Frisk and O, what are your favourite foods?
* Bananas!Chocolate. Duh.
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Same, tbh lel * CHARA! Don't force it out of them Meh
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O, O, O, it's magic!No it's not, she found me in my timeline. Aww, you're no fun :/
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**Chara, Frisk, and O hold up a single sign that points to each of them and says that Chara is female, Frisk is Non-binary, and O is also Non-binary*** ((I know this is meant for artists but I felt the need to do this even though I run a text-only blog (also I am being more active on my main blog due to my ask box being empty, so go check out @jason-of-iearth and hopefully I can work out some way to make this blog active as well ;) ) ))
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This is the Undertale Gender Appreciation post!
This is just a fun little game for all of you Artists, Ask Blogs, and Roleplayers to participate in!
This game is simple and open for all to join in. Draw a picture of your Undertale muse holding a sign that expresses they’re gender pronoun preferences. The goal of this game is to explore the diversity of this fandom and everyone’s individual interpretations of characters. We share our interpretations and appreciate each others’ differences and enjoy everyone’s work for what they represent.
Anyone is welcome to add a photo to this post! Whether you’re a canon character or an AU character or even an original character, you are free to join in and add your muse to this post!
Let’s show some love for everyone’s views and spread this post far and wide!
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Headcanon: Sans is an undead timelord. Yes or no?
Yes! Omg! That would be amazing!Uh... What?Doctor Who.Oh. OH. Ok yeah but who is his companion?Papyrus!OH
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Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
I can't really do handstands so....... hands for feetFeet for hands so I can kick people more effectively * Uh.. neither?
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What do you guys think of reading?
I think it's gr88/8 * I like to read sometimes...
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What kind of pranks do you do with your magic, Chara?
Think of what sans would do then turn it up to 11... now double it. There you go.
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((Chara is kind of an OC, considering her soul is a different color and she has a different backstory to most Charas...))
Hey guys do me a favor? 
Reblog this if you’re an undertale rp blog and wouldn’t mind interacting with FEMALE OC characters.
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Chara, do you ever use your magic for pranks or daily stuff?
I use magic for all kinds of things, every day stuff, pranks across time and space...
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Do you guys like to play in the rain?
Yes No...Yeah, kinda...
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What is your biggest fear? (for the three of you.)
Death, again...The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.* I'm actually with O on that one...
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((EXTREMELY OOC but I must try :P))
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Money spell! Reblog to charge it with your intent; the more people see it, the more powerful it becomes. Magic should be fun!
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I’m doing good, what happened yesterday?
I’m good
* I’m amazing!
**Chara and O both look at Frisk, O looks back at fell frisk, and Chara smiles and does the same**
* two charas?! i can barely handle one...
Me and Frisk can barely handle O ourselves. They have been teasing us, saying stuff like “So, have you two gotten FRISKy yet?” and so… yeah…
I am here you know.
I know, I wasn’t saying anything I didn’t want you to hear.
Oh cheer up it’s not that bad! :D
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Hello! Yo * Hey, another Frisk! How are you?
* two charas?! i can barely handle one...
Me and Frisk can barely handle O ourselves. They have been teasing us, saying stuff like “So, have you two gotten FRISKy yet?” and so… yeah…
I am here you know.
I know, I wasn’t saying anything I didn’t want you to hear.
Oh cheer up it’s not that bad! :D
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Frisk! Chara! Tell us what you like about each other!
They’re smart and funny
* She’s funny (Even her puns), and she’s really kind
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