ask-wbp-quincey · 6 months
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Square Quinn isn't real, Square Quinn can't hurt you...
Square Quinn:
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ask-wbp-quincey · 6 months
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Some concept art for the comic. Quinn’s mother here is the one she had before she was isekaied.
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When Quinn first woke up, she had long hair and didn’t have her long coat yet. Soon after this she cut her hair short with a broken bottle, Quinn finds long hair annoying and can’t be bothered with it.
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ask-wbp-quincey · 6 months
Part 3: Pineapple
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ask-wbp-quincey · 7 months
Part 2: Garp the Pissed
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ask-wbp-quincey · 10 months
Part 1: No Swords Quinn!
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ask-wbp-quincey · 2 years
Hello hello!
You can call me Fey or Madd! I am a Fae and will want you to give you a yellow rose.. because i want to start a friendship with you/p
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ask-wbp-quincey · 2 years
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Story is set when Oden first joins the Whitebeard pirates)
Name: Quincey
Nicknames/ title: Quince, Quinn, Carp (Whitebeard), Charging Ram Quincey (Epithet)
Race: Half Fishman Half Human?
Age: 13-14
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5.7 ft
Orientation: Aro-Ace
Devil fruit: Ushi-Ushi no mi: Model Qilin
Weapons: Falchion Sword, horns/antlers, tail, teeth and claws.
Personality traits: Sarcastic, stupid lovable idiot, jokester/prankster, blunt, cheerful, no self-awareness, what's personal safety? Will tell you how it is, punch go brrr, depressingly lacking in self-worth, annoying.
Quinn was reborn in One Piece about a month ago, in that time she has done several dumb things:
Such as accidently eating a devil fruit, losing the ability to swim, a very stupid thing to do as a Fishman... she can breathe under water still, but she will sink like a rock and won't be able to move or do anything other than sit at the bottom of the sea floor.
Antagonised a Prime Garp, which ended badly for her, being caught and thrown into a cell on his ship.
Decided to escape onto Whitebeard's ship as some kind of entertainment, finding great pleasure in annoying the whole crew. However she just gets stuck on the ship, unable to leave...
She gets on well with 15 year old Marco and Nekomamushi, Vista is tired of her shit, Oden finds her amusing and at the same time annoying, Toki is like her helpful big sister, Jozu and Inuarashi find her weird.
She has no clue what she is, but her guess is a Fishman. Don't even try to ask her what type of Fishman she is, Quinn will say: "a scaley fish"
She likes to wear 'cool' stuff, the trench coat in particular is one of her favourites, Quinn will often stand in the wind and let it blow behind her... makes her feel like a badass.
Quinn found a Falchion sword, which at the time she thought was awesome, swords are really cool, especially in One piece... but now greatly regrets taking it with her, all the Swordsmen on the Moby Dick have decided to try and teach her how to use it. Spoiler: She has no talent.
Her poor swordmenship skills make everyone cringe, she will swing her sword around like a baseball bat, she will hit people with the flat side of the blade and will even throw it at people sometimes.
When Quinn fights its lacking in the safety department, she just wants to have fun, throwing herself into dangerous situations without fear. Because of this, Quincey is unfazed by guns or swords and will dive on an opponent without a care.
The girl figures out pretty quickly that she's stronger than a regular human and her head is hard, like rock hard, Quinn will charge into enemies, headbutting is her favourite technique. Her tail makes a good blunt object to hit people with and she has no problem biting or punching her way out of situations... whether that actually works or not is dependent on who she's fighting.
She is often asked why she has horns, Quincey of course has no clue. In our world she obviously just a human, while in One piece Quinn's appearance is very similar to that of her real world self , only she has the added bonus of the fish features and the blue hair.
She can't talk about the future to anyone, well with the exception of Toki that is... As for the rest, when she speaks about the events in the manga, they will hear something cryptic or creepy, almost like a riddle or rhyme. Something that isn't very understandable. When she learns about this little ability, Quince finds it all very fun and enjoys messing with the crew. Her favourite target is Whitebeard about his hair loss in the future.
Despite her rashness, jokes and brave foolish behaviour, it is hardly for the right reasons. She does these things, simply because she doesn't care whether she lives or dies. This lack of fear stems from literally not giving a damn. "What's the point of trying to survive in a world like this, its not like it matters. If I die, I die. I'm gonna do whatever I want, might as well have fun while I'm alive."
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Old reference sheet.
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