What do you guys do for fun?
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Of course, they all enjoy sailing and fishing. 
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What happened to your mother? Or how/when did she disappear?
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Sweden: Norway thinks it’s a test for us to show our independence. I hope he’s right. 
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Holy crap guys!
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Thank you so much for the support and for sticking through the silent patches! I’m glad you guys are enjoying my interpretations! 
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u guys are so cool omg! what places have you guys been to, so far??
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Some very messy sketches of the neighbors (minus Fin since he’s already been seen) that the trio is familiar with and their approximate physical ages. Of course all of Britannia’s children all resemble each other, especially in one respect. 
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Hi! Most hated people/countries and why you hate them?
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Denmark: I don’t hate him, but France is annoying and I’m pretty sure he hates us. 
Sweden: Mm. 
**Historical Note: This blog takes place around the early 900s, right before Norway, Denmark, and Sweden meet Iceland and find out what happened to their mother. These are the territories the Vikings were either interacting with or had established settlements in at the time. The only reason I didn’t include Russia, Ukraine, or Belarus was that the Vikings were just starting to truly settle those areas around this time whereas in Ireland and Estonia settlements had already become pretty well established and were starting to flourish, hence the comment about Ireland warming up to them a bit. 
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thoughts on fat angery frogs
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Denmark: France is a little bitch baby. 
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fin seems scary! are you planning to befriend him, or fight him?
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den do you want to marry nor one day?
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**Note from Mun: Apologies to any DenNor, DenSu, etc. shippers- in my view all the Nordics are brothers except for Finland. 
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Have you guys met Finland and Iceland yet? :0
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There’s a reason that Sweden is having a bit of difficulty in his conquests. Namely, the pangs of first love. 
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Coming Back from hiatus
I’m so sorry for disappearing! Senior year has been crazy and my art style has been going through a bit of a journey lately! I’ll be getting to the asks in my inbox as soon as possible and changing to a more sketchy style to answer them faster. Again, deepest apologies!
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which one of you is the leader
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Does Norway know magic? Who's teaching him?
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**Historical Note: Though it was widely accepted as a feminine practice, men who practiced seiðr, or magic, were considered “ergi”, which is literally translated as unmanly. Even Odin was insulted by Loki in the Lokasenna for practicing seiðr. Although mothers who practiced seiðr often taught it to their sons, and there were several male seiðrs in the sagas, it was not something men usually practiced out in the open. 
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How tall are you guys?
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Who has the best hair?
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He has been caught in the middle of this argument far too many times. 
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sve, how is your eyesight?
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Sweden: “Well, Mor always did say you don’t need to be literate to swing a sword.” 
**Note from Mun: Due to a lack of eyesight treatments during the Middle Ages, Norway and Denmark usually read Sweden’s asks to him. 
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Do you guys have a boat? What's it's name?
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Sweden: “I named her Valkyrie’s Cry, I thought Mor would’ve liked it...” 
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