ask-ult-johndirk · 5 months
June, opinion on saltine crackers?
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EB: hmm...
EB: bit too salty for my taste.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 5 months
:33 < why does dirk have breasticles (/genq)
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TT: Tits? What tits? There's no-
TT: ...Dude.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 5 months
Either of you miss the others..? If so, who do you miss the most?
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TT: oh absolutely! this asshole will just stare wistfully off into space and sigh sometimes and it's so fucking annoying. sometimes i'll catch him reading through the epilogues and just frowning at them. i know damn well he misses his family as much as i miss mine!
EB: as for me... the most? i'd say maybe dave. or rose. or jade. maybe karkat. or vriska... or terezi... i think i miss everyone.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 5 months
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TT: Of course I am. I'm always here, and John has no respect for the oxford comma.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 5 months
How many times has June killed at this point
Also can she do it again
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EB: oh, you know.
TT: An uncomfortable amount.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 5 months
ok wait, how does like. work, for you two? can you just kinda die and come back whenever or is it still limited to not being heroic/just?
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TT: I’d say it’s complicated, but it’s really not. I suppose wherever we are exists at a point so far divergent from canon that death has no meaning here. The Heroic and Just system is still one that is in place, but it has no weight. It’s truth without relevance, or essentiality.
TT: We may brush with death, but it has no real claim over us.
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EB: we can die, it just doesn’t stick.
TT: Did you have to put it so bluntly?
EB: did you have to wax lyrical about me smashing your skull in like 50 times?
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
TT: Is this one of those universes where I am a robot who cheats on her wife?
TT: (these powers are such a burden at times)
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TT: Actually, you don't even technically exist in this "universe" anymore as it's just John and I here.
TT: I'm not sure if no one else exists, or if it's me and him who are no longer of relevance.
TT: Sorry 'bout whatever universe you're seeing, though.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
jegbert, since there is no singular, defined "june" hairstyle in canon at the moment, are you able to switch between more than the two you have already shown?
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EB: yeah!
EB: i can do what ever i want. i could even change the color if i really wanted!
EB: the short is just easier.
EB: i am a fan of vriska's though.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
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Now put these on
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TT: I actually fucking hate this.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
what do you think of each other
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TT: I have a lot of thoughts on John. I don’t think he’s necessary to the narrative, or even at all. Anyone could fill his role. Really, you could have given fucking Gamzee the retcon powers and nothing would have changed. He’s a bland character with nothing going for him, which makes him a perfect vessel. He has no goal in life, nothing to accomplish. He makes no development at all over the story, and loses nothing.
TT: I think John Egbert serves no purpose in Homestuck other than to push the story along when our dear “author” wrote himself into a corner that he didn’t know how to get out of.
TT: He’s bland, he’s useless, and he’s quite honestly the last person I wanted to be stuck here with.
TT: Fuck, I’d settle for one of the trolls.
TT: Any of them would be less annoying.
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EB: i think he’s a nerd that talks too much.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
Egbert, don't tell Dirk I said this, but. Gender envy, to be completely honest.
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EB: now you have to collect all the other gender sins.
EB: gender lust, gender gluttony, gender pride, gender sloth, gender wrath, and gender greed.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
can i sit with dirk? i think thatd be nice
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
hey dirk what do you think of the fic i wrote where you trans your gender and enter a gay as hell polyamorous relationship with jake equius and gamzee (theyre all also trans). also hussie is there. just. just kinda in the background
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TT: Where... what?
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
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EB: me and him for real.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
Your nails look totes gorgeous!!
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TT: Why thank you.
TT: It seems that not all of you are complete assholes, as I had intentionally assumed based on my retrospectively small sample size.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
are u switching between genders like jegbert? looks like fun to just be able to switch between whatever u feel like
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TT: No, I'm not switching like him.
TT: "Doll" does not have enough of a weight in canon for me to do so.
TT: Both John and June have a prevalence and truth to them.
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ask-ult-johndirk · 6 months
hey dirk
homosexual gay gay homosexual gay gay
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TT: ...yeah?
TT: I mean, not quite how I would phrase it, but your assessment is correct.
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