 
Izaya chirped running like him to friend to hug him. Ink only rolled her eyes.
“Hello Kairon, Halvard”
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