ask0052 · 8 years
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they just woke up but i bet it’s like 2 pm
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ask0052 · 8 years
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-52: Hmm... I don’t think I have anything like that on me. :\
-52: But it sounds like you do this a lot! Are you.. a trader? Is this what you do?
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Skelecute: Anything, really!
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Skelecute: Though I particularly do love magical artefact, shiny things, and human memorabilia.
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ask0052 · 8 years
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52: Please... don’t be so loud. We don’t... feel so good right now..
-52: We went out to.. celebrate our birthday last night. We might have... over done it.
52: ,,can I die now,,, there’s glitter everywhere.. 
-52: .. where.. I.. I lost an arm.... I don’t.. remember where... I..
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ask0052 · 8 years
ya’ll should. send me fp numbers or just characters to sketch out when im tryin to loosen up before trying to draw. just leave em in the ask for this blog and i’ll post any if/when I do ‘em!
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ask0052 · 8 years
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((new sidebar image!))
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ask0052 · 8 years
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52 nodded and followed A into the house. A seemed.. happier. At least, happier than when he first saw him again. It relaxed 52.
“Th-thanks for actually,, getting that. Sorry if it was a bother to have to go to the store for it..” 
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Lemon balm. Tea for stress. Right. They hoped that this relaxed feeling would stick around for when they asked A f-.. for help. Breaking the magic anon. 
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52 seemed happy! That was good. It made A happy to see him happy.
“I… yea! I don’t… usually but with you coming over I thought I’d…” Look a little more human? Be a little more human? He used to want to be human, didn’t he? It was a dumb, naive dream but… being around 52 made him think about it again.
 “…Um! Well! Come… come in, I’ll get that tea started. I did actually go and get the lemon balm you asked for so… so. I will. Make that! Right now.” 
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ask0052 · 8 years
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((better than A’s name in 52′s phone at least))
wAIT A SECOND A DID YOU PUT 0052'S NAME IN WITH A HEART ON YOUR PHONE EYES OR DO MY OWN EYES DECEIVE ME? (also sorry I needed to use your bathroom so i just let meself in dont mind me have fun on ur date)
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A: No! It’s not, that’s. Just. How all of the bulletin points look. It’s a font. You’re looking too far into it? And get out of my house?!
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ask0052 · 8 years
So, Perse, since your brother seems to have someone he kinda likes, is there anyone special in your life too?
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-52: [SIGHS!] No, the most romantically thing I’m involved with right now is this avocado smoothie. It’s so good.. so much better than my last relationship... 
-52: But I don’t know, I’m still young. Now that I’m in the city, maybe I’ll meet someone here! 
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ask0052 · 8 years
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52 arrived at A’s door and stood nervously in front of it, his fist raised and ready to knock but. Not. Doing that. Why was he so nervous? Probably because he came around to ask for a kiss. Just for breaking a spell, of course. 
He took a deep breath and just slammed his fist into the door with reckless abandon. 
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The door opened and his anxiety kind of just disappeared. A was-- wearing clothes! And he looked more human than usual. 52′s mouth curved up automatically into a small smile.
“H-Hi, A! You.. look really nice! I mean-- it’s nice to see you again. Um... and you-- also look really.,, nice,.. I didn’t know your chassis could all connect like that!”
It didn’t take long to get to the store and find what 52 had requested. A had plenty of time to return home and.. think about what to wear. B had been pestering him to try attaching his limbs every now and then, and he’d… honestly not considered it. He didn’t have any reason to. 
But with 52 coming over… he wanted to look a little more… human.
Luckily B was out. A detached his chassis and attached his limbs, borrowing a few articles of clothing from B’s closet.
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Okay. Now he was ready.
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ask0052 · 8 years
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52 looks down, pretty happy to hear that A missed them too. So, it wasn’t.. just them. Finally he leaves his coat in his lap and picks up the tea.
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“I-I wasn’t stressed! So much as worried. But I.. got that you. Had things you needed to do. I left the city as well so. It was fine. I did think about you a lot though.”
52 froze. That last sentence-- did it seem too weird to admit that? 
“uH, I mean. You were. One of my only friends before! And. One of the closest so-- so of course-- you crossed my mind. I-- wondered how you were doing-- not like, constantly but I mean.. a normal amount?” 52′s voice and hand starting shaking and he decided the best course of action at this point would be to thrust the tea he was holding into his face so maybe he would stop talking.
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“Y…yes. It has been quite some time,” A admitted, drying the kettle and placing it back into the cupboard. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t keep better contact with you. I hope I didn’t cause you any undue stress… if it helps, I did miss you,” he continues, busying himself with cleaning the stove top. 
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ask0052 · 8 years
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A’s response came quickly and 52 was almost too nervous to read it.
Oh okay! 52 started typing out, I’ll.. get there in around 15 minutes? And I don’t want to impose!! But,, if there’s lemon balm I’d like that.
Lemon balm was good for stress. And 52 was feeling a lot of that. Especially due to the.. nature of this visit. 
They shake off the nerves and walk out the door. 
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Oh. He was receiving a… text message. That was new.
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It was from 52! Asking if he was busy?
No, he replied, I’m not busy today. I don’t usually have assignments anyway. If you want to come over and see me that would be fine! I’ll fly to the store and get some tea. Any requests?
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ask0052 · 8 years
Hey wait a minute, haven't you mentioned having a brother before? Where's he?
52 reads the question and roots around in his room. He pulls a big album out of a chest, taking it back to his computer. 
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Queen hops into his lap but he pats her side to let her know that maybe not. This time.
“I’m positive that I never spoke about having a brother before but. Considering the power of Anon Magic, I’m sure you guys got it out of me somehow. Without my knowledge.”
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He opens up the album. “And I feel like if I decided not to answer this, you’d just, I don’t know, somehow reach into my brain and find out anyway.” 
52 flips to a page and takes a moment to just look at the photo before speaking.
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“Right.. I.. I uh, had 4 siblings. I have just one now, after the accident. You know her– Persephone, my twin. I.. would say I had two brothers, but I guess I never really did. So, I had one younger brother, Connor. And then.. besides Perse, two sisters. It went, from oldest to youngest, me and Perse, Eleanor, Connor and then Taylor.”
52′s voice sounded strangled when he started naming the faces in the photo. He fell silent afterwards.
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There was a reason he didn’t take out this book often. Maybe it would have been better to just let the anons reach back into his mind or something.
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ask0052 · 8 years
hey 52, you should tooooottally get a kiss from A! you know, so you can wear colors again. :3c
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52: I-- wh-- Th--,,,
52: .. ..   . . . . ... .. .
52: Th-That’s a,, good idea!! B-Because,, because you know,, H-He’s one of the..,, the few friends I have here and. And that’s. Something you can,, ask for your friend for, right?? A ki--..,, k-.,, help?? Help breaking some sort of magic spell?
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52: I’ll um,, I should,, message him and see if. If he’s.. not busy.
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ask0052 · 8 years
hey 52, hows it going with the 2 squatters at ur house?
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52: To be honest. It’s not terrible. The Doctor is almost always working at his new “lab” and Perse is.. 
52: ..I did miss her so. It’s kind of nice to see her around again. 
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ask0052 · 8 years
a do you like kissing y/n
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A: Well. I… that… is to say… it’s– not something I’ve… really done. I mean. I… was kissed once, a few years ago but. I don’t… it’s not… I haven’t since then so I don’t–really know. But I– I think. That. It is something I wouldn’t… mind doing again…
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ask0052 · 8 years
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101 dalmatians style sweettea mishap.
this was really fun to do, and i feel a lot better now that it’s done! glad I didn’t give up part way like I wanted to!
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ask0052 · 8 years
so is there something going on between you and the doctor, perse? -wink-
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-52: He’s like.. a gross uncle to me okay. Ugh.,,, Oh god...
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