artedadventures · 6 years
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Just gonna leave this here. 😉
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artedadventures · 6 years
Hi educhums!
I’ve been pretty MIA from tumblr the last year. Since last June, I quit my K-6 teaching job, moved back to Philly and taught sculpture to adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities at a non-profit that aims to teach this population how to make money from making art (culinary and music, not just visual). I have actually just left that position as of Friday, and will start working at a K-8 school in Philly soon! 
I’m so excited to be in a classroom again! I really needed a break from being in a school, but I missed working with kids a lot! I taught middle schoolers at a week-long art camp this summer, so I’m looking forward to working with that age group this year and being back with my educhums here!!
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artedadventures · 7 years
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We need to stop seeing autism as some sort of one-dimensional sliding scale. Autism is not a thermometer. It’s not a rating that is “more” or “less”. High-functioning and Low-functioning do not exist in the real world.
Autism is a collection of symptoms and behaviours. Like a sundae bar. You choose your toppings that fit you.
Are you a bipolar extravert that loves socialising, is good at math and bad at remembering time? That’s ONE way to be autistic!
Are you a socially anxious autistic who has meltdowns when your clothes don’t feel right but a genius knowledge of music theory and is great at scheduling? That’s another way to be autistic!
Notice how both of those examples has strengths and weaknesses? Is one more “employable” or “high-functioning” than the other?
There is no one-size-fits-all category or rating for autism.
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artedadventures · 7 years
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I always see those “adult award stickers” and think that there should be an art teacher version. I had the same thought today and realized that I was an art teacher on summer break and could totally make them.
Sorry for crossing out a word, but I don’t want it flagged as inappropriate on whatever social media I put it on. You know what is is though. 😏 If you have any interest in me making these as actual stickers, let me know!!
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artedadventures · 7 years
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They should hand these out with the staff shirt and planner! #TEACHERLIFE
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artedadventures · 7 years
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DANCING GUY!! by Talbot (4yrs old)
I ran some animation workshops with kids at the State Library earlier this month. When I showed the results to my kids, Talbot wanted to have a go.
Am I just an over proud parent or is this THE MOST AMAZING THING YOU’VE EVER SEEN?!!
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artedadventures · 7 years
Love this so much! If I weren’t about to move, I’d sign up!
#Educhums First Year Teacher Gift Exchange
The purpose of this gift exchange is to provide first-year teachers with gifts of tangible support, along with the regular encouragement that Tumblr provides. The rules are simple: if you want to receive a care package, just be a someone who is starting their first year in their own classroom this fall. To be a giver, be committed to sending one (you may send more) package of first year supplies/goodies to help a newbie prepare for the year ahead. You don’t have to be a teacher or work in education to sign up as a giver, allies are accepted too; message @hipsterenglishteacher and we will discuss. This is a one-time gift exchange. 
To register to be a Gift GIVER, click here.
To register to be a Gift RECEIVER, click here. The deadline to sign up is midnight central time, July 20, 2017.  
Gift Receiver registration will close on July 20, 2017, but Gift Giver registration will remain open until everyone is matched.  
Giver Guidelines:
Preliminary assignments will go out July 24, and gifts should be mailed off by August 2, so everyone can receive their packages before school starts.  If you can’t get something mailed off before then, an Amazon gift card or a gift certificate to a local supply store would be sufficient. Once you ship, create a post using the tag #fytge2k17 letting us know your care package has shipped.  You may buy school supplies or personal gifts for the teacher. A general rule would be to spend about $20-30 before shipping.
Receiver Guidelines:
When you receive your care package, post a photo using the #fytge2k17 tag. Maybe even send a thank you note to your giver(s).
If you have any questions, message me here or email me at the email in my blog header.
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artedadventures · 7 years
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artedadventures · 7 years
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How I did my inking stations for printmaking this year. It occurred to me that laminating the paper saves me a lot of work so the colored papers are laminated with velcro on them. I velcroed the inking plates so they are easily removable and can be put back in place without taping (what I usually do).
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artedadventures · 7 years
fourth grader: Ms Lee, when you move to California, will you take my hand and marry it there?
me: ...just your hand?
fourth grader: yeah
me: uhhh...
fourth grader: and make sure there's a cool memorial.
me: what...?
fourth grader: well it has to be buried in a nice place for all its hard work! I'll just chop it off and put it in your suitcase.
me: ohhh you said bury, not marry...WAIT...that's still weird...
(I have no plans to move to California, idk.)
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artedadventures · 7 years
When I was young and Pokemon Go was popular...
how one of my fourth graders started a sentence unsarcastically. 
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artedadventures · 7 years
a tiny first grade boy 😍
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artedadventures · 7 years
me: *minding my own business*
third grader: hey, do you ever think that all of this is just my mom's dream?
me: uhhh...whaaa...uh...n-maybe?...Is that what you think??
third grader: no! BUT what if I'm just her imaginary son in her dream and she's just dreaming all of us?!
me: oh. Well...no, I guess I never thought that.
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artedadventures · 7 years
Third grader: Me and [redacted] are making a comic!
Me: Oh, what is it about?
Third grader: Well, it's about a dog and this boy who get blended! Tragically, they both die, but they get mixed together in a genetic experiment! So the parents lose their dog and child, but now they have a mutant freak dog-boy named Lucky and that’s even better!
Me: Oh, wow!
Third grader: Yeah and he can skateboard and play video games!
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artedadventures · 7 years
Googling "how to get mud out of clothes" and the results are all "isn't it annoying when your toddler decides to mud wrestle at daycare?!" and I'm like, where are the self-help articles about grown women having to remove dirt from clothes because they crawled under a jungle gym multiple times just after it rained to help some eleven year olds shoot a music video, hmm?!
My life. 😂
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artedadventures · 7 years
Today was "dress like a community helper" day for spirit week and this kindergartner whispers to me, "I might not look like I'm dressed like someone, but I'm supposed to be an art teacher!" 😍
and then there was this:
kinder 2: DON'T SAY 'BOOTY' IT'S INAPPROPRIATE! You should say 'butt' instead! You can't say 'booty'!!! Don't say 'booty'!
kinder 3: you know you just said 'booty' three times!
me: -_- is it summer yet?
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artedadventures · 7 years
I just posted two, but I also queued a bunch of kid quotes from the past month or so. I haven’t been on tumblr much lately and have posted them on facebook instead, but I like them all in one place. :D
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